Thursday, July 09, 2015

Connect with Me on Facebook!

*Blows the 2-week-old virtual cobwebs off my blog*

I've been slacking on my blog and my turtle friend has pushed the reminder button to update my blog so that he could have something to read.

I've got lots of half edited photos and drafts for photo-story posts but they are nowhere near complete.

I've got lots of contents about life's lessons both in my mind and on drafts and they would most likely remain as drafts till I figure a way to piece all of them together.

I thought of writing about my most recent dreams and nightmares while they are still vivid in my mind but that would take some time and I'm already typing this with my eyes half close. Besides, you should hear me recounting my dreams and nightmares to you face to face for the impact. I like how I scared the hubby and creeped my colleagues out.

So I've to think on my feet for a quick post.

I always try to keep blog updates to one post a week just to keep my blog running but I'm too swarmed by many things that I've neglected this little space of mine.

If you are following me on Facebook and Instagram, you would still get my on-the-go-updates daily or once every few days from my mobile.

During the past 2 months, I was so glad to have connected with so many blog friends on Facebook. I guess FB was stalking my contact list and Instagram friends and I found many of them under the section of "People you may know".

To my long time blog friends who are not acquainted on FB yet, please send me a request as I would love to connect with all of you there!

To my newer blog friends with constant meaningful engagement , please send me a request too. You definitely know who you are!

To anyone else reading who wanna be friends on FB, I'm sorry but I'm pretty selective about accepting friend requests. You could still follow me to get updates as I have public albums and posts too.

If you ever noticed those buttons below my blog header, you could explore them too! Let's connect on more social media platforms.


And there, I took 10 minutes to craft a post just to keep my blog going and attempting to connect with all of you on my more active platforms. Gotta crash...


  1. Yes sometimes all the half-built concepts and ideas are like buildings I start and then walk away from to start another and then I end up with another Instagram picture post because nothing is quite ready. But, yes, certainly ideas form anew in my mind every day. Hope you find a way to decipher your troubling dreams or take control of them. Dreamscape and Brainstorm are two great films that deal with this type of thing.

    1. We are messy bloggers and builders. Lots of ideas brewing but not able to build them up properly. My dreams and reality are always a blur and difficult to manage. I googled Dreamscape and Brainstorm and they sound like pretty interesting movie. Reminds me of Inception.

  2. I'm very happy to hear your tummy is doing better and that a healthier lifestyle is working for you. Sometimes it is just a matter of finding something that is suiting us well.

    I find it hard to manage virtual world and social platforms, that is why I only do blogging and lookbook. Between those two, I don't have much time left for other social networks so I prefer not to open any other social network accounts. We just can't get them all, you know what I mean!!! sometimes I'm frustrated by the amount of stuff I want to read and keep up---but nobody can do it all.

    I'm sending you virtual xoxo sweet Jo!

    1. Awww... what a shame that we do not have similar social media platforms except for our blogs. You are one of those whom I would love to connect on all platforms. I totally feel you when you said "we just can't get them all". We only have so little time in a day and social media is just one facet of life. Sending you lots of xoxo back, Ivana.

  3. It's good to take a breather from blogging. Hope you'll still be active ^__^

    Linxnee-Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle

    1. I will definitely be back again. Thanx for your comment. Love seeing newcomers around. =)

  4. Hi Jo,

    I just sent you a friend request on FB, don't know if you're going to accept it, but with that request I'm already following you so I can still see your public updates, right?
    And also on Instagram and Pinterest, Youtube are all followed..
    But don't you have a Twitter account?

    Wish you could find some time to post even once a week, it'll be fun when you share your thoughts with us online :) Maybe you just need a little more push-through hihi

    Have a wonderful day, Take care!

    Jhem |

    1. Hey Jhem, I've accepted your FB friend request. Even though we are pretty new to each other's blogs, I appreciate our meaningful exchanges. That's what online interaction is all about right? I must have missed out your notifications. Could you tell me what's your Instagram ID? I would love to follow you back. I tried typing combination of your name to search but it warranted nothing. Yup, I don't have a Twitter account. Hehehe... It's rather difficult to manage so many social media accounts. I will definitely try to get down to 1 post a week at least soon after the breather.

  5. Jolene,

    I got mentioned twice I think in the past posts :) :) life is good. I don't really dream of bloggers but I have dreamed about past friends. Like ppl you don't talk to anymore and in the dream we are hanging out or something. I guess not too easy to forget these things.

