Sunday, August 31, 2014

Staycation at the Tree Top Lofts Part 1 - Virtual Tour

For our wedding anniversary last month, the hubz booked a 2D1N stay at Tree Top Lofts RWS Sentosa Singapore coz of a really sweet deal in July.

I shared a video tour of the Tree Top Loft in one of my post here but just in case you've missed it, you could also view it on my YouTube account. I've attached an audio clip to the video this time round so instead of hearing the incessant chirping and screeching of insects, you would be greeted with jazzy tunes.

Join me for a photo tour in Part 1 of Staycation at the Tree Top Lofts - Virtual Tour!


I love this roomy bag a lot. It saw me through my short trips and beach getaways.

We did not know that the Tree Top Lofts was under the exclusive check-in and waited quite a bit at the reception counter before somebody directed us to the correct counter. See, there is no sign of "Tree Top Lofts" on the signage at all.

Once the check in procedures were done, we hopped onto a buggy with our personal butler and soon reached a nondescript opening to a pathway. There was just a small little sign pointing to the lofts and if I were walking along that road, I would not even have known the hidden treasure along that path. We were told that it was part of the hotel's marketing strategy (or the lack of) not to publicize excessively on the Tree Top Lofts since there were only 2 lofts available and they wanted the lofts to remain exclusive. I hadn't quite expected a "tree house" to have a lift so imagine my surprise when I saw a lift.

That was the other loft viewed from our outdoor platform. We enquired if there were anyone staying and the butler answered that he was not supposed to reveal. We guess the answer was a "yes" since kh opted for the higher storey but we got the lower one.

Welcome to Angsana Loft!

The main door opened to a spacious living room. That's Kh noodling around with his iPad and watching cable channels.

To the immediate right of the main door was the "bar counter".

A passageway linked the living room to the bedroom.

To the right of the passageway was where we placed our bags. Isn't that quite a bit for just a 2D1N stay? It is always a hassle to prepare for water activity... sets of clothes... sets of shoes...

It was the first time using this Coach sling bag and I love it to bits. My usual sling bag is more ruggard looking and so I'm glad I got this at a huge discount for occasions when I need a slightly dressier sling bag to complement my outfit.

To the left of the passageway was the wardrobe.

Panning right from the previous photo was the humongous bathroom-- my favourite place of the whole loft!

I adore the elegant feel on one side...

...blending in unison with the woody rustic feel on the other side.

A personal dislike was the lack of power points in the bathroom and that there were no other mirrors in the whole loft except the ones in the bathroom.

A mirror selfie shot with kh photobombing.

Though I wouldn't get one for my own home, I love canopy beds.

I love the canopy so much that by nightfall, I realized I did not have a shot of me with the bed that I insisted kh took one for me.

There was a simple but sleek area for work.

Such a unique lampstand.

We could never quite escape from modernity and technology even in such a rustic place.

Being atop a tree with the buzzing and screeching of crickets, we felt like we were immersed into nature. As much as possible, the Tree Top Lofts is a sustainable project as evidence from how the lofts are built around nature and accommodating it.

Exploring the platform that surrounded the loft, we realized that we were not too far off from modernity. We could see another hotel just opposite, hear the screams from the patrons at the Adventure Cove...

... and even espied cable cars above us...

... as we waved to the people up there wondering if they could see us.

I would usually finish those fruits which are easy to eat but this time round, we only touched the grapes.

I did not like the slippers provided. They made slappy noises. I prefer a pair of snug bedroom slippers but I guess these were made for walking on the outdoor platforms too.

This outfit is available from my shop Fleurfaerie.

Since this is a wedding anniversary staycation, how could kh and I not have a proper photo together right? These were taken using the Wondercam app on my iPhone without any manual editing. While they look great on the small iPhone screen, I cringe when they are this big. Urgh... it looks super edited when enlarged.

Perhaps an anigif of fun shots taken using my camera's multiple shots mode makes a better couple shot. We did the poses spontaneously but I tried very hard to see what kh was doing from the corner of my eye and mimicked.

Part 2 would be about our amazing dinner at Forest 森. My mouth is watering right now as I recall the delicious food.


