Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Staycation at W Singapore Sentosa Cove

Loooooooong picture-ful post. Not advisable to view this on your smartphones and other hand held devices on 3G network.

The hubz and I had a staycation at W Singapore Sentosa Cove during the new year's eve over to the next two days of the new year.

Yeah yeah... This is a super late post as usual. If you had read my last post, you would have know that I have been neglecting my blog but getting more sleep and biweekly dose of exercise.

[Image source]

"Escape to where iconic design and contemporary luxury set the stage for exclusive and extraordinary experiences at W Hotels® Worldwide. Retreat to surprising, sensory environments where amplified entertainment, vibrant lounges, modern guestrooms and innovative cocktails and cuisine create more than just a hotel experience, but a luxury lifestyle destination."

What I noticed about W Hotel is that it is all about upbeat music, futuristic design and lots of bold, colourful lightings. I did not snap many pictures of the surroundings so the following two videos would give you a good introduction and visual tour of W Singapore - Sentosa Cove.

W Singapore - Sentosa Cove | Singapore

W Hotels attempt to include the letter W wherever possible - the swimming pool is known as "Wet", the concierge is known as "Whatever Whenever", the laundry bag is known as "Wash". They even had to sneak a W into the cushion!

We booked the Fabulous Room with balcony overlooking the pool on the 6th floor which is the highest level.

There was something so jarring about this artsy creepy hand holding a green feather flower that I like.

I think this was for moustache selfie?

Can I just bring these light balls home?

Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
The cupboard was full of goodies
The End

Top: The W-ashroom. I'm trying to slip in the letter W there.
Bottom: I did not feel that the shampoo, conditioner and shower gels felt and smelled luxurious. They had a medicinal bitter lemon scent.

You could soak in the tub and watch TV through the window.

The people on the bed could also see you soaking in the tub through the window.

I preferred spending most of my bathroom time in front of the mirror trying to snap my purple hair than soaking in the bathtub...

... because I endorsed the W purple theme with my purple/faded to pink hair.

The intricate flower motif could change colour with the mood lighting function.

The study table was where I spent lots of time TRYING to piece together my Batman and Raphael Ninja Turtle nanoblocks.

I received this Kate Spade make up pouch from one of my gal friends the previous day and I immediately used it for this staycation. I lurve it and I just had to take a picture of it while fixing my nanoblocks.

I realised that I sucked at piecing nanoblocks and Kh helped me build 95% of Gritty Teeth Batman and Rude  F*** You Ninja Turtle.

Say hello to Rarity the pony. She totally fit into the room's bold purple theme.

Ah, I like this placard.

 Mismatched furniture and fixtures seemed to be the only thing constant in W.

Does anyone know what this golden frog ornament is? Flip it over to be an ashtray? I cannot figure this out.

Our balcony faced the pool and South China Sea.

You could view the video tour of W Singapore Sentosa Cove in my amateur video taken using iPhone 6.

Obligatory mirror wefie.

Obligatory "We are in W Hotel" wefie for Instagram.

By night fall, W was screaming with purple.

Purple at the balcony.

Purple at the pool. I do like the colour purple but the purple lighting in W was too much for me.

Perhaps if purple doesn't come in the form of lightings, I would love them.

We had dinner at Skirt as kh had always wanted to try their steak.

"A trailblazing steakhouse, where prime cuts of meat and fresh sustainably sourced seafood are beautifully prepared on the centrepiece parilla grill, placing us amongst the most favourite Grill Restaurants in the city."

High ceiling with intricate decor was what we saw when we looked up from our seats.

The bread came and the I-cannot-remember-what dip.

For appetizers, we had Tuna ponzu, chive flower slaw and crispy rice.

I believe this is the Petuna ocean trout tartare, avocado purée, rye crips.

The different types of mustard and salt was to go along with the steak.

The bottles with the reddish liquid contained home-made BBQ sauce for the steak.
The bottles with the clear liquid contained a delightfully refreshing palette cleanser which is a concoction of bourbon and apple.

I felt like Alice in Wonderland sipping magical juice from a small bottle of "Drink Me".

The feast on the table.

You know, I cannot remember which steak we ordered. I couldn't tell which steak was which from the online menu and the hubby isn't around to furnish me with details. I'll be editing this portion once I get the details. That's why I'm not a food blogger. =P

The steak don't come with sides so you have to order them separately.
We ordered 3 sides.

Sauteéd medley of mushrooms

Grilled asparagus, blood orange hollandaise with oozing egg.

Orecchiette mac and cheese, albufera sauce
Kh loves Mac and Cheese and he simply had to order it. I knew we would not be able to finish it as my gastrointestinal pain started acting up during dinner.

For sweet endings, we had Trio Palette Crème brûlée -- Milk chocolate and hazelnut,Coconut and lemongrass, Earl Grey tea.

My favourite was the Earl Grey. I'm biased towards any food with a hint of tea.

A zoomed in shot of the centrepiece parilla grill.

I have stumpy legs and I like how this hammock made them look long without any attempt to digitally enhance my legs. Lol. It's all about the angle, babes.

