Sunday, April 06, 2014

Instagram Snapshots ~*February & March 2014*~

Here's a combination of February and March Instagram snapshots. Some of these pictures might seem familiar to you as I've blogged about them as standalone posts some time back.

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~1 February 2014~
Made an anigif of the usual CNY Day 1 family on the sofa 全家福 shots. We were using an iPhone camera app that my sis downloaded with the self timer multiple shots function.
Original source with music here.

~2 February 2014~
~*CNY 2014 with the Loh family*~
The signature Day 1 family portrait shots similar to the video I last uploaded, only that it's done using Flipagram. I love making anif on my laptop. My family and frenz love looking at them. But when they asked me to send these anigif through their phones, I couldn't do it. Thanx to Flipagram I could do it now and with music too! It's not really an anigif app with loop function but it works well with some tweaking.
Original source with music here.

~2 February 2014~
~*CNY 2013 with the Loh family*~
Excited with the anigif effect from Flipagram, I did the same for CNY 2013 too. I used the same song I used for last year-- What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. This song gained popularity (or at least for me) coz of Kinect Just Dance which we played last CNY. Straight face award goes to my dad! He wasn't used to the multiple shots mode.
Original source with music here.

~2 February 2014~
~*CNY 2013 with the Ng family*~
There isn't enough photos this year to make a flipagram for CNY 2014 so here's the signature Day 1 family portrait shots with the Ng family. First time trying the multiple shots mode and hence only hubz and I had the most change in poses. 😝 ^^ I've been spamming too many Flipagram CNY family shots and I shall stop now.
Original source with music here.

~2 February 2014~
Loh Family CNY then and now.

~2 February 2014~
Ng Family CNY then and now.

~2 February 2014~
Unanimous bulooo. Could you tell? I wasn't feeling well.

~8 February 2014~
I was so hungry during lunch today and the only craving I had was soupy instant noodles. This pic is a throwback of the last time I had instant noodles at my family home more than 2 months ago. I was so hungry, called home a little too late to ask if there was dinner only to find out that my sis and dad had wiped off a whole table of fine home-cooked food. Feeling sorry for me, my dad added fresh clams to my boiling pot of noodles when I was away. BEST INSTANT NOODLES EVER! Ate up everything including the very unhealthy soup.

~8 February 2014~
All ready for the RSAF Family Day! The only bimbotic thing I could say when the hubz passed me the pass and ticket was "Wow. Nice shade of PINK!"

~8 February 2014~
RSAF 45th Anniversary Family Day. Hubz had a "hero" segment from his 2011 Ops Blue Sapphire mission.

~16 February 2014~
Hello Kitty chocolate lollies from a lovely friend. I'm not a huge fan of Hello Kitty but I do not dislike it too. Friend doesn't know whether or not I like HK but reason for giving was "You remind me of a kitty cat." =^>.<^= 🐱🐱🐱

~17 February 2014~
London Day 2 Throwback: Walk along River Thames. Photo story up on my blog.

~22 February 2014~
Love receiving parcels in the mail.

~23 February 2014~
I'm down with upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) since Friday and am trying out Olive Leaf extract. Since the extract came when I'm sick, I'm not able to witness the immediate effects and had to self medicate with the leftovers from my last URTI at night when the throat and cold got really bad. This combination coupled with loads of sleep over the weekend seem to promote faster healing. Slowly, I will reduce and abstain the intake of synthetic drugs whenever possible.
My friend who is quite the herbalist recommended Olive Leaf extract to keep infections at bay. Just google "olive leaf extract" and you would read many wonderful write ups on it. It is a natural antioxidant, immunostimulant and natural antibiotic. To be taken 15ml daily when well and 10ml thrice a day when ill. There are many types of olive leaf extract in the market and upon her recommendation, I got Barlean's Olive Leaf Complex. Liquid absorbs better but the sweet peppermint taste needs some time to get used to.
Are you those who believe in Western synthetic drugs or natural remedy?

~27 February 2014~
Throwback Thursday-- I'm a Tigress. Hear me "meow".

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~2 March 2014~
Car in a cafe. There could only be one eatery like this.

~2 March 2014~
Truffle fries is ❤!

~2 March 2014~
Big Breakfast for him

~2 March 2014~
Wagyu Cubes Salad for her

~2 March 2014~
Mocha and Chocolate Milkshake

~2 March 2014~
Vintage Vespa and other knick knacks

~2 March 2014~
Here not for the beans but for the 3D kitty foam art! Stay tuned!

