Friday, October 22, 2004

They said my new nickname is "Workaholic" and "Dead" if this continues.

That is my MSN nickname for the past few days.

Now, for some updates of my life in a nutshell… …

Actually, the title states very clearly, the updates of my life in a nutshell.

But of course, I would expand on that point whether or not you are interested. And yes, I’m addressing you friends.

You happen to stumble upon my blog accidentally? All right, you are not my friend and you should be directed here.

And back to my point…
THEY said, or rather, are still saying that my new nickname is “Workaholic”.

FACT: I work from Mondays to Sundays. For the past two weeks, I have been giving tuition every night from Monday to Sunday.

So this is my daily routine…

After work on Wednesday, I would rush off for tuition.

After work on Thursday, I would rush off for tuition.

After work on Friday, I would rush off for tuition.

After work on Saturday, I would rush off for tuition.

After work on Sunday, I would rush off for tuition.

As for the past Monday and Tuesday weekends, I had 3 tuition sessions each day.

After waking up on Monday, I would head off for my 1st tuition session in the morning. Then, I proceed to the 2nd one in the afternoon. And finally, to the 3rd and last one in the night. After which, I would crawl to my bed.

The same goes for Tuesday. Ok let me just cut, paste and edit.

After waking up on Tuesday, I would head off for my 1st tuition session in the morning. Then, I proceed to the 2nd one in the afternoon. And finally, to the 3rd and last one in the night. And once again, I would crawl to my bed and wake up to a brand new day of work.

By now, you should be reading this entry in an automated monotone manner. That is MY LIFE currently.

Jolene is such a no-life freak and wishes to do away with the “work” out of “workaholic” and convert to an “alcoholic” just like what she was 4 months ago. Alas, she is one who has a compulsive and unrelenting need to work, one who is extremely dedicated to her job and her tuition kids, one who is absolutely responsible, one who loves to think highly of herself, one who finds it hard to turn down requests to teach more days, one who is temporarily boyfriendless and friendless and could afford all her time in the world to teach, one who enjoys teaching whenever tuitees show improvement in their work, one who enjoys helping people, one who thinks highly of herself, one who thinks highly of herself and one who thinks highly of herself.

Wait, was my sentence above complete?

[Echoes] Sentence? What sentence? That is like a freaking paragraph!

That is what happens when you have not typed for a few days. That is what happens when you have not blogged anything constructive for more than 2 weeks. You just type and type and type with no care for stringing proper grammatical sentences together. You type long sentences that goes on and on without making a point. You also type disjointed sentences. You type nonsense, expecting people to read them. Your usage of punctuation is atrocious, you ought to get a copy of “Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation”. I do not even know if I’m using the open and close inverted commas appropriately.

My English is atrocious.

I digress. As always.

I was talking about my boring life. Please do not be mistaken. I’m not always this boring and busy with work, work and more work. It happens that all my tuitees are having their final year exams on the same few dates that I have no other choice but to give tuition every night to different kids.

And yes, there was a further digression. I was talking about my two endearing nicknames.

“Workaholic” is apt.

“Dead” is better. This has double meaning. I practically have no life that I’m better off dead said some of my friends. I would just collapse and die of exhaustion in time to come said others.

Oh wait, did I mention previously that I was friendless? Ok I lied. I was merely trying to emphasize my wretched state when I mentioned that.

Slumping down on the sofa in front of the TV is truly heavenly when you have not done so for weeks. That does not include slumping on bus 74 seats in front of the TV mobile. Yes, just laying there and nua-ing away is such a simple pleasure; you would never know it is so pleasurable if you have not been working your head off.

I’ve not been watching TV since Flinestone Age, same goes for reading the newspaper. I do not know what’s happening around me. As far as I hate being a frog-in-the-well in the past, I do not give a damn now. At the end of the day, I’m just too weary to even flip the LIFE! Section. I however did notice that The Straits Times had a makeover. An ugly one. All the more repelling me from the newspapers.

I don’t wanna talk about newspapers, I wanna talk about TV.

I shall save it for the next entry if I have the time and energy to blog any day soon.

My song cannot be heard anymore, indicating that 30 days have since passed. Well, good for all our ears. Now we all do not have to listen to that irritating tune anymore. I heard on radio just now that She Will Be Loved has been clinging on very tightly to its position. I didn’t catch which position. Day1 it was top on the charts. By Day 30 it will no longer be on the charts, thanks to Jolene who refuses to remove the song from her blog.


  1. hey ger u better take care of yourself ar.... work n money is impt, so is ur health...
    juz tot i drop by to say hi n to let u noe i have been following ur blog entries.
    well leave some days in dec(after 14dec) free k... organise some gatherin or wad...
    meanwhile u take care.


  2. Hey gal,

    Glad to hear from you. I'm only busy now coz my 3 tuitees examz are around the corner and all fall on the same dates. After their exams i won't be teaching them as often and i'll definitely give myself a break...

    I'm falling sick liao... Bad throat.. but stil can survive.


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