For more information:
The sweet deal consisted of a special 2D1N package at $800 nett inclusive of 2 Adventure Cove Waterpark day passes and 2 adult tickets to Dolphin Discovery! On normal days, the rate for the loft is at $3000++ per night.

This sweet deal is available for the whole of 2014 so for those who are interested, do check out RWS blog where you could view aerial and under view photos of the Tree Top Lofts. Read more about the lofts at the RWS page too.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for dropping by and commenting, Carmen. Love seeing newcomers around.

  2. Hi Jo! I remember very well your wedding anniversary staycation there from IG and that video. How sweet your hubby has been! You have to tell him from my side as I think is the kind of most romantic escape I know!:) Btw, staying in a tree house is my dream from when Im a child, you got a great bargain! The bathroom is gonna to be my fav room as well, you look so sweet in the mirror selfie and in the outfit. But love also the pics with Kh too. Already watering reading about the dinner you are going to talk next!:) Happy Sunday Jo, many kisses! xo (ps yep, is an exclusive Italian brand, even though you should find just googling it! Dont know why it isnt showed though! xo)

    1. Thank you, Lilli. Having a tree house and being inside one has been my dream too though those treehouses I envisioned as a child look quite the adventurous kind and nothing like this luxurious one. Sure I would convey your message to my hubby. He has some rough ideas of some of my blog friends as I would sometimes mention you sweeties to him.

  3. Best photobomb ever! That's a very cool place...and an amazing deal. At $3k I'd have to pass.

    PS -Personal butler??? What was that like?

    1. Kh also always happens to think he does great photobomb. He didn't know he was in the reflection when I was trying to take the mirror selfie. I told him to go away and he did the sign instead. We would pass at $3K too and wondered to ourselves of anyone would pay $3K for the loft.

    2. I forgot to reply the part on personal butler. He was just there to give a ride to us on the buggy and explained to us everything there is to know about the loft. As long as we needed anything, we could give press a number to call for him or the butler on shift at that time. The only time we called him was for a buggy to dinner.

  4. Oh I remember that video so well. It looked and looks like such a paradise. So happy you got to visit it. That tub shot is so funny and wow dear I have missed seeing those beautiful legs of yours :) Wow!! Your little animation at the end is adorable as well. Great post :) xo

    1. Kh happened to jump into the tub when I was about to take a mirror selfie. When I told him to go away coz he was in the reflection, he purposely did that sign. -_-||| Let me tell you a little something. My legs have grown a lot thicker now as opposed to a few years back and sometimes depending on angles, they could look long and slim or short and stumpy. I happened to discover that the very popular Chinese photo editing app for smartphone is now available online and I tried to slim my legs with one of their functions. Most amazing though one gotta be careful not to pinch the background away too as seen in a recent local photo here.

  5. What a marvellous place :)) Looks like you had a fun time too xx

    1. It was fun but much too short to enjoy the facilities.

  6. This looks like the perfect spot for an anniversary staycation! It has the great modern amenities and touches of home as well. I like canopy beds as well though I wouldn't want one at home. I would probably hit myself on the edge of it at night when I'm not watching where I'm going ;p

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. It wasn't quite the rustic treehouse eh? As for the canopy beds, I'm thinking of the loads of washing to do with the dust collected at the top. That's how lazy I am. Hehehe

  7. Looks like a lovely staycation! The canopy bed is so pretty.

    I would love to visit Singapore one day. c:

  8. Great Post! I love your Blog

    Keep in Touch xx Rabea from germany

    1. Thank you for dropping by and commenting, Rabea. Love seeing newcomers around!

  9. Jolene!! Omgosh...i didn't realise that you are too a fellow Singaporean!!! wooo-hooo!! <3 <3 And thank you so much for your sweetest comment!!

    Also, wow!! This villa is sooo pretty!!! It's so far away from the hustle and bustle of the city!! I might plan to do exactly the same now, thanks to you!! xoxo

    1. Thank you for your very first comment which allows me to lead to your blog and discover a fellow Singaporean! Hope to keep in touch then! =)

  10. Great photos, beautiful place, you live there ??

    1. Hahaha... no dear. It's a hotel stay. I see that you do not blog in English and probably didn't understand my post written in English. =)

  11. I love the Marc Jacobs bag!

    Btw your blog is amazing. Write to me if you want to follow each other on bloglovin or GFC. :)

    1. Thank you for your comment, Emily. I love seeing newcomers around. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Will drop by your blog soon and looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  12. Happy Anniversary Jo!!! So happy for you :) These are gorgeous!!! So much space, roomy and cozy! I love the aesthetics of it. Sorry about the slippers and lack of outlets & mirrors, but it's very pretty! So different and interesting. You took some great pics.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes, Kim. I hope you're keeping well!