Buffet breakfast the next day was at The Kitchen Table.

I'm never good with table flat lay but I do think this photo is instagram worthy. No?

Better than these right?

When I took these 2 flavoured milk, I kept on going "Chocolate and strawberry" in a weird accent that only 80s and 70s Singaporean babies who remember the 80s Pocky adevertisement would understand. So if you watched that video in the link, there is supposed to be a voiceover saying "chocolate and strawberry" at the end of the ad which is cut in the video.

A smile to end breakfast.

After the rain clouds cleared, we hung out at the pool till night fell.

Dinner was at The Kitchen Table again as I was feeling a little nauseous.

My gastrointestinal pain once again acted up very badly and I could only drink soup.

Kh ate a lot more and I felt I was missing out on the cold dishes with my gastro pain. :(

That night, I suffered one of the worst gastrointestinal plus stomach pain in all the years I've been suffering from gastro pain. I hate it whenever the stomach hurt too coz that pain is more difficult to bear than the tummy area.

I had no appetite for most of the food there but somehow this bowl of laksa calmed me.

The desserts bar.

Breakfast the next day...

Once again, I attempted the flat lay style of coffee cup photo but failed to the max. How do people snap such beautifully curated flat lay shots?

Yay... fruits.

These are one of the best Tea leaf eggs ever! Kh thinks I'm exaggerating but I'm not. The herbal tea taste is awesome. I had 2 during breakfast the previous day and by afternoon, I was craving so much for tea leaf egg that I lamented to kh for not packing some back to the room myself like some ill-bred tourist. So that day, I packed one back to the room and was happily savouring it for afternoon snack.

From my Instagram post:
Saying goodbye to W Singapore Sentosa Cove. It's been a lazy and enjoyable 2 days to replenish all the sleep debt in 2015 and recharge for 2016. After hearing negative feedback from 3 different friends about W Singapore (the recounted incidents were really bad IMO), the hubz and I came here without expecting much and were pleasantly surprised. The service here is tip top! The various staff ranging from the concierge, check-in counters, housekeeping and restaurants were smiley and affable. Our few requests were also acceded smoothly. Save for the fact that the bed and pillows were too soft for our liking, we enjoyed every other aspect of our stay here a lot.

This post has been in draft for almost a month! Maybe I should quit blogging. Anyway, I'm posting this on my birthday (25th May). Those of you who have been reading my blog or who are not my virtual social media friends would know that I dislike my birthday.

I would be flying off in a few hours time to join my hubby for a few days in *undisclosed*. It was a rather last minute decision when I booked the air tickets on Sunday. I really look forward to solo plane rides as they take me back to those younger days of LDR when I would pack my bags to look for my hubz (then bf) for a few days. I hope to get some form of wifi so that I could do my work and perhaps catch up on my blog but I heard from the hubz that the wifi is almost non-existent.

Catch up with you lovely people soon!


  1. Jo, I love reading your travel thoughts. .. I'm always happy to see when you blogged. I understand time constraints though... I totally am looking forward to working from home in the future. It means so much extra time for me. I didn't know you disliked your birthday so much... I don't like getting older but love my birthday ♡♡♡ Enjoy your time off with your hubby xox

    1. Thank you, Launna. Oooh... Would be so exciting when you get to work from home and have the much needed extra time. I think I should start to embrace liking my birthday again. =)

  2. It seems you had a lovely stay at this Singapore Sentosa hotel. Good to hear the service is nice (soft beds would probably bother me too btw, I prefer harder pillows and beds)....Interesting room, if I understand well you can see the bathroom from the that partners can talk while one is laying is bed and the other soaking in tub? but the view from the room is so amazing!!!!

    So sorry to hear about you gastro problems, I'm sure it must have sucked not being able to eat when you were surrounded with so much delicious dishes. Well, it's been like since 5 months so I hope you're better now. I had a bad stomatch virus last week so I relate to gastro problems. Nevetheless, the food looks exceptional. To me your flat lay table photos look great! I don't have much experience with insta photos because I mostly post my drawings there.

    How cute it that mirrow wefie of you two! love it! such a pretty couple you two your purple highlight! adorable overalls!

    1. Exactly! Soft bed and pillows are not good for the body. I'll be able to sleep better on harder ones too. You're exactly right about the positioning of the room.
      My gastrointestinal issue seem to be chronic and there is no known cause for it. Sorry to hear about your stomach virus. That is no fun at all. At least gastrointestinal pain is bearable but those stomach flu and virus are always unbearable.
      Thank you for your sweet compliments, Ivana. xo

  3. You look amazing such a nice decoration

    1. Thank you. Always good to see new people here.

  4. btw Happy Birthday (even if you don't like birthdays)!

    1. Thank you, dear. So belated by the time I reply. ;D

  5. Happy belated Birthday to you Jo! I hope this was lovely and and without any health issues. Wishing you good health and happiness now and always. Enjoy your getaway with your hubby! I recall that you two indulge in the nicest staycations and this one at the W looks like no exception. We stayed at a Gansevoort hotel once and the tub was right in the same room with our bed ;p

    1. Thank you so much, Rowena. This is totally late by the time I reply. I had to google "Gansevoort hotel" immediately when I saw your comment. I saw the modern funky look but couldn't find the room with the bathtub so I had to google "Gansevoort hotel bathtub" and I don't know if I'm looking at the room you described.

