Monday, August 02, 2010

The most beautiful "botak" ever...

Here is the result of my good friend xtina's unwavering courage to sacrifice her hair for charity.


She's a great example of one who possesses inner and outer beauty.

Her beauty shines through so much that a modelling talent scout actually approached her with a namecard post shaving! I had to tease her that even talent scouts don't approach her at all when she got hair. Wahahaha... mean mean me.

Pre-shaving with falsies and all... Those really accentuated her eyes! That was a real smart move. She explained that now that she doesn't have hair, she gotta bring out other features.


The process


And if you watch the video on facebook, you could hear the muffled voice of the emcee interviewing her and egging us to chop our locks too. Thereafter, you could hear delirious cheering when she emerged from her seat. She had the most and wildest supporters ever.

The pri school gang and the bimbos


Her fiance is so sweet lor. He's currently overseas and to support her, he went to the barber to shave his head too. After learning why he wanted to do it, the barber was so touched that he shaved his head for free.

Words from xtina...

Dear friends,

Just to pre-empt you so you won’t too shock when you see me on Monday or anytime next week and the next few months. Meei Ting and I are shaving bald in support of children with cancer this Sunday at Vivocity Central Court. Hair for Hope is an annual event organised by Children’s Cancer Foundation (fondly known as CCF) to invite members of the public to shave their heads in support of children with cancer.

You may be curious about my motivations for doing this. Here is my journey:

I feel that what I am doing is very little and very minimal. I am just doing what I can to help. As I have shared on my profile, my close friend's god daughter has cancer and this blog (check it out and click on some ads pls!) shares the daily struggles and ups and downs of the loved ones. It is really not easy to take care of a cancer patient. On top of that, parents have to worry about the cost of the treatment. My friend's god-daughter is lucky that she has a blog to raise funds and awareness for her situation. But there are many kids out there who are not as lucky. Thankfully there is CCF to help them, so I really support the CCF.

Of cos when I first started thinking of shaving for CCF a few years ago, my motivations were different. I just wanted to know how I look like bald and to be able to help others at the same time is a plus. But I never got the guts to do it. I had plenty of excuses for myself then. I would tell myself that I need to get a boyfriend first before losing all my hair. Maybe because my motivations were not very right (and I am rather vain), it wasn’t strong enough to bring me to make the decision to sign up and shave.

However, after learning from my close friend about how worried she is about her god-daughter, all the hospitals ins and outs, and the worries about the cost of treatment. I feel overwhelmed by how much the loved ones had to go thru as well. So the funds would really help to take one load off their minds.

Looking at myself, I am not rich person, so I am not able to give alot of $$ to make a difference; in addition, due to my travelling schedule for work, I am unable to commit time to volunteer as well. So, really, shaving is the simplest act I can do to help and hope to be able to bring funds in. Although I may not be bringing in alot of money, the funds that I have garnered is already way more than the amount I can afford to donate on my own. So I am thankful that my simple act is able to help in some way.

CCF needs to raise S$3,000,000 annually in order to deliver critical services to children with cancer and their families.

I want to do my part and invite YOU to pledge a donation to support our shavings. Online portal for donations will be open till 31 August 2010.

Here are links to our pages:
Meei Ting’s page
Christina’s page

Click on ‘Donate to this shavee’. You can send us a note of encouragement and/or donate generously! Help to spread the word too. If the link does not work, please copy and paste the address onto your internet browser or search engine.

Note that the money you pledge will be going to CCF even though you may be clicking on donate to this shavee. The money would not be coming to us!

On behalf of all children and families impacted by childhood cancer, I want to say in advance, a BIG thank you! Do take 15 secs to check out this video that won the first prize in Cannes. It is truly worth the time to watch the short film!



  1. i know this is totally out of point..just like what i said during Hair for come my hair looks so good in the photos?

    so should i bond bond bond?


  2. dutch killer,

    Haha u veli de random lor. Sms la!

  3. I'm in awe. You're friend is so brave and admirable. This is such a touching post.

    The smallest things can make the greatest difference,

    Sorry if this is a short comment Jo, I'm just so in awe that I don't know what to say but smile.

    <3s Serena.

  4. Serena,

    Short but nevertheless sweet. =D

  5. what an awesomee thing to do. :) shaving your head takes such courage!! i cut off locks of my hair for cancer patients but i don't konw about shaving. your sister IS gorgeous with and w/o hair and no wonder scouts talk to her anyway. haha!

  6. Amy,

    You cut off locks of your hair for cancer patients too? That's sweet of you as well. And yes, the saving thing is happening in a few countries if I'm not wrong.

    xtina's my good friend, not my blood sister but we call ourselves and a bunch of other good frenz "the bimbo sisters". =)


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