Saturday, March 20, 2010

Colouring my health

It's the throat infection again. I thought I would be able to cross the one year all-clear mark. I hate myself for succumbing to throat infection so often.

Think healthy! Think healthy! Think healthy!

Breathing through my mouth now as both nostrils are blocked. Fortunately the sore throat is gone or every breath I take through the mouth would feel like sandpaper scraping my throat.

After two days of sleeping, I went back to teach today since I had my voice back. Save for the fact that I nearly died teaching my kids, everything went smoothly.

I suspect I'm becoming hyper after overcoming 3 cycles of drowsy medicines without sleeping for the day.


  1. babe take care! I'll be heading off to Tokyo..let me know if you want anything! :)

  2. Hey thanx! Ok if think of anything, I'll drop you a note. =)

  3. alamak.. is me. char. hahaha

  4. Wah lau.. please take care leh... |||

  5. Take good care. Drink some honey hor.

  6. Char,
    Thanx! U set up a blogger a/c rite? Those faceless kind. Tot I saw it before. Next time use that ID to post here! Need not forget about leaving name.

  7. Rach,
    Thanx! Voice is back. Gotta fight the cold now. =(

  8. Copied & pasted from tagboard for remembrance:

    20 Mar 10, 09:48
    Mei: Hi Jo, Thanks for visiting my site! I stay in Yishun too! Nice to know you! Love your site! =)
    20 Mar 10, 09:48
    Mei: Oh yah, drink some coconut juice for your voice! Take care!

    21 Mar 10, 18:40
    Jo to Mei: Hi, thanx for dropping by too. I've got my voice back but it's e horrific cold that I've to fight now. Take care! Cya around!


    21 Mar 10, 01:11
    thegreysheep: thanks for dropping by ^-^ you have a lovely blog as well, i'll be sure to share your post about women with my boyfriend..haha!

    21 Mar 10, 18:41
    Jo to thegreysheep: Thanx for dropping by too. Lookin forward to more of your creations and illustrations. I do love artsy blogs.



I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)