Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I is proud to be a SINGARPORE lang

Talking Cock in Parliament by Hossan Leong

Must see video! I watch and qio ga peng. Sibei ho qio la!!! Hossan Leong sud sud leh… He neatly summarised Singapore’s history into this song. He hor, make me proud to be a Singaporlian leh. I can really identify myself as a SINGARPORE lang in this song lor.

The ORGINIRAL song is Billy Joel de “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. Billy Joel oso damn sud sud leh. He can hor… put 120 well known history like events, people and happenings into this song leh. And he rap till veli the powderfool siah! Wah I remember I primary skool hear this song, find the tune damn nice and catchy but dunno it’s about history.

You wanna know more about this song hor, can go to Wikipedia and type "We Didn't Start the Fire" . Huh? Wikipedia oso dunno meh? Eh, Singapore veli the popular in Wikipedia ok? Dun pray pray ah.

The person who do this video also very sud sud. Must be history major. I leh? Nothing sud sud. Only speak Singlish sud sud.

Aiyah mai tu liao la. Enjoy this video and improve on your history too.

We Didn’t Start the Fire


Long weekend Holiday and Off day 3 days in a row.

On Saturday…
I haven’t like really gone out with my family for quite some time. It’s sad how we only gather on special occasions and I’m talking about my immediate family here. I’m partly to blame too coz of my working schedule and my attitude. Deepavali Saturday was also my er jie’s birthday and the whole family was at home on a not-so-hazy Saturday morning. My mum roused me up from my deep slumber, saying that we could all go for breakfast as a family.

I was actually very snappy and grumpy when I was awoken. Like a petulant child, I griped that I’m insomniac and whenever I have the opportunity to wake up w/o an alarm clock the next day, I would make full use of it. I was also muttering about going ahead without me and buying back some food for me. Needless to say, my mum shot back at me and so the next thing I know, I was at the coffeeshop downstairs with the whole family.

I spent the day watching videos on youtube and cartoons on tv. Then, my er jie treated us to Sakae for dinner as it was her birthday. It was one of the rare times that my parents need not rush through dinner to go for their dance lesson. Each time we have dinner as a family, we would be rushing through the meal as somebody would always be in a hurry to rush off somewhere. This time, we could all eat leisurely and chat merrily. After that, da jie went off for a movie while the rest of us started shopping.

City Chain was having a mega sale.

Er jie was deciding between these 2 seikos at 20% off…

while I was deciding which colour to choose for the Sovil Titus bracelet-watch at 60% off.

In the end, she got a silver Sovil Titus one which looked almost like the silver Seiko one at a much lower price, while I got the purple face one. So cheap!!! Original price was $369 but I got it at $135. Yay… I got new metallic watch liao.

On Monday…
4 different groups of friends sms-ed me on Sunday asking to meet up for dinner. However, when I replied that I can only meet up for supper after work, everybody bo3 hiu4 me! In the end, Ems managed to arrange a ktv session after dinner. Yay!

At Party World, it was an informal Retro night. We were all singing songs which were very popular while we were in Primary school. Jeff Wang Jie, Aaron Kwok with floppy hair, Vivian Chow etc.

Jimmy crack corn

AH? What was this?

Up Up tai2 qi3 tou3

Bie2 wen4 wo3 shi4 shui2

I realise dui ni ai ai ai bu wan is in sd’s cam. Will upload it soon.

Then, I went to find kh and his friends at Kbox.

Sweetie flor and me

I forgot what we were talking about, then flor mentioned about my blog and some entries in a very matter-of-fact tone. I was like so puzzled how she got my blog url. It turned out that the world is so small. We are linked through Justin’s blog.

Me and toot toot hair kh

kh n jeff being touchy feely

Jeff is a damn funny guy. Full of funny actions and words and such a great singer too.

Jeff the natural comedian

hanky panky-ing around

Ménage à trois

The Singapore F4

I got this from Flor... Since she has already uploaded it on youtube, kh can’t scold me for putting it on my blog. =) It’s a little dark but still, the actions are visible.

On Tuesday…
(To be updated with photos)

1 comment:

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