    I'm gonna make an fb account just so I can talk to Jolene. Hopefully im special and will be on her real friends fb :P But I have to figure out how to do it without it suggesting people I know. Let me tell you a story. Last year I made an account coz my cousin asked me to. I make sure to use an email I never give to anyone before (brand new hotmail). I didn't add any friend. But in Canada fb make you add your cellphone to register.i have my number for long time. As soon as I did that - this terrible coworker from 6 years ago show up as "add this friend!". And I bet you fb send him email saying "Kevin is now on Facebook!" bcoz he must have keep my number and then upload his entire contact list to fb when register so it linked us together. My god..

    1. Hey Turtle, Yes. You got mentioned again and sometimes I tend to copy and paste the same warning label when the post is long and Turtle would be mentioned again so that's more times than just twice. =)

      Do you remember your dreams vividly? I do... with the 5 senses and it's scary when I can't differentiate dreams and reality. If you remember your dreams clearly, it also shows that you are not having quality sleep.

      FB trawls our contact list, esp iPhone. I don't know how to turn that off. It could be done on android. We also gotta input our mobile number a few years back as it was a form of security and also to prevent people from having to many accounts I guess. But no, I don't think FB trigger any notifications to your friend but he might be able to see you as a friend suggestion if he is sharp. It isn't that bad actually. Lol...

  6. You and husband look good in the infinity pool pictures. But I can't go to a place with so many professional photographers and stupid photographers… my body is not GRRRRR CHANNING TATUM! So I will feel so vulnerable. I can tell you a secret - I've never had Singapore laksa in my entire life. I don't even know what it's like. My friend loves it. PS why does husband not use iPhone? he's crazy! I have a friend who refuses to use iPhone because everyone is using it. that's her reason. She has so many problems with her android phones lol.

    When I see db bistro I hear arya stark yelling "oysters clams and cockles!!" she has ruined my image of oysters forever. That mini tabasco sauce is indeed cute but I don't know what tabasco sauce tastes like....? Nice new iphone :)

    1. Lol... My body isn't Jessica Alba too. But it's ok. Coz the whole place is filled with flabs and dad bods too but yes I understand, could get conscious too no matter what.

      I love Singapore laksa and nothing else. Penang laksa isn't the kinda laksa I like coz it is sour and sour noodles stuff should be called mee siam, that one I like.

      Hubby has an apple (iPad) but can't use camera phone for work. I used to be not able to use camera phone for work too until last Dec when my dept became green-zone (Camera phones allowed but not allowed to snap pictures) We are secret agents in case you don't know. Lol... TBH, I don't like iPhone in many ways coz I used android as my work phone in the past and saw the many things it could do that iPhone can't. But iPhone could also do many things that androis can't too. So it's a give and take.

      I gotta google "arya stark". Tabasco doesn't have much taste. A little tangy and spicy.

      Gotta visit your blog real soon for some turtle humour.

  7. great post! very nice!
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC? let me know

    1. I love seeing newcomers around. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  8. Sometimes when you're really busy, it can be hard to find the time or motivation to blog. I've felt that way too Jo. Glad to hear you're still around and doing well though :)

    Yes I've discovered that aversion to feet is a real thing and I'm definitely not the only one who has it. I have seriously unfollowed people because of it as well. Feet are just not nice to look at and even worse when people don't take care of them. It makes more sense that you wear flip flops all the time since you live in a hot country like Singapore and it's also quite clean there. The streets of NYC can be rather dirty and when people wear flip flops around the city, the bottoms of their feet are like black - so gross! I guess I just don't think of them as legit footwear because I find them incredibly uncomfortable with absolutely no support at all and I prefer comfortable shoes with plenty of support.

    Some people who are more observant like yourself have picked up on Rena and Ian being mini's of my husband and I. I plan on explaining more in a future post but this started out just because I liked the dolls and I only got the idea to photograph them after I had gotten them. I don't know if I had told you before but they fit Barbie and Ken doll clothing so it's not that hard to find apparel for them. You are right that this isn't an inexpensive hobby but I do sell some of their things after I'm done with shooting them as well to make it a little more cost effective :)

    Btw I appreciate you asking me about connecting on FB. You can send me a request if you'd like but I will tell you that with all of the social media I try to rotate between for my blog and also personally, FB is the one that I like the least so I'm fairly inactive on there. I don't comment much because I don't go on often and I always forget to answer people until weeks later. If I didn't autofeed my Instagram photos I would probably never have any updates. So the answer is yes you can add me if you'd like but I will ask for your understanding about my inactivity.

