Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all of you!

For those of you with long weekend from Friday to Sunday, enjoy your long weekend! I know that in some European countries, the long weekend stretches from Friday to Monday so to these folks, enjoy your even longer weekend!

Long weekends are a bane and a boon. Of course, it is common knowledge why long weekends are a boon. As for it being a bane, it simply means a shorter work week and hence some of us might be experiencing a lot more hectic weekdays.

I do know that many in my department were feeling the stress over the week that has just passed too. There was simply too much to do, coupled with the fact that we had 2 out-of-office events in the week which meant even lesser time to work on our tasks. As for me, I had/still having roles in separate 2 "events" too and I was almost drowning in work.

Some hearts to cheer all of us up perhaps?

So some of you who were following me on Instagram saw my cupcakes photos a few days ago. For our department cohesion, my colleague decided to propose the idea of cupcake-making to our Dept Head. Our Dept Head is one who really loves sporty activities (especially taking walks as seen here and here) for cohesion. However since one of our branch babes would be transferring dept, we thought that cupcake-making would be a befitting farewell activity this time round.

We went to Little House of Dreams for the cupcake-making session and had so much fun! We made the cupcakes in teams of 4 and each of us got to bring home 2 cupcakes each.

The fondant moulding was the most fun part. However, we had only 4 colours of fondant provided -- pink, blue, orange and green. What? No red or yellow? Those are my basic colours to work with usually, other than pink and blue. When we saw the orange fondant, all we could think of was carrot and so I made one! The carrot seemed pretty out of place since we weren't even making carrot cakes and hence, I moulded a rabbit next for an Easter theme. The rest of my leftover blues were used for my sign off. I should have combined all the blue for an even bigger Easter bunny coz the bunny simply looked puny next to the gigantic carrot.

I found the orange and green a bit jarring and hence decided not to include these 2 colours on my 2nd cupcake. I wanted a pastel theme and mixed pink and blue to get the purple fondant. After my colleagues saw how pretty the purple was, they also attempted to make some purple.

I do love the pink, blue and purple colour scheme a lot. Pardon the raw edges. I'm no pro.

See, orange does look like carrot!

The chocolate spread is Nutella and the cupcake itself is plain vanilla flavour. I'm surprised they tasted good coz I usually do not like plain vanilla cupcakes. Also, I do not like the artificial sweetness of fondant but everything tasted beautifully when eaten together.

The photos are all taken using iPhone 4s at night in a dimly lit part of the house and hence the grainy quality. Silly me should have used my Canon S95 instead. The rest of the photos with humans and my colleagues' cupcakes are in the department's DSLR. I hope all of you enjoyed looking and reading about my maiden attempt at baking and making cupcakes.

BTW, did you all realise that every day this week is the same backwards?


  1. Happy Easter! You did a great job on the cupcakes--I never thought of using Nutella as icing.

    1. Happy Easter Sunday, Rick! It is night here and our Easter Sunday is ending but I reckon you still have a day more to go. I never thought of Nutella too! I learnt quite a bit from this cupcake-making session.

  2. Happy easter to you too! I totally love the decor on those cuppie cakes! Especially the carrots and butterflies! So cute and the pastels are just right!

    1. Happy Easter, Sharlynn. Thank you for your compliments. xoxo

  3. Morning Jo! Wow, you have been like a pro, trust me! The cupcakes look so so cute and also very yummy! Love how you realized the bunny, it too sweet! And thats right, havent notices the week was all bacwards lol! Btw, here the long weekend will finish on Monday, I wish you a very Happy Easter dear, may you have a wonderful time full of joy and peace!:) Many Kisses! xo

    1. Happy Easter, Lilli. It is night here and our Easter Sunday is ending but I reckon you still have half a day more to go if I'm getting my time zone correctly. Yeah, you're a lucky babe to have the Monday off too. I'm so sad that our weekend is ending. Hehe... Another hectic work week! We actually write our dates in DD/MM/YY so it took me a while to realise the link.

  4. happy easter hon!! omgosh i can't believe you made those!! before i read your descriptions. i thought they were store bought cupcakes!! they look so professional! you did an awesome job.. i love the carrot and bunny lol. that bunny looks like he got super lucky haha he will be eating that carrot for DAYS lololol!

    1. Happy Easter, Lisa. It is night here and our Easter Sunday is ending but I reckon you still have half a day more to go if I'm getting my time zone correctly. Awww... thanx for your compliments. I thought the edges look really raw and amateurish. Nowehere near your awesome cooking. Yesh, bunny got lucky!

  5. This looks delicious! Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you and happy Easter to you too, Anouka.

  6. Happy Easter!! ♥ Hope you're enjoying the long weekend, and those cupcakes look so delicious, you did an extremely amazing job ^_^ The bunny is so cute~
    And omg didn't realise that all the dates were the same if we read them backwards this week because in Australia we don't read our dates like that ;P The day comes before the month!


    1. Ah, you're not the only one, Fifi. We actually write our dates in DD/MM/YY too so it took me a while to realise the link. Thank you for your sweet compliments.

      I like meaningful exchanges with fellow bloggers. I was just wondering if you're relatively new to my blog but your name looks familiar and I thought we've followed each other before though I can't find you in GFC. Will check out your blog soon!

