Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Away From 3rd Jan til 5th Jan

Dear hunks and babes,

I'm going on a short trip to visit our "friendly neighbours" up north.

I hope I can find the time to update all the backdated entries and read all your blogs when I'm back. I also know some of you have been eagerly waiting for photos and videos. Ya ya... continue to bug me. I'll fret when I come back.

Comments have been replied. Do check back.

Here are the replies to all the tags:

22 Dec 07, 17:22
Hallimun: Jessica Tan is cute, sexy n hot even in NUS days. Look at Jacelyn looking like a plane jane next to her. But I have to say that she didn look her best during MSU. She looks better in the flash.
Hi there. You know Jessica Tan? She’s really pretty eh? Yes, I also agree with you that she didn’t look too good in MSU. Jacelyn really didn’t look her best at the flea market too. Jessica really stands out that day.

24 Dec 07, 17:02
evan: Hey hey! Hola from Barcelona! No time to read your blog as i have to get ready to check out of the hostel now. Heading to Marseille today. Take care eh: Happy xmas eve! Have a great Christmas. Hope to get free internet connection again... *tsk*
I’m always checking out your blog whenever I come online just to have a glimpse if you did update. Enjoy your amazing race!

24 Dec 07, 18:45
sherin: you make super nice cards, you do haf a creative mind babe. i wanna a pretty card too. hehe. merry merry christmas to u!! haf a wonderful time
1 Jan 08, 00:29
sherin: happy 2008 dearest jolene !! may the brand new year brings to you happiniess, joy & success. stay pretty, and keep that smile
This is so late! Thanx babe! I left a tag for you! =)

27 Dec 07, 12:30
canny: drop by to read ur entries! & a belated christmas + boxing day to u! keke.. be back with more comments! =)
This is so late! I left a tag for you! =) I can’t view your photos… dunno why.

I apologise if I've not replied any sms, especially sms-es that come early in the morning. Sometimes I fall asleep and forget to reply after reading them. Also, there was a period of time when my sms line wasn't with me. So if I didn't reply, please understand that I didn't mean to ignore you. You know I ALWAYS reply to sms-es.

Have a great day ahead!


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I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)