Saturday, August 08, 2015

Mother's Day and Father's Day Celebrations 2015

A speaker at a seminar once joked, "Do you know what is Father's Day?" After an emphatic pause, he continued, "Father's Day is the leftovers of Mother's Day." That ignited a roar of laughter from the floor.

You would soon see how true it is in this post and also notice how my writing got lazier and lazier as the post goes on.

This post on Mother's Day and Father's Day celebrations 2015 came really late. It had been in draft mode since forever as I've simply had no time to work on it. Nonetheless. I'm glad to be able to catch up on some blogging this SG50 Jubilee Weekend.

~*Mother's Day Celebration with My Family at Saveur Art*~

Mother's day dinner with my family was spent at Saveur Art at Ion. My parents had never had French cuisine so we thought it was time they tried it. Saveur is known for serving affordable French food so my expectations weren't high especially after I visited the branch at Purvis Street two years back.

My 2nd sis claimed that the one at Ion is really good. After that day, I would say that Saveur Art is the more atas one of all the branches. Besides the quality food served, their service was just as good.

By the time I'm writing this, I've visited Saveur Art for the second time in July and I very much prefer the menu they had in May. Since there were 7 of us, we ordered almost all of everything so that we could share and have a taste of all the dishes.

These were the 3 appetizers that we ordered. We skipped the crab salad and pumpkin soup as we thought those were more common.

~Saveur Pasta~
Chorizo, Grilled Prawn, Chopped Kombu, Chili oil

The Saveur Pasta was the hubz favourite appetizer of the night. It was a dish of cold pasta with an amalgamation of flavours and texture.

~Egg Confit~
64 Degree Egg, Truffled Potato Mousseline,  Roasted Macadamia Nuts and Brown Butter

OMG, this dish is totally awesome! You are supposed to mix everything in the bowl and savour the awesome medley of flavours. I love how the smooth mixture of potato mousseline with truffle blends in with the smooth eggy richness, and how the macademia nuts add punch and crunch to the whole dish.

Just take my money!

~Grilled Foie Gras~

Foie Gras is always on hubz and my must-order list whenever it is available at any restaurant that serves it. However after all the awesome goodness of the previous 2 appetizers, the grilled foei gras failed in comparison on the ratings scale.

These were all the main courses that we ordered which were available that evening.

~Crispy Duck Leg Confit~

It was like any duck leg confit.

~Roasted Chicken Breast~

Chicken breast is usually dry but surprisingly, this was really moist and delicious.

~Grilled Pork Belly~

My family liked this.

~Slow-cooked Salmon~

I love the creamy sauce more than the salmon itself.

~Butter Poached Lobster~

This was our favourite of all the main dishes but too bad it wasn't enough for 7 of us.

~Australian Beef Steak~

We ordered the Wagyu Striploin instead of the Angus Bavette and it was the perfect choice.

Now let's have some human shots.

This picture is supposed to be of my mum and dad but my mum's main purpose is to catch that person in the background. Could you spot Elvin Ng in the background?

I've circled Elvin Ng sitting there.

Served the hubz right. He would always like to spoil photos by making stupid faces and he got a scolding from my mum. LOL! Do a happy dance.

There you go! A proper one.

My eldest sis and BIL.

My 2nd sis.

My lao Hero Dad and 2nd sis.

Time for desserts!

We liked how the whole array of cheese were brought to our table.

~Artisanal Cheese Platter~


~Poached Pear~

~Chocolate and Pistachio~

I always loved peeking into the display windows of this German toy shop Das Erzgebirge-Haus at Ion. I love looking at the doll house and Wee Forest Folk Mouseys the most.

A mouse with a pet cat... So ironic... reminds me of Mickey Mouse with his pet dog Pluto.

So I finally used this Coach bag that gal pal Viv got me for my birthday one or two years ago.

~*Mother's Day Celebration with the In-laws at Osteria Mozza*~

Mother's day dinner with my in-laws was spent at Osteria Mozza.