    Have a wonderful new week my friend!
    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. Hey Rowena, You have no idea. I'm always in awe of your content-worthy posts churned out at regular intervals. I know you shared before you have a blog schedule and I think it takes lots of determination to keep up with it.

      Thanx for sharing with me more about your feet aversion. It helps me understand why you feel this way. Oh yes, when I was in NYC during winter, it's so slushy! I don't think I could wear flip flops there too. I guess coz we grow up in a troical country whereby it's the norm to wear flip flops so I don't find feet disgusting but oh... some people really do have dirty and unkempt feet and those are gross.

      For me, it is easy to tell that Ian and Rena are little mini mes of hub and you. No, you haven't told me about them being able to fit Ken and Barbie's clothes and I think that's so wonderful that they do. It makes shopping for them so much easier! I'm so intrigued by this doll hobby of yours and I would love to read your post on them!

      Thanx for connecting on FB too! I could see what you mean about your FB state but it's ok. I appreciate your acceptance of request.

      Have a wonderful day of what's left of the weekend!

  9. Hi Jo! Ive been visiting your blog numerous times but i was wondering why you don't have any updates, now i know why! It's okay to slack off sometimes (i do it all the time hihi) because life in general sometimes catches us and we need to sort them out first before continuing an adventure we already know by heart because everybody will always understand (i do). And just because we're doing what we're doing doesn't mean we had it all figured out you know. From time to time we need to sit back and listen to ourselves and of what our dreams and nightmares are trying to tell us. God why am i so serious?? I don't know. Haha! Anyway Jo, im so sorry for this comment because if i know you already had it sorted out hehe.

    Followed you on your social media accounts <3

    1. Hi Sarah, Even though we are pretty new to each other's blogs, I really appreciate the meaningful and sincere 2-way communication. It's always a blessing to have such connections and chemistry with people. Lol... no you're not being too serious in a bad way. I sometimes do wonder about my dreams and nightmares coz they are just too vivid with 5 senses all involved. Sometimes I can't differentiate dreamscape from reality and it is that serious. You don't have to apologize for your comment, sweetie. Thanx for all the follows, dear. Would like to return the favour. I'm so glad that we are connected on more platforms now like IG and FB. =D

  10. Don't worry about being absent, I'm already 'stalking' you through IG and GFC so I always get the update whenever you're around however, I just send you a FR on FB. I must admit that I am not active on FB anymore, it's my personal account but the only reason why I still post there is for my family to stay in touch with my little one's progress. And I didn't know you have YouTube?! But I have subscribe so now I am officially one of your 'stalker'. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Shireen, I'm so happy to see your Friend Request on FB. I really really love it when I'm connected to people I appreciate and love. Lol... I hope the feeling is mutual! Your little boss is so cute. I enjoyed looking at those videos. My YouTube is used to upload videos for my blog. It is private until I had to make it public to share them on my blog. mine is the old version ans not synced to all my Google account. I don't know how to do it and dunno if I would compromise anything if I sync all together. Are you subscribed to me? Coz I don't even know how to check. Hehe.

  11. Jo! I'm the exact same. Cob web build up has been a perpetual problem of late and that goes for all my social media accounts. I want to keep blogging and updating things but there is just not enough hours in a day. I have so many drafts pending and ideas that need refining, I don't even know where to begin. Yikes!


    1. Heyhey Sonia, We are similar in this sense that we need to band together and motivate each other. Lol. It's so much easier and faster to share links and thoughts on FB and anything that's on the phone on the go.

  12. Hi Jo, I'm so glad we're already connected through FB and IG. Sadly I'm not that active at both of them right now. Our blog is slacking too right now. I'm so busy but I hope that we both can sort out our stuff and post more often in the future.
    RYC: You look great and all women have soft flabs haha. Me too :D It's great that you do something to life healthier. That's what I'm trying to do too :D When I have sorted out all my personal problems I'm going to practise yoga again (that was one of my NY resolutions) :D Wish you a happy Tuesday Jo!


