Thursday, May 29, 2008


12 May 08, 10:40
passer-by: Hi your information about eyelash extension is very useful. Very good. One more thing.. is the process painful or uncomfortable? Thanks.
Hi there, the process is neither painful nor uncomfortable. It can get quite long though so I had to keep criss crossing my legs as I’m those who can’t keep still for long.

13 May 08, 21:13
jus: wah wahh wahhh...splurging mode!!! ^^"
Haha.. but but but if you notice, I haven’t had a shopping post for a looooong time, so it’s time to splurge.

14 May 08, 19:12
canny: phew! finially read thru & view ur many many nice pics. but i'm so tried now (its 4.11am now!) I go zzZ liao.. leave u a comment another time! =) Cheers!
24 May 08, 17:08
canny: happy birthday Jolene babe!! Hope you have a lovely dovey celebration on ur special day!! May happiness be with u always!!~ *muackz*
I’ve read all your long long comments liao. Thanx… I hope to reply all soon. I also wanna leave you comments on your lovely trip. Oh and thank you so much for your birthday wishes. *Big HuGZ*

18 May 08, 12:11
gerra: i alr linked u but its on my personal blog which not pple pple know about cos its personal
18 May 08, 12:11
gerra: muhaha i divided in to 2 blogs personal one is gera-room minus the magic get it?
Ok sure! Yeah, I didn’t realise you have another blog till like a month ago.

23 May 08, 12:45
Shoplette: Invitation to join Shoplette Beta for Jolene and her friends. Pls check out
I’d wanted to say no advertising allowed but your site is something unique.

25 May 08, 17:12
Missy T: Jolene update pls! Is it your birthday? Happy birthday!
I also wanna update leh. But no time. Got tooooooo many stuff to update. Oh and thanks for your birthday wishes.

Replies to comments coming up after I finish watching my Central Affairs II or maybe not...

Edited to add: Comments replied! Do check back. =)

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