  13. Happy anniversary to you Jo. These place is sweeeet to stay away from our house even though just 2D1N, I'll take it:). Enjoy your free time and honeymoon life without kid yet but boy when you do have one, your life will totally different lol.

    Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog:).
    Have a wonderful and happy September Jo:).

    1. Hey Tanya. Yup definitely a life with kids would be sooooooooo different. Thanx for your kind comments and have a good weekend!

  14. Beautiful place for relax and anniversary. You look so cute together. :)
    Thanks for your comment.
    Fashion Happenss

  15. What a cozy place :D

    1. Thank you for dropping by and commenting, Putri. Love seeing newcomers around!

  16. What a gorgeous place to say - Happy Anniversary!! :) Both the bathroom and bedroom are incredibly luxurious and there seems to be plenty of storage space for your bags! :)
    - I follow back on bloglovin' -


    1. Thank you for your sweet comments Gabrielle. I like meaningful engagement with fellow blog readers and I hope we continue to keep in touch. =)

  17. Nice post, great pics. You look stunning.
    Would you like to follow each other? GFC/Bloglovin/G+?
    Leave a comment when you follow and ill follow you right back.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Heena. I love seeing newcomers around. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Will drop by your blog soon and looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  18. You and your hubby make such a nice couple! This place looks great for wedding anniversary! Thanks for the virtual tour! Hope you enjoyed it!


    1. Thank you for your kind comment and have a great weekend ahead.

  19. oh, the hotel room looks amazing, such an appealing place to stay at:) I'm envious of you a bit:))))
    That selfie shot in a mirror is supper funny, both of you look cute and cheerful:) To tell the truth I didn't know that you ae already married, so happy anniversary to our young family:) Wishing you happiness with all my heart!
    Have a good day ahead!

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment and well wishes, Alexandra. Hehehe... Actually I'm not that young. It's just an illusion. Have a great weekend ahead!

  20. Wow what a lovely place for a staycation! The room looks amazing and you two are so cute! Hope you had lots of fun relaxing and treating yourself :) I too am having one next weekend at a place called Whistler, BC (it's famous for the great outdoors and extreme sports) with my fiance at a fancy hotel. We are skipping the spa treatments though because it costs $300 and we want to save money-- so we'll probably just wander around the village and eat yummy food :P

    xx Debbie

    1. Thank you for your sweet comments, Deborah. I love seeing newcomers around and I like meaningful engagement with fellow blog readers. I hope you had fun at your staycation. Sounds fun! I hope we continue to keep in touch and I would pop by your blog soon! =)

  21. what a fun and cute place! loving those bathroom mirrors!


    1. Thank you for your comment, oomph. I love seeing newcomers around.

  22. Hi Jo, happy belated wedding anniversary!!! Omg that loft is to die for. Holy moly you had a personal butler. I want to stay there too. Well at least for one night. Great the video too. These cable cars look very dangerous. I wouldn't ride with them haha! That anigif is the cutest that I have seen. Did F. contacted you? Have a happy Friday sweetheart :D

    1. One night wasn't enough plus it was the World Cup Semi finals and so time was spent watching that and falling asleep without enjoying much facilities. F hasn't contacted me but it's fine. We'll see how it goes and have a great weekend ahead!

  23. Happy wedding anniversary to you! It always makes me jealous when seeing a perfect happy couple together :')
    The villa look so amazing, and I do love the bathroom too!


    1. Hey dear. Thank you for dropping by and leaving me a sweet comment. I love seeing newcomers around and I like meaningful engagement with fellow blog readers. I hope we continue to keep in touch and I would pop by your blog soon! =)

  24. Wow ,all looks so beautiful! Thank you for share this fantastic Pics <3

    big Hugs

  25. Thank you for dropping by and commenting, Anastazja. I don't quite understand the rest of your comment but still love seeing newcomers around! =)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)