~2 March 2014~
Hubby and his keroppi latte art at Chock Full of Beans. Each table is limited to one 3D art and the rest of the art are random.

~2 March 2014~
My long awaited 3D Kitty foam art! The Hazelnut latte is not bad too!

~2 March 2014~
I can't get enough of the 3D kitty foam art. The hubz threatened, "If I've to help you take any more photos, I will destroy your kitty!"

~2 March 2014~
Kitty with kitty!

~2 March 2014~
Hubby's favourite moment at Chock Full of Beans was when he could destroy the "stupid cat".

~2 March 2014~
After snapping 1827394726202 photos of the kitty latte foam art, it was time to stir it... And the hubby's favourite moment was to DESTROY the "stupid cat"!
The video isn't displayed properly here. View it from the Instagram link here instead.

~6 March 2014~
I'm truly tickled by this anti stray cat mat at Daiso. Seriously the Japanese have all sorts of invention! The plastic spikes are really sharp. Poor cats!

~6 March 2014~
Another quirky Daiso find. Cat repellant??? The illustration is too cute! I don't wanna repel any cats.

~2 March 2014~
How can pest control products have such cute illustration of the pest??? The poor mouse! Yeah I said "mouse" and not "rat".

~8 March 2014~
Happy International Women's Day to all women out there. Wishing 三八妇女节 to all my bimbos, biatches and 三八 women in my life.

~8 March 2014~
Hubby watched the food channel on cable and had been craving for gourmet burgers with melted cheese. He had been talking about burgers burgers burgers for the past 1 week and so we went to Fat Boys coz that's the best solution to his burger craving. Top left & right are photos of my BLUE CHEESE burger. Hubby had the shrooms burger which was really good too. The huge ass onion rings were blah this time round. Strong flour taste that was off putting.

~8 March 2014~
@czanneo informed us of a shoe sale from and I bought this lovely pair from Irregular Choice at $50 (UP$209). It turned out that I bought the exact same pair as her! Bumped into @xtinaong who also got a similar pair but in grey and black and she got other pretty quirky shoes too!

~8 March 2014~
Every quirky pair of shoes I picked up from the wearto sale got a vigorous shake of the head from the hubz. These 2 pairs passed. Top: A pair of sneaker heels that the hubz surprisingly kept encouraging me to try. Me: "I thought you like plain simple shoes?" Him: "The sneakers very cute what!" Btw, there's a gaudy red and yellow mushroom charm by the side. Totally reminded me of Smurfs! Bottom: The simplest pair of ribbon shoes among all the quirky ones.

~9 March 2014~
~❤Jo's 2nd Blog Giveaway❤~
My 2nd blog giveaway is to show my appreciation to all my dearest readers, followers and friends for taking the time to linger around this humble blog of mine and leaving me some heartfelt comments every now and then. From this blogging hobby, I have gained a lot more frequent readers, made a couple more blog friends and also connected with some of you on other social media platforms.

For my Instagram friends/followers who have a blog, do check it out. This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY.

The gift set includes 4 items:
1. Kimmidoll Natsuki bookmark charm
2. L'Occitane Immortelle Eye Balm
3. Crabtree & Evelyn Citron, Honey & Coriander Hand Therapy
4. Fleurfaerie Korean Pink Dawn Like A Rose Ring

Instructions here:

~12 March 2014~
Inspired by an "auntie" who has such a positive outlook in life. She knows the products in her shop very well and was able to advise me accordingly. I felt so happy with her service and my purchase. We were fast chatting and I was surprised to learn that she had undergone her so-called last chemotherapy session a few months back. With her positive outlook in life and bubbly disposition, one could never have guessed that she has suffered from cancer. People thought she merely went for a long break from work and upon finding out that she was battling cancer, said that she should be resting and not working. She maintained that she is the happiest when at work as she loves to see the happy faces of her customers. She maintained: "最重要的是开心就好。" (What's most important is to be happy.) Oh and instead of a plastic bag, she gave me this recycle tote and said that I have to always use this coz it is her gift to me and a gift to the environment.