    2. Hii Jo ^_^
      Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! I think i've been following your blog for a really long time, I don't know why I'm not showing up on your list because your posts have been showing up on my feed >_<; Thank you for following me though ~ ♥

    3. Ah, I didn't know you have been following! I'm so glad you left me a nice comment and that we are connecting in meaningful 2-way exchange now instead of just remaining silent. Hehehe... Ooh, I clicked through my list and saw "Fifi" at the end w/o a profile picture. I think it is coz you followed privately? Those w/o profile pic are all at the end of the list.

  7. Hope you enjoy your Easter! In Portugal we have three days, Monday will put everyone back to work.
    Do try and get some rest, though I know it's hard.
    Those cupcakes look gorgeous and delicious! You did a great a job. Had it been me, the cupcakes would not look that yummy.

    Sweet Eaaster!

    1. Ah, thanx for the enlightenment. I thought that most European countries would have the Monday holiday. Means we are all going back to work tomorrow. T_T

      I'm not very good at baking and the only time I baked was in school. So I'm quite sure that with the right guidance, you would bake nice little cupcakes too!

  8. The cupcakes look so so cute!
    Have a great day!!!
    Wish you all the best!

  9. Cute cupcakes <3 Happy Easter to you too :)

  10. Those cupcakes are too cute! I love the decorations. Happy Easter Jo!

    1. Thank you, Kim, and Happy Easter to you! Our Easter Sunday is ending but I reckon you still have a day more to go.

  11. so nice blog ! very interesting ! im glad that im here :) i want to invite you to mine and maybe you would like to follow each other? if yes just follow me and let me know i ll do the same as soon as possible :*

    1. Thanx for stopping by, Cicolari. I love seeing newcomers here. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  12. These are the cutest cupcakes ever ! Happy Easter ! <3

    Fashion and Cookies
    Facebook / G+ / Bloglovin

    1. Thank you and happy Easter, Vale. Love seeing newcomers here!

  13. That reverse thing is quite clever. I will walk backwards all week and see how it goes :)

    The real question is whether it is a giant carrot, a tiny bunny, or some combination of both.

    What a great team activity! Plus afterwards there are cupcakes. Best idea ever :)

    Hope you get some much needed rest, dear. Warm hugs and all my best wishes always sweet friend!

    1. We actually write our dates in DD/MM/YY so it took me a while to realise the link.

      It is a combination of both and the rabbit got lucky.

      Yeah, I love it that the team activity this time is different.

      I replenished loads of sleep which I've lacked over the week but fell back in all my blogging and social media stuff. Thank you for your warm hugz and same to you!

  14. This looks so yummy!
    Hope you had a wonderful day Y

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC, bloglovin? It would be great, just let me know :)


    1. Thanx for stopping by, Maria. I love seeing newcomers here. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  15. How cool, have to check this place out! Your cupcakes look awesome! A blessed Easter to you and yours :)

    1. Thank you, dear. You have to check it out! It's at Central. You could do cupcake baking with your sweet little daughters.

  16. Oh this is so cute! You do such fun things with work. I think they gave you quite a good set of colours to work with - pastels, easy for Easter. I really like your 'Jo' one with the carrot actually. Very seasonal and cute. From the first few pictures where they were close-ups, I actually thought they were massive cakes and thought it must have been your birthday or something, but the mini cupcakes are so cute! Hahah really liked the ending. It took me ages to get at first because we don't write the date like that in the UK so the table was useful. We write 21/04/14 - completely different! Hope you had a lovely Easter weekend, Jo. Rosemary x

    1. Hehe... Thank you for your sweet comment Rosemary. The colours of the fondant were actually quite bold, even the pink and blue. But somehow when purple was added, the pink and blue appeared more pastel-like which I adore. We write the date the same way as you do too though I know of the other way of writing. I still prefer our way! Singapore follows UK for many language and standard metric as we used to be a British colony.

  17. These look so amazing!! Yummy too :) I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend doll xx

    1. Thank you, dear. A weekend full of sleep was wonderful indeed!

  18. Happy Easter Jo!!! We have the Monday off. So I don't have to work today. Omg these are the cutest cupcakes ever!! I couldn't have done it at all. The bunny and the carrot (the bigger the better if you ask me) are fabulous. I hope my sister liked the pics on Instagram. What a great idea to go cupcake-making! We don't have a little house of dreams (or something similar over here) sadly. Hope that you don't have to much work now. Wish you a wonderful day :D

    xx Mira

    1. You sisters and Lilli are lucky babes with the Monday off! I'm not very good at baking and the only time I baked was in school. So I'm quite sure that with the right guidance, you would bake nice little cupcakes too! I didn't know it was your sis liking and commenting on Instagram! I thought you had ownership too and I seriously thought it was you! Hahaha...

  19. wow, those cupcakes look delicious! I'm addicted to chocolate and sweets in general ^^ Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you, dear. Good to see you back here after a long time, HariRari!

  20. Replies
    1. Thank you, Georgia. Same to you and have a good midweek!

  21. yummy yummy <3
    would you like to follow each other? :)

    1. Thanx for stopping by. I love seeing newcomers here. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  22. I totally know what you mean regarding the bane of a shorter work week--- I've definitely been there myself. That being said, your cupcakes look divine! What a fun activity!

    1. Thanx for stopping by and commenting, Alexis. Your blog profile name is so unique. I love seeing newcomers here. I'm glad to hear of someone who shares similar thoughts on shorter work week.

  23. Looks yummy! I love your blog!
    May be you'd like following each other? Let me know:)
    Maggie from

    1. Thanx for stopping by, Maria. I love seeing newcomers here. If you love my blog, feel free to follow. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)