Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Celebrations, meet ups & pig outs in May
To be updated in a new post

You know, for the past few weeks I’ve been feeling quite happy.

It must be the month. May is such a cheerful month.

Work has still been the 50+ hours a week but I’m fine with it and sometimes enjoying my time in the office. I’m slowly not dreading returning and having to listen to raised voices, got to spend a lot more quality time with kh, pig out at different places, meet up with different groups of friends, chilling around with lovely people in my life and most importantly being myself. In addition, a lovely friend of mine got married and she was soooo pretty and blushing with radiance that night. I feel so happy for her.

Life’s positive when you choose to see all the positive aspects of it.

Life’s happy when you choose to live it happily.


In the meantime, watch this space for loads and loads of photo-intensive updates. I swear that I’m trying my very best to edit my photos and type my draft whenever I can.

P/S: Oh yes, for those friends who asked me to change my blog song, just switch off your speakers for now. My blog song is actually the Korean song from 200 Pounds Beauty. The English song currently blaring at you comes together with the V-day photo slides entry and I cannot disable the song. Sorry to spoil your ears.


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