Thursday, January 08, 2015

Christmas 2014: The One With The Christmas Baubles

It has been an unspoken tradition for my good friend Evan and I to meet every year during the Christmas season to snap photos along Orchard Road. The last Christmas light ups photo-taking with Evan was in 2011! We completely left out 2012 and 2013 as 1) the decorations weren't really spectacular, 2) either of us was overseas, 3) it was really difficult to find a date to meet. How delightful it was when we could partake in this "tradition" once more for Christmas 2014!

We first had dinner at Dean and Deluca flagship store at Orchard Central. Since Dean and Deluca hit our shores in 2012, I've always been meaning to experience what so many people have been raving about. "Icon of New York City culture and lifestyle", "defining brand in gourmet food retail around the world", "international array of artisanal products" etc, my appetite was indeed whetted! However, we felt that the food wasn't worth its hefty price tag. I think I had the American Country breakfast. The scrambled eggs were not really warm and fluffy and the sausage had a weird porky taste.

Evan had the Bacon Macaroni and Cheese which looked quite like lasagne. The bacon was served later in another dish. We both thought the bacon was mine as bacon usually goes with American breakfast, right? She was scraping the bacon onto my plate when I asked her, "Didn't you order bacon something?" That was the first enlightening moment. The next was when we suddenly recalled that she ordered Mac and Cheese and was scrutinizing the lasagne look-alike. So here's the final product of how the Bacon Macaroni and Cheese look like!

I got Evan a nanoblock minion to which she was screaming like a muted Banshee much to my amusement. Laughing, she showed me a photo of her minion plushie and another nanoblock character. Just great for adding on to her collection!

Evan was the first friend besides my colleagues to receive my customized magnet. I always love to personalize some parts of my little gifts to people as I find it a lot more meaningful that way. People think I'm so creative that a few were mistaken that I hand-made these magnets. I didn't hand-make them though I did the designing and digital aspects of it (which took many nights to complete) before sending them for print. I will write more about these magnets in a separate post so look out for it!

Orchard Central had a pink Christmas theme and "pretty in pink" is a befitting caption to this wefie.

We had some full length shot because we started helping an "auntie" to take photos with her phone and then the auntie followed us everywhere as we helped each other to take photos. More so of we helping her to take photos actually.

Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary. This shot wouldn't have been possible without the auntie's help so thank you Auntie!

More wefie moments. What you don't see are the decorative props swarming with people from all angles.

We had to take turns to snap photos with the decorations or angle other people away. Sometimes, we had to make do with slight photo bombs.

Nevertheless, we would always have a great shot to choose from in the end.

We simply had to do our signature bauble reflection shot and walked from Orchard Central down Orchard Road just to find reflective baubles. It was weird that most malls didn't have the clear reflective and unscratched baubles we were looking for until we reached Paragon. But why oh why were the baubles so near to the ground?

We looked stupid crouching down to take photo of baubles so we tried to act cool. Pardon the big hands and phone.

And then as we walked on, we saw more baubles within standing reach and felt so stupid crouching earlier on.

As if taking photos with the iPhone 6 wasn't enough, we also took using Evan's Canon S95.

The story behind these flowers was that Evan nearly dropped my phone onto the flower bed in front of us and she went, "Ooh, nice flowers!" -_-|||

Replicating the signature 白痴 Chipmunks smile! Look at my hands. I look like I'm going "Wheeee!"

The signature idiotic ear-to-ear smile in bauble shots was totally inspired by Dale in the classic Disney short film, Pluto's Christmas Tree which was one of my favourite cartoons when I was young. Here's the screen capture from the cartoon I found on YouTube.

This is the classic 1952 cartoon if you're interested in watching. I bet some of you grew up watching these classics.

Ok how about a normal, non 白痴 (non-idiotic) smile?

The Dog look.

And by now if you're still not sick of our bauble faces, this is my favourite shot to end this post.

[All photos in this section were taken using iPhone 6 and Canon S95.]


  1. Omg, that video was so cute and funny! I grew up watching those cartoons and I loved them! I'm going to make a list of Christmas cartoons next year around Christmas. They are much better than Home Alone, etc. You and your friend are so beautiful , Jo! Sorry to hear that the food wasn't that great and it was a disappointment! Glad to hear your had fun around Christmas! xo

    1. I love those short classic Disney cartoons a lot. When I watched them as a child, I had no idea they were as old as the 50s. You also grew up with those cartoons, Sany? I wonder why don't they show such cartoons anymore? Cartoons nowadays are simply not as good. Yes, I would love to see your list of Christmas cartoons next Christmas!

