Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ichiban Boshi at Wisma with the HH Babes

The gang across the table

The gang on this side

My food

The cold soba wasn’t that delicious. The texture was so wrong. It’s like overcooked soggy soba. Everything else was fine.

hs' food

I don’t know how she always manages to use my cam to snap pictures of her food without my knowledge.

The feast

Guess what? We each paid $2.50 for our meals! Haha nope Ichiban Boshi wasn’t having some kind of promotion. Lalala…

Before we go “Itadakimasu!”

After the satisfying meal

Once again, I feel so much like myself when I’m with this bunch of ex colleagues. I can just speak my mind about anything and I can speak Mandarin without anyone laughing at me. It feels so good to be able to speak without any barrier, be it physical, cultural or linguistic.

Em, hs and I met up for drinks and chat after we bade the rest goodbye. We are all doing relatively well in our current companies and as much as we can’t find colleagues such as those in our previous co, we were still glad that we had left that place. To the rest of you, gambatte ne! "Image" that every term would be better.

The "Three Sisters" as how wy termed us when we left the co together


Packing Photographs

Last week, I burnt a hole in my, I mean, kh’s pocket buying some photo albums. He was late for our movie so I made him pay for my bookshop shopping. =)

I think this is such a nice scrapbook-looking album to house all my buddies’ photos.

The cover page reads “Sisterly friends”. That means that those buddies have to be my gal friends! From now, those good guy friends can jolly well be my jie meis too, so I can stash those photos in as well. =P

I packed my tangible photos so that I would have space to put those digital photos which I’m gonna develop soon from year 2002 till now. I need another drawer manz.



Finally, all classified and labelled painstakingly into the various envelopes. However, I realised I've made a mistake. I classified them according to the different groups of friends. I should have done them chronologically in different phases of my life instead. *SIGHz* must repack again when I’m free.


Princess Hours is the next tsunami from Korea that has swept Asia since Da Chang Jin and My Lovely Samsoon. However, this box has been sitting on the living room table for weeks and nobody in my family has started watching it.

I think the box is really cute and princessy. Maybe I’ll find some time to watch it. People around me have been telling me that it is better than the other 2 dramas.

Some funny pictures from hy...

I love this… *SmirkS*

This reminds me of tiff and her date [inside joke] and so I’m dedicating this picture to you, gal! =)


  1. Hey Jo!
    It was great catching up with you on msn last night. Sorry that my connection was lost suddenly and did not tell you byebye. It was just nice as well as you were about to go off too.
    You are still as cheerful and upbeat as ever despite being overwhelmed with work. And your positive attitude towards everything in your path is always beyond me. So bz still can chiong so much and still as chio huh.

    No housework. No cooking. No cleaning. POOF a man is like so funny lor. Hahaha.

  2. Surprising. I thought only Asians eat frogs.
    I did know French eat snails...

  3. i haf always felt tt Ichiban Boshi at the Esplanade is the best!

    how on earth u all pay $2.50 each only?!?!

  4. Hey gal!!!
    Yeah! Was so glad that we managed to catch up on msn. No prob about the lost connection la. Heh...

    Cheerful and upbeat? I guess coz I don't dread work and tuition that's why I don't find it very draining on me. =) Just continue to uphold this kinda thinking and you'll be able to lead a "cheerful" life too.

    Yupz. I also didn't know that the French eat frogs' legs. I've always have this impression that it's an Asian delicacy.

    It's a very lame joke but the way you said it was hilarious, coupled with your addictive laughter. =) I hope the party would be fun. But I've got to work before that so I dunno how we are gonna meet to dress up.

    We had some extra funds from selling off some birkis and so decided to share the amount by treating ourselves to dinner. Hence, $2.50.


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