Monday, April 28, 2014

Update on My 2nd Blog Giveaway

Here is a quick update of all the participants of my giveaway thus far and the points awarded for each:

  1. karin -- Pending
  2. MizzSandyChau -- Pending
  3. PAPS – 22
  4. Shamu Boo – 32
  5. aki! – Pending
  6. Birdie Liau – Pending
  7. Mira – 17
  8. Shayne – 17
  9. Galaxia @ Hopeful Kiss – 37
  10. krystal ♥ – 32
  11. Vanessa N – 17
  12. Winda – 37
  13. The Dainty Dolls House – Pending
  14. Rowena @ rolala loves – 17
  15. Thais Magalhães – 22
  16. Alison Gibb – Pending
  17. inge – 12
  18. Kim Alston – Pending
  19. Grace Hui – Pending
  20. Demi Mist – 32
  21. Karina Melias – 37
  22. Elaine Factor – Pending
  23. va – Pending
  24. Bianca Rogoveanu – 31 (Pending follow on GFC)
  25. Melanie Miranda – 37
  26. erma riestiana – 37
  27. Tanya Soyer – 17 (Pending like on FB)
  28. AboutClaire – Pending all steps stated


Could the following people please re-enter so that I could total up your points accordingly? Thank you.

  1. Karin 
  2. MizzSandyChau
  3. aki!
  4. Birdie Liau
  5. The Dainty Dolls House
  6. Alison Gibb
  7. Kim Alston
  8. Grace Hui
  9. Elaine Factor
  10. va
  11. Bianca Rogoveanu
  12. Tanya Soyer
  13. AboutClaire

    For those who have entered via Rafflecopter, I'm so sorry that you have to re-enter as I'm not able to retrieve any detail of the entries. To re-enter, please go to the original giveaway blog post and re-enter by commenting under your comment, following the "template" I've included in the same blog post. You could also refer to my individual replies to your comments to know what to do.

    Please refer to my replies to your comments individually and update with the steps taken in the template.

    Thank you.


    The giveaway ends on 1 May 2014 midnight Singapore time


    I would not have the time to process the entries


    I'm going on a holiday!!!


    Do bear with the wait.

    I would be overseas from 1 May onwards. Yeah, it was a slight impromptu decision. Last month, the hubz was looking at his whole year's work schedule and informed me that other than December, he only had this period of May to take leave. Hence, we scrambled to make things work out for a short holiday and we only booked our plane tickets and accommodation just 2 weeks ago. Pretty rushed but the both of us are very happy to take a break from work.

    In the meantime, I would try to do some scheduled posts and would probably update Instagram more often. So if you liked to see more of my "adventures", follow me on my Instagram.



    1. I hope you have a great time on vacation!

      7% Solution

    2. A vacation for you? That sounds exactly what you need. So happy to read that! Very glad for you :)

      1. I'm late in replies but thank you. We really need a good break! =)

    3. Replies
      1. Ahhhhhhh!!! You finally found your blogger password? Or it's a totally new page?

    4. wow, happy holidays, enjoy your holiday time. I will also have fun through your instagram Lol :)

      1. I'm late in replies but thank you. See you around more often! =)

    5. How lovely! I would like to enter blog giveaways but I never do , since my country is very strict when it comes to items that arrive from outside Europe.
      You made a very good choice going on a holiday with your hubz, you can never let an opportunity like that slip away!

      Thank you so much for your sweet and endearing comments.
      My nails were ok because of the type of gel polish that I use. It really seems to be less harmful than any other, reason why it doesn't seem to last that long for many people.

      Hope you get a lot people to join your giveaway and I'm already following your instagram to check out your awesome pictures!
      Take care!

      1. Ah, I didn't know about that. My Italian blogger friend told me the same thing too. I didn't know of such strict rules. Thank you for your endearing comments too. They always make my day and yup, I've also followed you on Instagram. =D

    6. I had no idea you lived in Singapore. That is so cool. I am a bit of a television freak and can only start watching things from Season 1 Episode 1 and since CSI has been going for about 2917 years, I have never got round to watching it. Now it is on Season 800 or something and there is Miami and New York and all these other versions, the chances of me watching it are even less. That is so interesting that you say Singapore links itself to the UK very closely. You should definitely check out Chelsea and Essex if you are into British accents and want to learn! They are very distinct areas of the UK that have an unremovable stereotype.

      I love bloglovin'. It is so easy to find new posts. I never really got into GFC and they cancelled it or something so my head hasn't got round that one. I think I'm following you on bloglovin', but let me know if I'm wrong.

      To continue the little convo we have going, I am not a Londoner but I'm a student studying in the big capital at the moment so I guess that makes me a resident. Very much a Northern girl though. Do you like that Singapore follows the UK so closely? I just find this so interesting because this stems back from so long ago. I do enjoy the fact that there is a Commonwealth, it would just be interesting to see it from the other side. Anyway, hope you're having a lovely week Jo.


      1. Thank you for your insightful comment.

        You're right about CSI. There is simply too many episodes but somehow I always end up watching the same ones on AXN, FoxCrime etc. I don't have as much time to watch tv now. I do miss watching and catching up with drama, esp these US ones.

        I think I remember getting a notification from bloglovin' that you were following but I'm a noob at using bloglovin' coz I'm not able to check my followers from the page itself. Pardon my ignorance. When you said you are a Northern girl, where are you from exactly?

        There isn't a like or dislike as to us being a British colony once and following the British system very closely. The only thing would be that my spelling of "z" follows the US way. =P

    7. I hope you enjoy a great vacation honey! ^^

    8. Heeeeey long time no see I miss your blog!! and going over seas sound exciting, hope you post a lot of pictures :D

      1. Yes. Long time no see! Hope we would have the time to blog more often and visit each other's blogs. =)


    I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)