Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to Get By The GFC Glitch

How many of us out there were annoyed by the GFC glitch recently?

I know I was. I found a couple of lovely people with awesome blogs recently and I was so upset that I could not follow them via GFC. Yup, most of them had bloglovin so I added their blogs there but I would usually like to show my support by following on both mediums. Imagine how upset I was when I kept getting an error message that said:

"We're sorry...  We were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit later"

Other than that, the glitch was affecting my 2nd blog giveaway especially when people informed me that they were unable to follow via GFC.


And then along came my lovely blog friend, Vanessa of citron and guavaberry. She is a genius. G-E-N-I-U-S in caps! She found out a way to continue following via GFC despite the glitch and it works! It could be common sense to her but it is definitely a whole new revelation to me and boy am I so excited that I started following some lovely blogs I found a while back.

So here's how to continue following via GFC:

  1. Go to your blogger homepage.
  2. Click on the "Add" button under "Reading List".
  3. Enter the blog's link in the pop up window and click "follow". 
  4. Optional to do a happy dance after that. 

This method works as recently blogger also seems to have brought back the reading list. I'm so thankful for that as ever since blogger removed the reading list a year ago, I've stopped visiting many blogs. I don't like the whole Google-Blogger thing but I guess I've got to learn to keep up with changes.

You could apply this method to follow blogs that you want to follow. As for following my blog, you could hit the GFC button at the top of my blog under the header or simply click the link I've provided on the right sidebar under the GFC portion. Do let me know if you've followed me. I will definitely follow back if I find our interaction constant and meaningful.

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Ongoing Giveaway

I'm having my 2nd blog giveaway and I invite all of you to check it out. It is opened internationally and ends 1 May 2014 midnight Singapore time. Feel free to participate if you're interested. Boys and men are welcome to participate to try your hand at winning something for your significant other, sister or female friends!

For standardization and to enter this giveaway, please follow the instructions and "template" so as to make the counting of your points easier. Thank you to all those who followed the template for it really made my job of counting your points more easily!

For those who have enetered via Rafflecopter, I'm so sorry that you have to re-enter as I'm not able to retrieve any detail of the entries. Please re-enter by commenting under your comment, following the "template" I've included. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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Thank you to my blog friends and loyal readers who have been constantly visiting back and leaving me lovely notes. I always smile reading your comments from my email inbox. All of you are the best! I'm slowly getting down to replying your comments and visiting your blogs. Also, welcome to all my new blog friends too. I'm glad we found each other's blogs and I hope we continue to stay in touch.

Here's a notti little kitty shaking butt butt as a gesture of thanx. Ok, not really a gesture of thanx, I just happen to like cute little butt-shaking animals can?


  1. It's all a bit strange really, how they keep changing things or stuff stops working, but this tip is rather neat!! I would like people to follow on Bloglovin' really as that's how I read everyone's blog now as it's easier for me. But, I will have to remember this trick!! I hope you have gorgeous week doll xx

    1. I'm still not very used to bloglovin but I will follow on both mediums as I'm afraid GFC would become obsolete soon and once that happens, I've to get used to another change yet again. Thank you Kizzy doll and have a lovely weekend!

  2. HAHA I can't believe people didn't know about this! I guess I mess around on blogger too much. Glad you found it helpful and shared it! :)

    1. Apparently many of us didn't know so thank you so much for your tip! It has certainly helped many!

  3. GFC and blogger have been a little problematic with all the changes lately! In the last year I have switched over to mostly using bloglovin', but it's nice to be able to have both!

    1. I'm still not very used to bloglovin but I will follow on both mediums as I'm afraid GFC would become obsolete soon and once that happens, I've to get used to another change yet again. I personally would love it if my followers and blog friends follow on both mediums too. It's nice to see their faces on the right sidebar! Hahaha

  4. So happy you found a solution to your issue. It is my pleasure to be your blog follower. Shake that butt, cute kitty :)

  5. Thanks for the tips!
    Let me know when u follow us then i will follow back!

  6. I agree that the google - blogger made it challenging to navigate. I get lost as what to do sometimes honestly yet manage to figure out things eventually, I am glad you found a way to follow the blogs you like and still prefer to make use of the reading list for some reason. It's true have one needs to adapt to the constant changes though am not liking it much though.

