Thursday, July 03, 2014

Chuck and Beans' Take on Social Media

Have you heard of Chuck and Beans? No? Then you should be ashamed of yourselves coz they are the cutest bunny and canine pair on the Internet. They effectively capture the irony of people's altered behaviour due to social media. In this post, I would share my favourite comics from Chuck and Beans with all of you.


  1. That's why my Facebook time is limited. HAHAHA It's funny when you compare things from the past and now. Some good and some not so good. LOL Loved these Jo.

  2. hahaha--I've definitely had the experience where one of my relatives tells me about something they did but I already know all about it because I saw their Facebook page. :P Usually I don't say anything and I just let them tell me the story, though.

    1. Ah, I do that too but for people I'm more familiar with, I would do the same as per the comic. It's really funny to do that. =D

  3. Yes. yes and yes to each of these! I have been banging my head against the ceiling on the limits of social interaction on the net for a while now and am so frustrated by it all. It should make it easier to connect and, at a shallow level it certainly does, but anything more than that (unless you fit a desirable category or 2) is not possible. These cartoons capture the moment so well. I gave up on internet cartoons after Tako the Octopus and his cooking show. No one can top a cooking octopus :)

    1. Oh, you must not give up on Internet cartoons. Some of these comics and memes are just so cute and funny. I didn't know about Tako the Octopus and his cooking show and went to google it. "Welcome to the first animated cooking show hosted by an appetizer. Deep Fried, Live! with Tako the Octopus..." is just too funny! I learn new knowledge today! Thank you!

  4. That was so cool Jo! Thank you so much for stopping by and for the appreciation words!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  5. Haha....I love them, soooo cute and funny ;)) Hope you are well doll xx

  6. No, I did no know about these two cuties! Shame on me, but now I do. They are cute and so straight to the point!!!!
    I honestly prefer to be called Xana, thank you for asking.

    The thing is, my pictures are taken with my samsung and sometimes it doesn't pick up what I need to show people... However I was also probably using the Essence Matiffying powder that completely kills the oily effect for quite a few hours. Reason why i continued to use that sunscreen, since the compact powder did such a great job.

    I would not love to meet those moths ( I didn't know they could be colourful either)... I don't like insects very much, except for butterflies, ladybugs and ants. For some reason those three don't creep me out.

    Yes, firends are very important, but we really need to choose them well! Enjoy all the time you have with them!

    I love to hear from you as well!! Always nice to talk to someone, even if they are in a different country.

    Kisses and take care!

    1. Ah, no shame no shame. I'm only glad that you knew of Chuck and Beans now! It's never too late to be acquainted with these cute duo. My friends' Samsung handphones take so much better pictures than my iPhone 4s that I've always thought Samsung cameras were good. Yes, I love knowing more people around the world. It's fun to learn about the different countries and culture in this way. I would remember to call you by Xana since you prefer that. xoxo

  7. Those two are very cute! In the real world, one of them would be full of beans (or chuck). Which one is the dog??? :)

    1. That's a very good question! I think Beans is the dog. Since they usually feature the rabbit more. I'm not sure and I can't google any info on them or the author. That's strange coz Google is usually my best friend.

  8. I've seen these two little fuzzy buddies but I didn't know they were dedicated to pointing out the ironies of social media! Haha, those stripes are hilarious and true. Thanks for introducing them to us!

    1. Chuck and Beans point out a lot more than the ironies of social media but I especially love those contents on social media coz I often find myself nodding vigorously to their portrayal of that topic. I'm glad you like them!

  9. I've seen these two in passing. Love their social commentary! I sometimes wish we were still in the days of film cause people don't know how to edit down their photos digitally. Enough with the multiple pics of the same thing. We get it O_o At least we can unsubscribe from people on FB now.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. Oh, those days of film... We were so careful not to snap too many unnecessary shots to save the film. What happened in just a decade???

  10. hahaha so true. people only post their best on social media, which is fine but that's kind of why you can't really know how someone is living until you interact with them in person...

    1. That' so true! There are people who seem so nice on social media but when you interact with them in real life, it is so different. That said, there are some people who are just the way they are online and offline.

  11. I am ashamed! Ashamed I say!!!! The comics are adorable and so so true! Personally I'm not too active on social media, my blog is probably my most active platform lol I like to believe that I live lifestyle of the last comic hahaha

    Haha I can just imagine the kitchen now "She even ate the garnish!!!" lol I had forgotten about the truffle butter until now but alas I must be content with my regular (salted) butter. I know, salted butter is so bad but it tastes sooo good!

    1. I think many people would find themselves nodding to these cute critters' portrayal of the ironies of social media. Salted butter? Mmmm... screw sinful. Just enjoy!

  12. hahaha i enjoyed these comics! its like pon and zi but more on the social media aspect.
    my fave piece is the one with the ancestors, my grandkids will prolly find my fb profile super boring!
    about the package - i was actually worried that it got lost in the mail lol. thanks for finding time to send it! and pls let me know when you do so i can keep track of it :)

    1. Pon and Zi? I went to google them and I didn't know these comics strips that's often shared on FB and other social media platforms have got names! Thanx for introducing them! Yes, I would definitely keep you informed on the package. I would want it to reach you safe and sound! =)


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