  6. Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  7. Happy Belated Birthday to you! What a lovely get away you had, I wish I could visit Singapore one day. Thanks for sharing your amazing food post, it looks so delicious.

    1. Thank you, Cynthia. This is totally late by the time I reply. xo

  8. So glad you got to rest up a bit and at such a beautiful place as well. I could do without that hand thing, a little too Addams Family for me, but other than that such a getaway. And, wow, dear you are looking so gorgeous, despite all your arguments and explanations to the contrary. So very amazing shots of you in here, very wow :)

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. Thank you for your sweet compliments, Rick. =) Yes, that hand thing look a little too creepy of you think of it. Fortunately it didn't come alive like that horror show of the hand that came alive. It was a movie from a long time ago.

  9. Hi there, dear! First of all thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, I really liked it and I'm glad to meet new friends across the blogging world!

    Your site is amazing and full of amazing pictures! By the way, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, I'm not a birthday person too and when it comes to celebrate my birthday I prefer a more personal celebration with close friends or family :) I can see that you had such an amazing experience in Singapore, wish I could go one day! Actually I'm dying to explore many Asian countries, I let you know if that happen!

    Talking about W, I've been there for many times, well not in Singapore obviously haha! But in Mexico City and in Barcelona we have this type of hotels and they care a lot about design!

    PS: I loved the 'My little pony' in the balcony! So creative!

    Have a great day and hope we can keep in touch! Kisses from Barcelona!
    Fungi Express blog

    1. Hi Pablo, Thank you for visiting my site and for leaving such a kind, lovely and sweet comment. I also love meeting new friends across the world and I'm glad to have connected with such a creative and artistic person.
      The only W hotel I've visited is Singapore and I wonder if the W hotel around the world is more or less the same modern funky feel. I'm glad you got to visit the ones at Mexico and Barcelona.
      I've followed you on bloglovin and agreed, let's continue to keep in touch. =)
      xo from Singapore

  10. That looks like an amazing place. You haven't aged a day since we met, so birthdays are even more meaningless for you than most of us. But happy belated birthday anyway!!!

    1. How many years have we known each other? It seems like time whizzes by so quickly. And you, you will always look like that little boy in your profile pic. Thank you for the birthday wishes. So belated by the time I reply this.

  11. I went to Singapore last February and it was beautiful ! I miss it already! Great photos!
    By the way, would you like for us to follow each other?
    Let me know if you followed me already so i can follow back. Let's keep in touch! xx

    Much love,

    1. Glad to hear that you like my country. I love seeing newcomers here and sure, I would check out your blog soon. =)

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you for stopping by and for your comment. =)

  13. I love the nanoblocks! And that bread looks EPIC!

    1. Yes, a bread always tells a lot about a restaurant!

  14. What a fab hotel! I'm sure you had a blast! All that food looks heavenly!! Sad that the toiletries had that awful synthetic lemon smell you mentioned in my blog posts

    1. Hahaha... I'm sure you know exactly what synthetic lemon scent is that. So glad to know there's somebody out there who would know what I'm talking about.

  15. It's wonderful when you're pleasantly surprised without much expectation! Looks amazing. I especially love the purple lighting and would love a turn in that hammock! Cannot believe some of the detailing like the hand with the green flower.

    1. That's why it is always important to keep our expectations low or not expect anything. I should apply that to more areas in life. =)

  16. Oh wow Jo! I love love your staycation pics! I've never done a staycation in singapore, thinking that it's not worth my money and with a few hundred dollars could travel but I totally see how a restriction of your work and time would make a staycation something worth while! I would love to stay at a beach resort about now. That's what I hope to do next time, just stay at a big resort and just enjoy the facilities. The rooms look awesome! And the breakfasts' and those steaks look so damn good! Sorry to hear about your gastric issues, that really sucks! I'm glad everything went well for your getaway, W looks like such a nice place!

    1. Hey Sharlynn, I used to think that staycation is a waste of money too and that even if for 3 days, I would rather travel overseas. But my mindset changed as I grow older and time and relaxation become more of a luxury. Staycation is a great way to unwind after all the hectic at work. Exactly like what you mentioned in your comment. It's also a great way to visit different hotels in SG and use their facilities. I've heard nothing but bad stuff about W Singapore from people around me and so I was pleasantly surprised by how I experienced nothing of the bad stuff. I hope W stays this way. =)

  17. Jo, first of all, I love your denim short overalls (absolutely adorable) and the new color strokes you added to your hair! The hotel looks so cool, loved the light features and the funny details like the mustage on the mirror :) The food also looked delicious. I'm glad to see you are doing great! Have a great weekend!


    1. Hello Milu, Thank you for your compliments. You haven't been commenting in a while and it's so lovely to receive your comment in my email notification. Hope we continue to stay in touch! =)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)