~14 March 2014~
Division Gala Night 2014 with the theme Super Heroes. TL: Free air brush rose band tattoo at a booth. TR: Super love this deep dark O.P.I shade-- We'll always have Paris. Sweet colleague not only lent me her nail polish but also helped me paint the nails on my right hand since I was screwing up the dark shade so much onto my skin. BL & BR: Super love the fit and material of this Batman T-shirt from DC Comics. I would never buy a Super Heroes T-shirt at its inflated original price! But for UP$55 --> $29 --> $19 --> Buy 3 get 1 free at $14++, my colleagues and I bought them and won the 3rd prize for the best dressed table. 1st was a whole entourage of Chinese legendary Super Heroes in rented costumes and 2nd was a whole team of Super Girls in rented costumes as well. $14++ to win the 3rd prize unexpectedly is a blessing.

~15 March 2014~
Batgirl yesterday; Supergirl today. Uh... More of the geeky female version of Clark Kent with turtle frame glasses. Didn't intend to be a Super Heroine for 2 days in a row but it was the only T-shirt hanging on the rack.

~15 March 2014~
~*Sushi Tei*~
TL: Ikura Chawanmushi -- salmon roe on steamed egg custard
Big love ❤❤❤ Ikura craving checked!
TR: Chuka Wakame -- seaweed
BL: Asari butter -- asari clam sautéed with butter and soya sauce
First time trying Sushi Tei's clams cooked in this manner. The soup tasted just like my signature butter garlic prawns! Next time I should try cooking with clams.
BR: Gindara Teriyaki -- grilled cod fish with teriyaki sauce
Big ❤❤❤ Grilled cod fish is my favourite type of cooked fish in Japanese restaurants. Gindara craving checked!

~15 March 2014~
~*From Sushi Tei Winter Special Menu*~
TL: Kagoshima Wagyu Gyoza
Not a huge fan of Gyoza as the hubby is but this Gyoza is yummy.
TR: Kaki Mentai Mayo Sushi
First time trying this superb dish that ought to be made available on their normal menu. I only take fresh oysters with lemon or tobasco sauce and thought oysters with mentai is a total mistake! How wrong I was! Big ❤❤❤
BL: Kagoshima Wagyu Tataki "30-50% cooked which is equivalent to medium rare" was what the waiter warned us. And we said, "No worries, we like medium rare!"
BR: Kagoshima Wagyu Tataki rolled up in minced radish and chopped spring onions

~15 March 2014~
~*Sushi Tei*~
Golden Roll -- mango king prawn sushi roll
Mango craving checked!
Sashimi Moriawase Rishiri -- Cold crab legs, salmon sashimi, ikura, uni (sea urchin)
Hubby's sea urchin craving checked. I hated the taste of today's urchin. Yucks.
Black Sesame Ice Cream
Matcha Nama Chocolate Ice Cream
Matcha craving checked!

~17 March 2014~
The picture below was once my Whatsapp profile picture for quite some time. It often invited lots of questions like: "What's that you're holding?" "Why are you holding socks to your face?" "Are those socks?" "What are you up to this time?" Blogged about the transformation of these socks at

~20 March 2014~
Throwback Thursday -- At Maldives 2011
The last time Kh stood on this boat, the caption read: "A boat had beached itself along with a lunatic who thought he was Captain Jack Sparrow." If you would very kindly take this humorously, this caption would read:
"Jo is not Helen of Troy and her face could launch just one boat."

~23 March 2014~

~23 March 2014~
Blogged: A Tribute to Mandy Faith
Mandy Faith is a Malaysian student who was studying in the UK. She is a fine photographer, an inspirational person and a lovely girl who sadly passed away from a virus in February 2014.
Her Instagram account was hacked after her passing and the hacker is currently riding on her legion of followers to make a name for himself/herself.
After commenting on the hacker's photos, my comment together with many others were deleted and we were blocked by the user.
Dear flawlessjournal,
Your intention may have been good but whatever good intention you have about providing inspirational photos and quotes to people seems negligible to your intentional hacking and lying.
It isn't nice at all that you have hacked an account of somebody who had passed away, deleted all her beautiful photos and even pretended that this is an old quotes account of yours that has changed theme. I notice that you have also been deleting comments explaining to people that this used to be Mandy Faith's account and that her account was hacked.
Any decent person with respect for those who passed on would leave their legacy untouched. You have completely marred Mandy Faith's legacy on Instagram.
The video isn't displayed properly here. View it from the Instagram link here instead.

~27 March 2014~
Latergram. At MBS for a full day conference.

~27 March 2014~
Looking at the upside down glass at the conference today, I recalled the conference 2 years ago at RWS. The reflection of the lights on the ceiling looked like little magical stars in a glass. Most beautiful... These little things in life.

