Thursday, July 22, 2010

Unfolding April's folder




After shopping for the entire day with 3 other shopping queens, we needed fuel to recharge. We found ourselves spaced out at TCC and having our dinner in slow mo -- reg still nursing her illness, sushi from being spaced out the whole day, karen and I from the lack of sleep the previous night.


I always wound up ordering the same stuff that I've quite forgotten if the Seafood Aglio Olio or the Mentaiko Spaghetti with Salmon Tataki was mine. All I remember was sushi's Strawberry Romantasia looked really delectable!


I want to ride my bicycle...

Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein

How true! That is why you're a genius, Einstein!

Bearing in mind to maintain a work life balance and also to work towards one of my goals of adopting a healthy lifestyle, evan and I decided to meet up for cycling at ECP and healthy Subway lunch thereafter.


Many a times, we are so focused on making a dash ahead and trying to keep a balance that we often forget to take a break; to soak in the beauty around us.

Take a walk around, see what there is to see. Stop, look, listen and smell that lovely little flower.






Could never resist doing those jump shots. I can't do them well at all.


Ready... action!


Hope the gif is showing!

The attack of the red moustache gals


There is a name for this type of blue. That, we learnt from a quartet of effeminate men/ boys who cycled past us while snapping this.


The weather was lovely! Bad for tanning but great for sports. I hate uneven tan lines! For almost the whole part of the day, the sun barely peeked from behind the clouds. However when I got home to shower and prepared for BIL's birthday dinner, I was pissed to see sleeves, watch and bracelet tan.


Typing this post reminds me of our next cycling trip which never materialise due to our busy schedules. How I miss that gal! Both of us have been so busy with work that our offdays are packed with many nonwork stuff.

I miss that gal but I doubt she misses me coz I always make her do stupid things



From Compass Point to Far East to Wild Honey

I squeezed meeting cyn and the kids, complimentary hair treatment and dinner with reg and karen all in a day. I thought I could squeeze in facial too but I was too ambitious and had to cancel it in the end coz I had such a lovely time with the kids.


Haha... Jase looked so unwilling up there but I swear it's just the way he smiled. He once looked at his photos and whined to mommy that he did not know how to smile. Charmaine the poser queen was a natural!

This was what happened when my camera landed in the kids' hands.


We were very happy that day coz Charmaine's scan results showed that her sacrum was clear. During that few days, Cyn mommy was not gonna be bothered about everything else till the next chemo and enjoyed a normal family life.


Charmaine hadn't been going out for a long time and a simple trip like bringing kor kor to cut hair was a treat for her.



We played hide-and-seek with cyn mommy and char sniggered away cheekily when we peeked out and saw that mommy had missed us.


My outfit for the day which cyn exlaimed looked very Korean.


After that, I zipped off to Far East for a complimentary hair treatment at Highest salon before meeting reg and karen for dinner at Wild Honey.

Tucked away in Mandarin Gallery, Wild Honey is a little restaurant that serves all day breakfast. Ooh... how I love breakfast foods!



It was fortunate that reg was familar with the ordering system since she had been there a few times. I would have been lost.

Their menu came in the form of two large chalkboards instead of the usual menu. Karen and I stood wide-eyed at the colourful words on the chalkboards like confused little children staring at old fashioned chalkboards back in school, not knowing what the words meant. Luckily for us, the wait staff directed us to an i-phone and showed us pictures of the items. With pictures, it certainly helped us make up our minds and facilitated the ordering process for we were holding up the line.

It was pretty crowded and we had to settle for a minuscule wooden table nestled in an inconspicuous corner.

Our table almost could not accommodate all the food and beverages.


Karen went European with Wild Honey's version of eggs Benedict with field mushrooms & prosciutto.

Reg opted for Tunisian which was served in a sizzling pan of tomato stew, fried eggs & chorizo sausage

As for me, I don't remember what I ordered. Reg was asking me the other day while penning her entry on this outing and I told her I would know if I had the menu in front of me. Studying the menu and looking at my photo, I should think I went Italian with the open faced frittata with rocket, tomato, fontina cheese.


Thanx Karen for the photos at TCC and Wild Honey. =)



Before Joyce flew off (for good) to join her hubby in the States, she dropped by the office to see all of us for the last time.

I was pleasatly surprised to receive these from her.


A notti quote book and lip gloss


How very thoughtful! Really hope kh and I could visit the lovely couple if we ever do travel to that part of the globe.


  1. ooh did wild honey change their

    been there when it first opened
    and the salmon was suuuper good (:
    but it's super ex and the portion
    is rather small ):

  2. Hi cuz,

    I'm not too sure about the old Wild Honey coz it was my maiden visit there. You can look at their homepage which I linked coz the full menu is there. =)

  3. wow your blog is so adorable especially all your collages and montage ; lovely :)! and your so cute! (and kinda drooled over the dessert picture :P). anyways you should totally try fishing! because as boring and "old" as it seem, it's actually a lot more hectic than you think, lik every 3 minutes I caught a fish and then i had to rebait or the bait would be gone etc. two hours like flashed by, my bf is actually fishing right this moment too haha. but I decided to stay home and relax.
    and HA i wish i had abs! i just hold in my stomach real hard haha,

    thanks for your lovely comment :)

  4. the bike ride looks fun, and the food looks delicious! ugh it reminds me that I should start eating more healthy again and go to the gym

  5. Hi,

    Thanx for your lovely comment! These collages are so much fun to do albeit time-consuming.

    One day I would go try my hands at fishing. The last time I fished was when I was 7 and I was basically just holding the rod to feel like I'm fishing. *LoLz*

    Aww man... I've put on so much flabs that even after sucking in, it's still blubber!

  6. Hi Pop Champagne,

    Thanx for dropping by. Hope you attain your health goals! =)

  7. It was such a fulfilling day! Looking forward to meeting you girls soon!

  8. Hey renzze,

    When would you be back in sg until?


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