Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Fighting The Z Monster

I'm back from my trip and I've been sleeping A LOT the past few days. The hubz and I spent the entire weekend drifting in and out of sleep, only waking up to run errands and go out for Mother's Day celebrations. We practically led a pig's life.

For those of you who are following me on Instagram, you would have known that I was in Taiwan the past week.

The weather in Taiwan was cold and during our last few days, it was rainy. We continued touring around in the rain and probably caught some bug from the wet shoes, clothes and sometimes hair and scalp. The hubz and I suffered from severe headache and nausea-- He, on the 2nd last day of our trip and I, on the last day.

So I called in sick for work today while the hubz was still on leave and I slept till the sun was almost setting. I had planned to catch up on uploading my photos from the camera and iPhone, my photo editing and blogging over the weekend but it just felt so good to simply sleep the lethargy and bug away. Fortunately, it is the Vesak Day public holiday tomorrow. More sleep!

I would be collating my 2nd blog giveaway points and announcing the winner soon (on top of reading your comments, replying them and visiting your blogs if possible). For now, let me succumb to the Z Monster.



  1. I bet your trip to Taiwan was fabulous! I did catch glimpses on your instagram account. I hope you two feel better. What a temperature change. Glad both of you are getting some rest.

  2. I hope you feel better and fully rested soon. When I saw the title, I thought the Z might stand for "zit". Would that have been better or worse??? I guess it depends. :)

  3. May the Z monster bless you with his warm, sleepy embrace for a healing, energizing rest :) I enjoy putting commas between, words :)

  4. Hi Jo! I hope you both have enough time to rest well. I look forward to your blog posts. Take care always! :)

  5. Wow a trip to Taiwan, I'm so jealous. I have such a thing for sleep it is quite incredible. We have a love-hate relationship where some weeks I am battling insomnia and others I sleep like a sloth. Get better soon, Jo. Rosemary x


  6. I hope you get enough rest and feel better!
    Have a nice week!

  7. Thank you all of you sweeties.


  8. Hope that you are feeling better by now!


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