~27 March 2014~
No time to eat the 2nd tuna bun for breakfast today. Squashed it in my bag the whole day and look, it flattened to a heart!

~29 March 2014~
Slept the whole damn day and woke up at 8:30pm to see a reminder from gal pal @xtinaong to switch off our lights for 1 hour for Earth Hour. Expended the least energy sleeping and now the lights are off!

~29 March 2014~
Earth Hour is over but we are still in the dark. Hubby surprised me by switching off the air con too. Usually he's the 1st one to reach out for the air con switch. Anyway, this is my current wallpaper dedicated to all cat lovers, animal lovers and earth lovers.

~30 March 2014~
Dinkie my mousasaurus sock toy has a new home! Its new owner loves it so much. She says she would continue keeping its name Dinkie. How sweet! Hope her daughter likes Dinkie too!

There you go. My February and March a la instasummary. You can find me on Instagram by clicking the button below. If you like my pictures, do follow and drop me a message so that I could check out your page too! I really love it when my blog friends and I are connected on other social media platforms too since I know many of them don't blog as often yet have got a lot more updates on their Instagram page. I don't entertain follow for follow requests but if we have enough meaningful exchanges here, I would naturally follow you back, especially if you are my blog friend. Have a happy weekend!

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If the GFC glitch is still affecting you, click here for the solution.
Have you taken part in my giveaway? Click here to join.


  1. Such lovely and sweet photos!
    The kitty foam is truly adorable.

  2. the corners of my mind :) Ah so many wonderful moments here and so much amazing food. Yes, there is sock head and coffee cat which sounds like a superhero duo which makes me remember how amazing you look in that Batman top :) What a lovely and fun collection. Great job :)

    1. Always love to see you here and on IG, Rick. You're a good follower and a good follow. Now why does that sound so familiar?

  3. I really like the quirky shoes! As we talked about before, you do have a cat-like quality...but a good natured, friendly cat. Not at all like my FIL's mean cat. I don't think he intends to be mean, but his way of being playful is to scratch. The food all looked great, as usual. But I'm not sure about the custard with salmon roe. I can't imagine what the combination tastes like.

    1. Hehehe... so lovely to read your words about me being a nice cat and not a mean old putty tat (imitates Tweety Bird). Oooh... the custard is salty, just in case you think it is weird coz it is sweet. It's a kinda Japanese steam egg custard and it pairs very well with the salmon roe.

  4. The 3D kitty foam art look so cute!

  5. I love all the red shirts for CNY! And those sneaker heels are gorgeous! I love quirky shoes.

  6. Your CNY gifs are such a great idea; I'll have to download Flipogram now (and the boys in the family have the funniest expressions haha!) I'm going to have to follow you on Insta for the the latte art alone---I'm so nosy and i love looking into other's lives.


    Another Beautiful Thing

    1. Flipagram used to have many good music. Like really many! I guess they have to clamp down on these and the very last time I used the app in March, most of the music were gone. It was really difficult to find a suitable audio for my last one. Hehe... Looking forward to your IG follow! Will follow you back too!

  7. Hi Jo! Your insta moments are always so adorabley and fun to check out. I remember many of them also from some of your previous posts. Your are so sweet, you know, you remind me of a kitty cat too, those chocolate lollies looks nice, though Im not a big fan of HK either. Hope you had a great weekend, how sad it is already over! Wish you a wonderful week ahead dear, kisses! xo

    1. You're a goof follower and follow on IG too. Thanx for your lovely comments always, sweetie. They always make my day.

  8. I love those hello kitty pops and gosh those burgers look so good. In the picture where you weren't feeling well I loved that dress and your hubby's shirt. The blue looked great together. Cute latte art.

    1. HK pops had since been eaten up. Hehe.. and it was unanimous that we both wore blue!

  9. Such lovely doll, great pictures and moments! I like the hello kitty pops and the truffle fries, they look yummy!! I hope you have a gorgeous new week doll Xxx

  10. So many fun, colourful shots! That kitty foam art is one of the cutest things I've seen :)


  11. Hi Jo, I love these adorable vids, you have a wonderful family. How cute is the kitty foam! Cant wait for it to come to SA, the food all looks so delicious, I love noodles and must be great with clams. I haven't tried this olive leaf remedy before, it seems interesting. Thanks for stopping by sweety, have a great creative week ahead!