  2. Jo, I love shiny bulbs... I rarely put them on my tree as usually I have a child in the house and or a cat and my beautiful shiny bulbs would be here no longer... xox

    I truly hope you are feeling better, being sick is NEVER fun, I guess it is a way to tell our body we were doing to much so take a rest... <3

    I did see that cartoon while growing up, it is a great classic.. it was a few years before me ( I have been feeling like I am ancient lately... haha)

    Have a great weekend ... I hope you can actually have some fun xox <3

    1. Hi Launna. You know, I want a cat in my new home and I want a beautiful Christmas tree too and when I read people talking about how they cant have Christmas trees because of cats at home, I start to wonder which should be my priority. Yeah, I was staying up late prior to the whole Christmas season rushing gifts etc that I only had 3-4 hours of sleep every night. When I met up with my gal pals the night before I flew off to Hanoi, they were all remarking how on earth would I be able to survive the trip with so little sleep. And probably that's why I fell sick. =(

      When I watched those Disney cartoons as a child, I had no idea they were as old as the 50s. I thought they were probably the same era as I am. Haha...

      It is Saturday night now and I spent the entire Saturday sleeping. I guess the sleep hasn't been replenished yet.

    2. Jo, it's sweet that you have taken the time to get to know me more by reading some of my older posts.

      He is the same one from 'My One And Only' ... it's all very sad... I haven't wanted to deal with losing him as my friend, it was much too painful. I know I have to if I am to ever move on. It's really difficult when I know he is the one. However; he has to know it too... instead he chose second best. I do wish him happiness as I could never wish him less.

      I hope you are feeling better... have a great week and make sure you get some rest ♡

  3. Crouching beauty, hidden bauble? I saw that movie :) Looks like a place full of cheer and you 2 certainly brightened it up even more with your presence. Love all the sweet mugging! That American breakfast looked interesting, but nobody wants anything that tastes "porky" especially when you include a cartoon with the post. Th-th-th-th-th-that's all folks :)

    1. I had some difficulty trying to conjure a catchy title for this post. You could do them well! What does "mugging" mean over here? The "mugging" in my dictionary means attacking/robbing or in SInglish terms, studying hard for the exams. Featuring a Porky Pig cartoon would probably be apt here! Haha.

  4. I love the dresses you ladies wore! So pretty! Sad to hear about Dean & Deluca. I've seen them on social media and like you would've expected more.

    1. I had Dean & Deluca in Thailand and it was great. I'm not sure why it isn't good in Singapore. I really expected more since their gourmet section looks so delectable.

  5. You two look precious together, so sweet :) I love the tradition of taking a picture together in the decorations, that is perfect :))) Friendship is so important in life. i hope you have a marvellous weekend doll xx

    1. Let's hope that the tradition to take photos of the Christmas decor would continue! Have a gorgeous weekend yourself too!

  6. I'm glad you were able to renew the tradition! My two favorites are both bauble shots, one high, one low.

    1. Let's hope that the tradition to take photos of the Christmas decor would continue! I can't tell which are the 2 coz they are all either high or low so I shall be thick-skinned and treat it as ALL. =D

    2. Well, they are all good! But I picked 'wheee" and the first crouching tiger shot. :)

    3. Hahaha... Evan felt the wheee was cute at that time but I thought it was dumb. I was actually holding my bag and a paper bag and hence the position of the arms being like that.

  7. Hi Jo! Oh, I remember that cartoon, actually is one of my fav and always watch it during christmas time! But never did that signature pic so far, I have to next holiday season! You and your friend are so sweet and fun together, Jo, your dress is dreamy! Im a fan of minions too, your friend's collection must be nice!:) Hope you have a wonderful weekend Jo, many hugs! xo

    1. Hello Lilli, You watched that cartoon too? Great! We all grew up watching the same cartoons. Haha... When Evan and I first did these reflection shots a few years ago at a giant Christmas tree at a mall, all the people who were taking pictures of themselves with the tree switched to take reflection shots too. And both of us felt so pleased that people were copying us. Hahaha... My dress is a gift from my sis. =)

  8. Sounds like such a great time! We just love traditions! :)
    That food looks just lovely and we just love both your outfits!

    1. Love seeing newcomers around. Thank you for your comments. I would be dropping by your blogs soon! =)

  9. That's too bad that the breakfast wasn't what you expected. I know that feeling all too well. It's especially disappointing when it's a higher-end restaurant and you know you're paying too much for what you've ordered.
    That's cute that an "auntie" helped you guys take photos! The Christmas decorations are pretty!

    1. Hey Terri. Thank you for dropping by my blog. I love seeing newcomers around. Ah well, that disappointing feeling we all know. We always tell ourselves it's the company of friends that counts in the end whenever we encounter bad food.

