Wednesday, March 17, 2010

If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done.

Procrastination: The assassin that creeps up on my every opportunity and murders them with precise strokes. In short, my biggest enemy.

I have a bad habit of leaving things till the end. I always tell myself what matters most is getting the job done eventually.

Recently I've been occupying myself with lots of activities which I had not the chance to do before. Activities which I told myself a long time ago that I wanna do but have since been put off due to all sorts of excuses.

If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done at all.

Hence, I am determined to "find that picture" before it's too late.

Keeping to my resolution, I am determined to complete all these tasks before it gets too late, before a little one comes along the way, before I hit the age of 30. Afterall, I won't have all the leisure and opportunty in the world to put my thoughts into action at the very last minute. I'm also more health-conscious and am determined to be as fit as OAC days. Therefore, I'm taking some time to execise as well.

In the course of it all I haven't been keeping to my word.

There are question marks on some of my readers' minds to be erased. I mentioned before that I may be doing a write up on certain services used for my wedding since the email questions and comments more or less asked the same stuff.

I also realised that many of my friends are waiting to see photos from my NYC trip and other photos taken this year. I'm still editing and putting 28745903612 photos into collages whenever I've got the energy to do so. "Just upload on Facebook if you got no time to blog about it. At least let us see the pictures first." But I can't coz being me, I like to add words to the pictures and do a photostory update. I like recording and reading my memories like a book.

So these would definitely be added to my list of to-dos as well.

In the meantime, I'm gonna grab a bite and ponder if I should go see a doc for my bad throat and erupting cough. I was glad that for almost a year, I've not been plagued with "老师病" (aka teacher illness aka upper respiratory infection aka full blown throat infection, cold and cough). Now I undstand what it means by never jinx yourself.


I completely jinxed myself. Spent half the day rolling in bed in discomfort and the other half sleeping away.

I hate to be sick!

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