    1. While waiting for kitty foam art to arrive at SA, here's one for you! (=^・ェ・^=)

  12. Hi Jo, thank you for your kind comment on my sorta new blog entry. First of all, i luv those GIF family photos from CNY, they are just so sweet and cute. I want to say your blog entry is as feminine and delicate as I remember them to be. All those pictures of Asian food are making me miss home real bad, cuz Saudi doesnt have good Asian food imo. I also have to agree with your hubby about those sneaker heels. They are quirky and flashy in a very positive way, I luv them on you. I hope you have great weeks ahead of you. hugs and kisses

    1. Good to see you here again, Jessy.Thank you for your kind comment too. I hope your Saudi Arabia experience allows you to learn a lot about life and living. I really can't survive w/o Asian food and I hope that would be more good Asian food places opening up where you are! I hope we continue to stay connected!

  13. i love looking at your life through your instagram shots! i still can't get over the cute 3-D hello kitty foam art so cute!! and you look so pretty posing next to it too hehe!!

    and those shoesssss so cute!! i love it! they are so feminine and quirky!

    that flipogram app is awesome loved seeing your family in action :)

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, dear. I think you might just go crazy in that little shoe sale. They have the most QUIRKY shoes ever!

  14. Jo you are one lucky girl. Your family is amazing!! I really loved the gifs with the music (should I be ashamed that I love that song by One direction haha). I like Hello Kitty btw. Come on she's a cutie!! I totally prefer natural remedies over drugs!! I haven't heard of this olive leaf before but I will check it out. Love your Insta roundup. Wish you a wonderful day sweetheart!!

    xx Mira

    1. Hehehe... You clicked to listen to the original ones! No need to be ashamed at all. Seriously, I thought I was too old for tenny bopper One Direction and haven't heard of them before till last CNY when we played some dance game on Kinect at my aunt's place and thought this song was damn cool! Btw, did you know that Hello Kitty is 40 years old this year? GASP!

  15. Wow, seems like two busy months for you but it looked really fun. I agree about the all the cute animal illustrations on those "prevent animals" packaging! I actually don't mind rodents at all but I know how annoying it'd be to have your home infested with then, I disliked insects more. The 3D kitty foam is adorable! I've seen it everywhere on the internet but I don't think there's a place in my city that does it yet =( But the place by my house makes great latte art so I'm content with that =3

    That's so sweet and thoughtful of your dad to add those clams! Hehehe Oh, when I was younger my parents told me not to drink any soups in restaurants cause its just "wei jing" but now they say "why aren't you finishing the soup" hahahaha

    I hope you manage to make it out of Excape! And yes, 20$ for a tea steeper is pricey but I'll be honest, if it was adorable I'd still buy it hahaha There was one I liked but it wasn't practical, I was secretly happy cause that means I saved myself 20$.

    1. Oh my, your comment jolted me back to a nightmare a had a few days ago that went totally out of my mind till I read what you said. I dreamt that our place was infested with rodents, those baby hamster looking-like rodents and the hubz and I were just hitting them and smashing them up! It was horrible. I don't know why we had to kill them. I feel so disgusted by the scene.

      Yup, I try to avoid instant noodles and cup noodles coz of the wei jing too. But once in a while when I eat some that had good soup, I was lap all up. It's bad, I know.

      We tried the reality escape game called Freeing SG last week and we managed to escape! Yeah. Gonna try another one called Break Out next week!

  16. Oh, that coffee art is amazing:) I'd love to have such cup of coffee with a funny cat:) All the snapshots are so lovely, looks like you have an amazingly interesting life:)
    Have a fabulous time!

    1. Thanx for your kind comment. (=^・ェ・^=) Here's a kitty cat for you!

  17. Heh, my mom is quite the believer in natural remedies. We've got red kidney bean pills, a plethora of herbal teas (why on earth would I want to drink dandelions????) and all this whey protein/quinoa stuff. IT'S MADNESS. But then again, I suppose the consequences compared to Western medicine isn't that bad? (Or maybe 'naturalness' is just a placebo/idea)

    DARN, when you said your husband was craving burgers, I genuinely thought you were going to make some from scratch, haha! I love making them from scratch because then I can all things like mushrooms + other herbs/spices inside the patty!
    As usual, love seeing your month(s) in recap!

    1. Wow! Red kidney bean pills? This is the first time I hear of them. Thanx for sharing. Hahaha... Dadelions for consumption? Ooh once I move to my new home and have my own kitchen, I reckon I would do more cooking! Hehehe...

  18. Thanx for stopping by, Cecilia. I love seeing newcomers here. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)