  10. I love the theme! :) pink makes me happy. And oh! The vide does remind me of my childhood days but I'm still watching cartoons up to now. I like adventure time:) young at heart :) Lovely post dear!
    Best regards,

    1. Thank you for dropping by, Rica. I love seeing newcomers around. Haha... cartoons are not only meant for children so no worries about that. Young at heart is what matters! =)

  11. Hi Jo! Happy New Year and happy belated Christmas. Evan and you have a wonderful tradition. Totally love the pics and the decorations. They look much better than the ones we have over here. I hope you're healthy again. You girls look marvelous. Love both dresses. It's freezing cold over here. I miss the summer already. The food looks okay but it's hardly international array of artisanal products. I missed you and your blog. The December is alway the busiest and if you ask me the most awful month ;-). I wish you all the best for 2015. Happiness, success and much much love!! RYC: My finger is going to heal (thanks goodness). Don't worry I can type with nine fingers almost as good as with ten hahaha. I have way too much practise. I bought new knives. Ceramic knives. They are awesome and I won't cut myself with these :D Happy Sunday sweetheart!!

    xx /

    1. It is always good to see you here, Mira. Thank you for your well wishes. Your comments are such a joy to read and yeah, I miss your blog and your jokes about your sisters. Wow... I didn't know ceramic knives wouldn't cut fingers! I think I have to buy those for my new home. I cut stuff way too slowly for fear of cutting my fingers.

  12. Your outfits are so cute! Amazing photos!
    Have a nice day!
    Angela Donava

    1. Thank you for your comment, Angela. Love seeing newcomers around!

  13. Gorgeous pictures, your looks are so beautiful. Thx for sharing your precious moments with us. Happy New Year to you. May it be filled with love and endless happiness for you.

    1. Thank you for your comment and well wishes, Lenya. See you around!

  14. What a nice tradition! It is always fun to take photos in the same location, especially over a certain period of time...and taking photos with a friend near Christmas decoration is really a sweet tradition.

    I do love all the faces you were making...and that you weren't distracted or discouraged by the fact that the only reflexive decorations were the ones so close to the floor. I think I did a few similar photos last year, but I wasn't so creative when it came to facial expressions...Speaking of creativity, love the items you designed...I love DIY, so people sometimes assume that I do everything with my own hands:) Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't...

    All in all, really adorable post...I also love the girly dresses you were both both look super pretty and cute!

    1. Haha... we are not afraid of making a fool of ourselves or of people staring as long as we have fun and don't hurt others. I guess sometimes we look stupid but it's ok. Try out various expressions next time. The fun comes in the process and have a good laugh at the results. It's so cute that we both have people mistaking that we hand-make some stuff that we didn't.

  15. It's wonderful to have a tradition to meet with someone on Christmas for some photos or anything else. We had a similar tradition with my friend, but it was a long time ago. We would meet up with the whole family and have Christmas Eve dinner together, it was lovely.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Mingaile. I love seeing newcomers around. I hope you managed to pick up the tradition of meeting up with friends and loved ones for Christmas photos once again. When I did so after a few years, the feeling was warm and fuzzy.

  16. Aww, looks like a really fun evening out! And you captured some fun photos for the memories. Christmas decor makes such a good picture background, doesn't it? We got married just before Christmas, so the church was already completely decorated for Christmas--i loved it because the church was already pretty and we didn't have to do anything about it!

    1. Wow! The church must have been really beautifully decorated for your wedding! What a lucky girl you are, Rachel. Would definitely look out for any of your wedding photos if you do post them up on your blog.

  17. Hi Jo. The baubles snaps looks like fun. I hope you had a great new year. Thanks for stopping by. I have not been online since last Friday because my babies and I are getting sick. I hope your feel better by now. I'm not well yet, just needed to login to reply everyone!

    Happy new year to you and your family dear Jo.

    Xo. have a a great week starts.

    1. Oh dear. I wish that all the sickness bug stay clear away from you and your kids. You re so sweet to login and reply even when you're sick, Tanya. xoxo

  18. lol I was wondering where the mac and cheese was! It really did look like lasagna! O__o Lovely photos of you two! Looked like you both had so much fun! I love pictures in reflections of things! haha. Jo, I absolutely adore the dress you were wearing, so cute! ^_^

    1. Great to see you here, Anna. And thank you. The dress was a gift from my sis. Well, basically she found that the dress didn't quite suit her and passed it to me. Haha...

  19. I love seeing newcomers around. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  20. That has to be the weirdest looking mac n cheese I've ever seen o_o (also, YOU HAVE TO TRY LOBSTER MAC N CHEESE SOMEDAY...if you do like mac n cheese)
    I AGREE WITH ANNA--YOUR DRESS IS TOO CUTE and it suits you quite well! I'm a sucker for dresses with collars on them, though I don't think I pull them off quite right (didn't stop me from buying like, 3 dresses with Peter Pan collars though).

    I really do like customized gifts, but I rarely have time anymore.(AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT [jks]) It does make me super happy when I receive them though, especially if they're cards with friendship photo collages on them!

    1. Hey Vanessa, I'm so hungry as I'm typing this ans lobster mac n cheese sounds absolutely DIVINE. Thank you for the compliment. I would love to see you in your Peter Pan collar dresses. You have to put your buys to good use!


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