    1. Mira, My exact sentiments. I can see how bz you are coz you're right about slacking on both accounts and blog. But still, I'm always happy to see your new posts and your activities on my accounts too. I wish you manage to sort your life out and get back to Yoga! I feel like practising Yoga formally but I don't have the time to go for classes. So YouTube video is the way to go for me now. Have a wonderful day of what's left of the weekend!

  13. Hi Jo: I have enjoyed seeing your updates on Instagram but I do miss blog post too. It can be challenging to find time to craft one post and I have a hard time managing just two social platforms. Facebook is really not my thing so i discontinued after a short trial period. I like Instagram for when i run short on time to check, read or reply on the blogs but when I have more time I really enjoy reading and connecting via blog more than anything else.

    I can't believe you haven't visited Japan but I could totally understand. When I lived back in Asia, I never really thought about visiting either. I knew exactly what you meant about the reservation you had not to visit but don't let those concerns prevent you. Prior to the trip, i was concerned about earthquake and Tsunami. My husband was not that interested. He didn't even eat Japanese food. But you know what? After this trip, we LOVE and CANT wait to explore more. We had such an awesome time mainly because of the people we met which made a huge difference. We didn't visit that many tourist attractions but the whole experience was very fulfilling and great.

    1. Nelah, It's the same for me. Blog is always the primary platform that I love to connect to people with. And I get sad seeing many blog friends leaving their blogs and being more active on their more on-the-go platforms like FB and IG. I tell myself that I would want to maintain my blog for as long as possible coz this is my heart and soul. I'm glad you feel this way about blogs too. I know I would be addicted to Japan once I visit it. You could already tell how "Japanese" hub and I are. Lol... Looking forward to reading more of your Japan posts!

  14. Hi Jo, I love reading your posts especially the ones related to blogging and social media. Keep up the good job! Btw, I'm not sure if I will get approved by you on facebook (I totally understand). I don't have a Facebook account for my blog, it's just personal. Talk to you soon!

    xo Jo

    1. Jo Jo Jo, So happy to see your FR on FB. Totally love it when I'm connected to people I appreciate and love. Lol... I hope the feeling is mutual! Yep. I don't have a blog FB page too. I figured it would be pointless for me to have 1 so yeah, it's personal to personal for you and me!

  15. Dear Jo, thank you for your effort to write this post although you were so tired and in general very busy! Honestly now I'm curious to read more about your life lessens and also your nightmares although I'm now worried that you have nightmares. Thank you further for your kind offer - I'm so sorry but I didn't join any of these platforms. Hope you are well despite your busy life and send you warm and lovely greetings from Bavaria.
    xx Rena

    1. Thank you for visiting, Rena. Haven't seen you for a long while. Hehe... I think I would write about my nightmare, I creeped another group of friends out as one gal could totally imagine the scene and feel for me. Hope we could see each other on our blogs more often!

  16. Oh very good this sweetie, I sent you a friend request on FB.

    1. Hey dear, I saw and accepted. Glad we are connected on more social media platforms!

  17. Such a fantastic blog you have here! And that photo is amazing! I am not connected to Facebook or Instagram as of yet but if I do I will be reaching out! Happy week to you! And thanks for popping by! Nicole

    1. Thank you for popping b here too. Hope we would see more of each other on our blogs. =)

  18. Youtube! I was hoping there was a new way for us to connect!!! I'm never visiting pinterest, so Youtube is it!!! :)
    After 5 weeks, I'm finally starting to feel better. I still have little things like itchy ears or mild sore throat once in a while, but the serious stuff seems to have finally left me alone. I'm sorry about the nightmares. I hope they have not been too upsetting. :(

    1. My YouTube started off as a video platform to host videos on my blog since the one from blogger is kinda too small and too grainy. It still is a platform to host my videos and I've got no idea how to use the more advanced features like how many YouTubers do. Great that you are en route to recovery or have recovered fully by the time I type this.

  19. What a cool picture!

    I can relate to being swamped. I love that your friend pushed you to write something so they'd have something to read. That is awesome! :)

    Have a great day-

    1. Hey Jess, glad you could relate to being swamped. Thank you for the FB friend request. I've accepted it. Glad to be connected on more platforms!

  20. Hello Jo! I miss your blog posts too! I hope you can find the time to write posts. Anyway, I'll send you a request on Facebook! Haha.

    xoxo, rae

    1. Hello Rae, Yeah, we haven't been seeing each other around recently. Hope we could do so more often and I've accepted your friend request. Great to be connected on more platforms!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)