Located in Los Angeles and now Singapore, "Osteria Mozza in Singapore is one of the most celebrated restaurants in Asia, recognized on San Pellegrino’s list of the 50 Best Restaurants on the continent."

I did not take a pic of the menu and so can't remember most of the dishes we ordered. All I remeber is that most of the dishes were delicious and that we would definitely head back here again since the hub is a great fan of Italian cuisine.

~*Father's Day Celebration with My Family at The Famous Kitchen*~

The Famous Kitchen is a regular haunt of both families when we crave good old Chinese food. Here we are at the Wall of Fame with lots of celebrities' photos. There was once when the lady boss asked us to send her our pictures as she would want to put it up on the wall too. (Lol... I didn't send of course.) We are no celebrity but she said that she would love to have regular folks up on the wall too.

This vegetable with pork floss dish is only available that day.

The Sour Vegetable Steamed Fish is something that we would always order over and over again. The tangy vegetables, crunchy peanuts and richness of the gravy complimented the fish very well. I love picking at the peanuts most.

Sea cucumber and fish maw.

They are famous for their KL Da Lu Mian which even Malaysians claim it's better than what they have at home. I'm not a fan of sweet main dish but I know of many Singaporeans who also claim that this is better than the KL version.

My favouritest main dish of all is this baked bee hoon. I love it when the bee hoon is still semi crispy amidst the gravy.

Creamy salted egg yolk crab. Yummy yummy.

Served with mantou (Chinese steamed buns).

My 老 Hero daddy who still thinks he is Ah Boy.

Mummy and Ah Boy Daddy.

Daddy looks so tall with his 3 darling girls.

But looks so short with both sons-in-law. Wahahaha...

~*Father's Day Celebration with the In-laws at Teochew Cuisine Restaurant*~

It was Chinese cuisine again. This time with the in-laws at Teochew Cuisine Restaurant. The food was good but it was a super long wait and we didn't find the service very good either. There wasn't any human shots that day except this photo which showed how many people needed to supervise the hubz as he tends to over order.

This photo is to depict how small the barley drink was compared to the normal glass. They really should increase the serving cup of the barley which could be finished in just 5 mouthfuls.

Some braised platter. As usual, I don't know the name of the dishes we ordered as I didn't snap a pic of the menu.

Nai bai vegetables.

Broccoli with mushrooms and abalone.

Broccoli with I don't know what. Yeah, broccoli again. We didn't know this dish would be served with broccoli.

Salted fried tofu. I love this!

This steamed pomfret is really fresh with such firm texture.

Cold crab

This chicken came so late way after the crab and they didn't allow us to cancel our order saying that they had already prepared the dish. Oh well... We really didn't like the lacklustre service and I'm confirming this fact based on the 2nd time we visited this place earlier this month.

Orh Nee (yam paste with ginko nut) is almost every Teochew's favourite hot dessert. I love the orh ni here but it took so long to arrive.

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I've been neglecting my blog a lot. I've not been updating, replying to comments and visiting blogs for a long while now and I hope to get back on track with all this. After all, blogging used to be my favourite hobby and I would love to keep it that way.

Replies to comments coming up and I would be dropping by your blogs soon too.

Have a good weekend ahead!


  1. Great post and amazing pictures :)...thx for sharing!

  2. Oh don't worry too much about being behind!!! We all get busy in life and I'm sure your long time readers and fans will understand! I sure do! I freaking loved everything you had at Saveur Art and Osteria Mozza! I really hope to try both of them before the end of this year! I've been hearing so much about saveur but although I go to town at least once a week for leisure I've never tried them! My family doesn't do too much for mother's and father's day although I do make it a point to make my parents something, whether it be a cake or a nice meal at home!

    1. Hey Sharlynn, Remember to go to Ion Saveur Art instead of the other Saveur. The Purvis Street one didn't impress me. Saveur Art even though atas, is really very affordable French dining. Ah yes, I saw your cake for your mum before. So sweet.

