Monday, December 31, 2007

The Last Entry of 2007!

I will reply to tags and update this space when I get home next year.

I've wanted to finish everything before 2008 arrives but I've gotta run along now.

So sorry for the lack of updates and replies.

Happy 2008 everyone!!!

*pops party poppers* *toots horn* *throws confetti*



Updated on 6th January 2008

EOY JC class gathering
Saturday, 29th December 2007

It was a simple affair of potluck, laughter and lots of leftover food.

I saw some people whom I haven’t seen for years. As I’m typing this, it suddenly dawned on me that I didn’t take any photo with this good ol classmate of mine the last time we met up as a small group at Dempsey a few weeks back. She has been studying and working in the UK, married an ang mo and hardly comes back to sg. And coz of her, I’m contemplating signing up for Facebook.

Well, I wonder if there would be a time where the gathering would include more than half the class.

Marc did a super lame magic trick.

It was so bad, it was good.

Later in the night, we went to watch jots sing jazz.

Marc requested for her to sing the rjc school song and I didn’t expect her to accede to his song request.

I can’t even remember how the school song goes and there she was singing with such gusto.



Meet up with the kakis
Sunday, 30th December 2007

I dunno why it’s so difficult to take pics with apr. She deemed her face big and planned to hide behind me. Big face means big face ma… What to do? Now my face looks big.

What we ate…

Hope we can continue meeting up like this even if we each go our own ways.

Hamsters at my cousin-tutee place.

So cute!


The Last Day of 2007
Monday, 31st December 2007

It was a half day and so the timing for my 2 Science classes was pushed up.

It really felt like a holiday. The lesson was so informal and relaxing and the students had lots of fun. I wished teaching would always be this enjoyable so I would not grow to detest teaching.

I was wearing this T-shirt with capris.

My girls actually asked if I could stand still so they could draw the image of the girl.

I said, “Of course not.” The next minute all their drawings were confiscated. However, I was secretly happy that they appreciate these kinda drawings like me. I once drew a girl that looked similar to this, intending to print it onto a t shirt. Not long after, I saw Marie Claire (the shoes) having this top for $9.90 with purchase of their shoes. I pleaded with them to sell it to me without the shoes and they did.

I went to town and I’m almost $2k poorer today. Don’t ask.

After that, I went to Prata House to eat dinner-supper with kh.

First time drinking tehcinno.

We had wanted to join ben xia and frenz at zouk. However, kh’s sluggishness influenced me and I was too lazy to get changed to go cheong.

In the end, I ended up marking worksheets on new year’s eve.

My happening parents got party hats from their xmas party. The party hats were just lying innocently on the dining table and kh took to wear it.

There he was looking so bored while I raid my wardrobe to see what to wear to zouk.

I thought he looked very grouchy and cute. So I wore the other one and made him take a photo together.



  1. Happy new year to you, Jolene!

    May health and wealth abounds you and your loved ones this year!

    I will be waiting for this entry.

  2. Happy New Year to you too Yen.

    I hope 2008 will be a great year for you and your loved ones.

    Heh... *sheepish look* I will not be able to update this entry soon as I'll be going away on a short trip.

    Do check back a few days later! =)

    Take care!

  3. Hi babe!! (Just return to read ur Last Entry of 2007...hehe)

    "I went to town and I’m almost $2k poorer today. Don’t ask."

    Can I KPO & ask?? keke... U can tell me secretly if you dont wan others to know.. Wahaha!!

    And I wan to congrats you again & again... over & over again.... Congrats congrats congrats...!!! (refer to ur latest entry!!) =)

  4. Hey Canny,

    Hahaha... can can let you know. It's on a facial package.

    I'm horrible yes I know coz I have a Bioskin package which I have only gone once and didn't follow up coz I find it a hassle to go all the way just to have facial.

    However, this one I know I'll go fathfully coz it's at my IPL place which I'm still going for my treatments quite regularly.

    It's a buy 10 sessions get 10 sessions free plus free eye treatment every session. Furthermore, it's a premium kinda facial. I thought it's a pretty good investment. Plus I got a 2 lucky draw chances for the amt I spent and I won eyelash perming and a beauty product that cost $80+. Okok.. I'm justifying my actions too much liao.. Hahaha... I should shuddup now.

    Once again, thanx for your well wishes. =)


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