Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sending Energy Balls

I’ve been doing a little bit of trial runs making and sending energy balls to Charmaine.

Before I continue…

Non-believers of chi and energy please hit the “X” button at the top right corner of your browser now!


I’m not so sure about the exact techniques to creating healing energy balls. I sort of imitated how we used to create energy balls for the kids in Shi*****, only that back then, I felt it was all for fun and didn’t really think there was energy inside.

I simply rubbed my hands together and slowly pulled them apart in a curved shaped while still moving them round and round as if moulding a ball. I then imaged that it is white in colour, slowly drawing more energy into the ball. Next I imaged myself sending it to Charmaine with the white ball going into her from the top of her head.

I really dunno if I was doing it the right way. I guess when I believe in something, there is no right or wrong way in believing.

I suppose the energy balls worked coz Charmaine has been emanating positive “aura” all around her yesterday. Transfusion yesterday went very smoothly with no breaking of needles and adverse reaction.

Cynthia updated me that everything went pretty smoothly. No negative reactions. No fever whatsoever.

Charlene told me the energy balls could have worked as Charmaine was so feisty yesterday, telling her in a matter-of-fact tone that she was waiting for the doctor to “put blood into her body then can go home”.

All these could be coincidence though but I’ll continue making and sending energy balls whenever needed. Creating them is quite draining and this could have explained my lack of energy yesterday. I was sick with headache and nausea. I could not get up till 3pm as my body was aching and feverish.

Image trainging.

Five minutes suggestion.

Teeny tiny person.

Sending white energy balls for healing.

Positive thinking.

The power of the mind.

All religions practising faith in their gods.

It all boils down to the same thing – The Power of BELIEVING.

I believe that if I believe strongly that something would happen, it would happen. It doesn’t matter if I’m a Christian or Buddhist or anything, as long as I have faith.

After meeting up with ex colleagues from Shi***** last Saturday, most of whom regularyly follow Charmaine’s blog and mine, I was even more convinced to try out methods not backed by Science on Charmaine. My mentor showed great concern for Charmaine and told me more miracles with regards to the five minutes suggestion. This gives me a lot of hope.

Btw, I was discussing all these with my group of close friends in Shi***** and they agreed that image training, teeny tiny person etc are all mentally draining and exhausting. I can vouch for how draining teeny tiny person is for whenever I’m sick and I tried that to heal myself, I would never fail to fall asleep while imaging. It’s a good insomia cure.

One of them commented that I’ve changed.

“You don’t used to believe so much in all these kind of energy thing.”

Yeah… It started from the feng shui charms.

Remember how I wondered what these little jokers can do to alter my life? My life has been relatively smooth after getting the charms. So smooth that some of my friends also asked me for the name of the feng shui shop and bought themselves many little jokers too.

Christians may slam me for believing in all these. However, I feel that there is no harm in believing at all. Many of my friends who believe in energy and chi are also Christians.

I will continue to pray to God and do whatever alternative healing I know of for Charmaine. Cynthia just in case you are reading this, please continue your five minutes suggestion when you are well ok?


Company’s team building event yesterday and today

I don’t particularly look forward to Team Building even though I know at the end of the day, I would truly enjoy myself and build better bonds with various colleagues.

Why I don’t look forward to it is coz it would use up 1 working day and 1 off day every year. Each time team building approaches, I would be trying to rush through the uploading the materials for curriculum on time and also to do as much marking as possible.

This year is a little different. With most of the kindergarten curriculum all done and improved, with help from my fellow pri eng dept colleague and a temp xiao mei mei, everything was uploaded on time.

Hence for this year with a theme of back to nature and individual success, with avenue like Hort Park and the hike along the Southern Ridges, I was raring to go.

Suay suay fall sick.

I’m feeling much better today just a little bit lethargic but kh “forbids” me to go.

Why “forbid” in inverted commas? Coz I can just heck care him and go mah. My legs, I walk where I wanna walk.

He was concerned for me la. My body was still hot and feverish when he picked me up to see a doc in the evening. I was panting along the way to the clinic even though it’s just a short walk few blocks away. Moreover, I have 2 days MC.

That’s why he told me to rest at home.

I feel a little miserable coz I really want to go for the walk but that is the most exhausting activity for today.

I feel a little miserable having 2 sorta free days and yet I cannot arrange for tuition sessions to help my tutees whose exams are approaching or to help Cynthia out or to even do my compo marking. It’s very lousy to be sick you know?

I will stop sending energy balls, build up my own energy and go down to Hort Park later.


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