  3. hello Jo! the food looks delicious and your celebrations are wonderful. it seems like you guys really enjoyed! i wish you all the happiness :)))

    xoxo, rae

  4. I laughed an evil laugh when, in the middle of talking about food, you wrote it was time for some "human shots". :D

    1. Hahaha... =D I realised I take a lot more food shots than human shots at times.

    2. It made me think that people were next on the menu. :)

  5. We all get busy with life from time to time Jo... it's perfectly ok.. I take lots of breaks now, espececially with all the walking I do know... that takes up a lot of my time.

    If I ate the food you all eat... I would be 3 times my size... this food is very rich sounding.

    I hope everything is well with you... have a fantastic week xox ♡♡

    1. Hey Launna, is walking part of your commute to and fro or do you make the extra effort to walk? Either way, it is pretty impressive and it's always good to get the body moving. I have high metabolism rate which allows me to eat a lot but over the years, the metabolism has slowed down and so I've to work harder to keep my body and health in check. It takes a lot of motivation to move that body especially when I come home late and tired from work but I'll put in more determination!

  6. This looks so wonderful. What a great celebration, everyone looks so happy, it's great to see :)) And all this food must have been marvellous too :)) I love it. Happy week to you xx

    1. Yes Kizzy. Food brings people together and I believe that a family that eats together stays together.

  7. So lovely! I think it's great you all celebrated together both of these important dates. I don't see my parents very often and I sometimes really regret missing these kind of celebrations.

    That first French restaurants sounds great. I think I would probably like the salmon the most out of these dishes you presented...and my husband would probably like the pork the most.

    So funny that your mother took that photo with your dad only to capture that guy in the background! Well, maybe that was only her excuse, maybe she was a sneaky romantic. Both of your parents look youthful and they really are an adorable couple. You have such a sweet family.

    Those photos of your father looking tall (with his daughters) and suddenly not looking so tall (with his sons in law) were quite adorable too.

    That Italian place looks really nice too..and too bad that last place wasn't that great and the service didn't impress. Well, you can't win them all even when dinning:)

    Have a lovely day sweetie! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Your comments always make me smile, Ivana. I hope you get to see your parents mroe often. It's easier for us as Singapore is a very small country. I cannot imagine if I live in bigger states and cities, I would be so far away from everyone too. And OMG... I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy that you are on Instagram! Now we are connected there too!!! xoxo

    2. my parents more or less moved to island Hvar, so that makes it difficult for me to see them but I did last week when I had a short vacation there and managed to spend some quality time with my granny whom I love dearly.

      So cool we can connect on insta too!

  8. Oh my goodness, I am overwhelmed as always here. Let me see what I can recall: Lots and lots of food, some looking quite lovely some looking very scary, the prices on that menu were VERY scary, the mouse with the pet cat...Buddy and Callie say "we are not amused", and lots of lots of happy family. What more could someone ask from a blog post than all that!

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. Hahaha... our currency is smaller than USD. 1 SGD = 0.71 USD from when I last checked Google. That would make the price on the menu look higher I suppose. Say hi to Buddy and Callie for me. =)

  9. Your parents are so cute, Jo! And I had to google Elvin Ng. ;)

    xo Jo

    1. Hehe... Elvin Ng isn't international and not many people would know our local celebrities. I understand. =)

  10. The food looks yummy! Everyone looks so lovely!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  11. What a great place to celebrate the greatest people in your lives.

  12. Thank you , follow you №343
    Please follow back!

    1. Hi, I will naturally follow back when we have meaningful to and fro communication. =)

  13. Jo, you have one of the most beautiful families I've ever seen, congrats! I see you had an amazing time in both celebrations, what feasts lol! Your parents are so sweet together, loved the snaps of them in particular, ur mom looks so very young and very close to u! Many kisses and have a good weekend! xo

    1. Thank you, Lilli. You made me smile. We gotta put in lots of effort to make a family work well. I'm glad food brings us together! xoxo

