Monday, December 22, 2014

Mia's 1st Birthday

[This is a scheduled post.]

Three weeks ago, we celebrated my goddaughter's 1st birthday. This is my favourite picture of my Godson Jase and my goddaughter Mia. Mia's dress reminded me of Minnie Mouse and Jase looked like the pleased older brother who is so proud of having such a cute little sister.

Jase is always the loving elder brother to his sisters. Both Charmaine and Mia are fortunate to have such a doting elder brother. For those who haven't been following my blog from a few years ago, Charmaine is my other goddaughter-- a beautiful little girl who had lost the battle to neuroblastoma cancer in 2011 after putting on a very good fight.

The birthday celebration was held in the function room. Lunch was a delicious mix of food prepared by Cyn's hubby P (Western food) and her dad (Asian food). What a yummy spread! Soon it was time to cut the cake. Mia could not wait to eat the cake and kept reaching out for it.

Licking her fingers after committing a notti act of touching the cake.

Cyn's immediate family. It sure looked like Jase was the birthday boy!

Cyn's other family-- Godma Alexis and her family, Godma Jolene (with kh not around).

What's a birthday party without any booze? Mia really starts young. LOL! FYI, the beer tab wasn't open of course! What did you think? She still had lots of fun feeling the cold can to her lips and pretending to drink.

Time to open and play with her presents!

Hmm... not food?

Not food too.

She still liked the singing dinosaur the most. She seemed afraid of all the plush toys with the exception of my Minnie Mouse. I don't know why she dared to touch and hold the Minnie Mouse (video here) but was so afraid of the rest. Nonetheless, Minnie Mouse didn't hold in her heart for long. Food would always take precedence for this greedy little girl. :-D

Kh arrived just in time to be my photographer. When I asked him to take a picture of me with Mia, he did this instead. I gave him a tsk coz Mia seldom keeps still for long and he had to waste time goofing around with the front and back camera of my phone. I like this picture of Godpa kh and godson though. Jase looked so innocent there!

Fortunately, kh took such a cute shot of us to redeem himself.

When it came to Jase, it was wefie time and we coordinated so well! Such telepathy!

An all girls shot for now coz Jase continued to lie down and thought that he could still be in the picture. -_-|||

I told Jase to worm up a little so that he could be in the frame. Pardon P's leg in the frame.

Perhaps a square collage would look great.

Minnie Mouse themed presents for Mia.

For Mia's 1st month, I gave her the same series of Minnie Mouse pendant with necklace. Hence, I got her the bracelet/anklet this time round. The next jewellery in this series is a pair of Minnie Mouse earrings but I don't think I could get her that coz P doesn't allow piercing for Mia. =(

The plushie came with the bracelet/anklet. How cute!

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Thank you all for your comments on my past 2 posts. I've already replied to them so do check back on the posts. As mentioned before, it has been a really busy week prior to the festive season. There were so much to do for Christmas-- preparing the "hand-made" aspect of the Christmas gifts, trawling the malls to buy material gifts, meeting up with lovely friends. Replies would be slow and I hope to be able to reconnect with all of you soon. In the meantime, please keep the love coming in and have a splendid Christmas week ahead!


  1. Firstly Congrats for the her 1st birthday! I love how you guys celebrated her birthday and that ice cream looking cake looks fabulous! Oh and I even remember when my mother got me disney jewelry! I would totally consider getting more pieces from Poh Heng just to collect them! And I'm very sorry to hear about the passing of your other god daughter, I'm sure she's in a good place now.

    1. Thank you for your comment, sweetie. Ah, I think the Disney series used to be from Poh Heng eh? I got this series from SK and I thought that Poh Heng used to have them too. Not anymore.

  2. Beer baby knows how to party!!! And that jewelry is such a sweet gift. Very wonderful shots of such a nice event.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Rick. Party on, Beer Baby!

  3. What a nice birthday party! Happy belated b-day to Mia! She's adorable! Everyone looks so happy on these photos and you, Jo, are so beautiful! Your hubby is funny. I couldn't see the dinosaur but the Mini presents are super cute! Kids are the sunshine in our life. Have a great day, Jo! xo

    1. Thank you for your lovely words, dear Stanislava. Kids do bring lots of sunshine... as long as they are not spoilt and misbehaving. Hahaha...

  4. Such adorable children,
    wonderful photos :)

  5. Mia appears to be a very content young lady. Her future hubby will be very lucky if she stays that way. :D

    1. Ah yes, her future hubby would be. And I hope she would be fortunate too!

  6. Jo, your goddaughter and godson are the absolute cutest. She is such a dollbaby. Her outfit does look like minnie mouse. What a fabulous celebration. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, Kim. Glad to hear of another person thinking her outfit looks like Minnie Mouse too!

  7. Mia is adorable... I love those pictures of first year birthdays... I bought a mini cake for Valentina, I then sat her on the floor and let her play with the cake... she was adorable covered in icing and cake... she totally enjoyed it.

    It is so nice to see that Jase is such a good big brother :) My grandson is three and my oldest daughter is going to have another child, a daughter.. My grandson is so excited, I am hoping he keeps that excitement once the new baby shows up... ;)

    I understand limited time, I highly doubt I will be able to get everyone answered before the Christmas, regardless, I will be around to visit when I can...Have a very Merry Christmas Jo... I am thankful to have found you and your blog in 2014. I look forward to getting to know you more in 2015 <3

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Launna, and also for sharing with me a little more about your family. How lucky you are to have another grandchild. Your grandson sure sounds excited and I know he would be a great brother. Thank you for all your lovely words on Instagram too. I'm gonna catch up with you on your blog real soon!

  8. Awww, blessed the little one, she is super adorable!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  9. Aww you guys are such a cute family and what a beautiful little girl! I wish you all a very happy Christmas and looking forward to your new posts! <3

    Bella Pummarola

    1. Thank you, Anett. Sorry I took so long to reply and by the time I'm typing this, it's Happy New Year!

  10. such a cute baby girl! I was godmother only once and that for first communion.. so, I have a 185 cm tall goddaughter:)


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