  14. Goodness, everything looks so delicious! What a lovely time all of you had! Beautiful pics!

    1. Thank you, Caramella. Love seeing new people here.

  15. Hi Jo, it's wonderful to see the your whole family. I can see why you have neglected your blog and if you ask me the family is more important than the blog. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. Even if hubby got a scolding by your mom ;-) I haven't heard of Elvin Ng but I check out the site. He's a good looking guy :D The food at the Osteria Mozza looks super yummy. If I had to choose a place I would go there :D Btw you guys are also famous. You should have sent that pic :D
    RYC: I'm trying to sort the problems out but it's not easy. Right now I'm super busy but I hope it'll improve one day. I really need a break. I can't wait to get back to yoga but I can't find the time. I won't give up though. Wish you a wonderful Sunday Jo!


    1. Haha, Mira. Your comment made me smile. Elvin Ng isn't international and not many people would know our local celebrities. I understand if you had to google. Ooh... So you like Elvin Ng kinda Asian guy? Now I'm craving for Osteria Mozza as I'm typing this. I hope both of us could find time for ourselves!

  16. I am so hungry right now! Thanks for sharing those photos! I think it doesn't matter if it is the leftovers from mother's day, but it is a perfect day to spend with family

    Natalia | Lindifique

    1. You are absolutely right, Natalia. Thanx for popping by. I love seeing newcomers here. =)

  17. Actually Jo, Fathers Day is celebrated in September over here in Oz so technically you could say this post isn't too far off hehehe. I have a question for you and it's probably a stupid one at best. Is the majority of words in Singapore written/spoken in english? I've just noticed the menu being in English and was curious!


    1. Hey Sonia, I didn't know that Australia celebrates Father's Day in September. So when do they celebrate Mother's Day? No worries about asking stupid question. We all learn by asking and no question is stupid. Yes, majority of words are written and spoken in English in Singapore. English is the working language here and the 3 main languages are English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil.

  18. Your dinners are making me SO hungry. I haven't had dinner yet- and now I want a million different things. I loved that you got to share a lot of the meals among a group of people so that you could try more items. That is so much fun and you get a better feel for the menu at a restaurant. I am so glad you shared these with us. :)

    Have a great week!

    1. Exactly, Jess. I really love to go out in big groups and get a taste of all the food. That's the best way to taste everything w/o over-ordering. Have a good weekend!

  19. Its okay Jo, sometimes life catches us and its nice to bask in real world sometimes. Anyway, when i read that fathers day is the left over of mothers day, i cracked up so hard lol!

    Ive never tried celebrating these kind of celebration with my parents, in fact most of the people i know don't really celebrate father/mothers day and i don't even know why, but it sure is nice to get to do these with our beloved parents.

    And as usual Jo, the food are just too tempting! And you got a beautiful family <3

    1. Hey Sarah, Thank you for your comment. I agree that it is nice to bask in the real world and it's only normal to do so though I sometimes do feel like I'm missing out a lot if I'm away from the blogging world for much too long. Since I live away from my family after being married, I would make it a point to celebrate such occasions as well as birthdays so that we still get to see one another. =)

  20. I finally joined instagram:) so now I'll see you more often;)

  21. Dear Jo,
    your family is very lovely and yes, your father is still 'ah boy' :) I'm impressed by the varieties of restaurants you visited and the dishes you had - honestly now my month is watering! What a pity that the dish you liked most was not enough for you all. And I was happy to read that you love the window from the "German Erzgebirge" as I know this region and visited this area already as I had a few years ago an importan supplier there. We have gotten each year such Erzgebirge art from him as Christmas presents ...
    Hope you are well and I thank you very much for your last visit on my blog! Have a happy weekend.
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. Hey Rena, Nice to see you here! It must be really amazing to visit the actual German Erzgebirge! I would fall in love with it if I were there. Great that you know the supplier! It's nice to have connections. Have a lovely weekend!

  22. PS: I have to admit I don't know Elvin ...

    1. It's ok. Elvin Ng isn't international and not many people would know our local celebrities. =)

  23. looks like loads of fun and the food pics are so much mouthwatering! thanks for sharing.


    p.s. win a blogpresentation!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)