    1. I'm still not very used to bloglovin but I will follow on both mediums as I'm afraid GFC would become obsolete soon and once that happens, I've to get used to another change yet again. I personally would love it if my followers and blog friends follow on both mediums too. It's nice to see their faces on the right sidebar! Hahaha... I prefer blogger reading list too as I like to be able to only login on one platform and have everything there.

  7. I wasn't aware of this glitch. I don't use GFC, maybe that's why I didn't notice it.

    1. It's good that you didn't experience the frustration! =)

  8. Well I didnt know about the GFC glitch as I was out of blogging for about two weeks. Glad you shared this so now that I am back on the role will follow these instructions.

    1. It's good that you didn't experience the frustration. I think the traditional way of following is still not going on too well so this is indeed a good tip.

  9. You are a bit wrong, Blogger didn't remove the reading list. I was using it as always. There cancelled another service "Google reader" and it's a bit different. Anyway, thank you for tips. I'm following you now:) I don't understand why I can't follow blogs in the normal way, though. They should fix it up ASAP, I suggest:)

    1. Blogger used to display all the blogs I've followed via GFC on the dashboard page and I always visited blogs through there. It has been almost a year since I last saw blogs being featured there though every once in a while, I see them popping up at times and then disappearing. Hmm... now that you mentioned reading list and Google Reader, I'm confused as to which is which.

      Thank you for followng me, sweets! Hope we stay in touch!

  10. Yaaaay for a solution! Thanks Jo!

    1. LOL!!! I'm soooo glad Vanessa's tip helped so many people.

  11. I got the same problem with my first giveaway >_< but it seems like everything is solved now. Anyway, I I just found your blog and really like it! Would you like to follow each other to stay in touch? Let me know, thanks :) xx

    Kiss me Sunday

    1. Thank you for dropping by. I always love seeing new people here and sure I would check out your blog in a moment! =)

  12. This didn't work for me but Vanessa is still a genius! I'm pretty much over GFC and I have a feeling it's demise is imminent.

    To answer your question, Spring is determined by the vernal equinox and usually falls between March 20-21. Since I've always lived with 4 seasons, I'd actually be curious to live in a country like yours where it's temperate all the time. It must be nice to not have to but coats and boots. I'll show up on my blog every now and then but I'm really more comfortable behind the camera :) I did trim a little more off my bangs since they were getting in my eyes lol.

    The people I feature are actually actors and Ji Chang Wook is 26. He is quite cute isn't he ;p I don't have much love for Kpop idols as I find their "talent" questionable for the most part and I actually consider myself anti-idol.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. Oh dear!!! How could it not work for you???!!! I would have torn the hair off my scalp if it didn't work for me but then again, since you don't really use GFC now, it should be fine with you. Thank you for explaining to me about how to determine when spring is. Ah... I can't believe you're anti-idol. If that were the case, I'm quite sure the Asian celebs you feature are of good taste and I soon realized that too!

  13. I also have problems with GFC with this doesn't work :S it's really strange.. I also want to remove
    some blogs on my reading list/unfollow but every time I click on "manage reading list" they are unable to
    load it.. so annoying XD
    thanks anyways! I will try this again :D and will try to follow your blog ;)


    1. I have not tried removing blogs from my list before as the reading list hasn't been displaying for quite a long time. Thank you for stopping by as I really love seeing new people here. I would check out your blog soon!

  14. I can still see updates of blogs I follow through Google reader and to be honest I am not fond of Bloglovin at all. I am glad you figured it out cuz I would bother me badly if I couldn't see updates from my blogger friends.

    1. High 5!!! I can't navigate bloglovin well at all. And it doesn't display information accurately too. MY email notifications show a lot more blogs and followers than what I see when I log in. It really baffles me. When everything was all available on blogger dashboard in the past, it was so much easier! Now, I simply return visits to blogs for those who still continue visiting mine too. It keeps the interaction real and ongoing.

  15. I've been away on holiday so I wasn't aware of the glitch but thanks for mentioning the alternative which I shall try next time I want to follow a blog on GFC. I like your little animated kitty images too! Thank you very much for your lovely comment on my London post - much appreciated.

    1. Hope this tip works for you as it did for me and many of us. Thanx for return visits too. I love our to and fro interaction too and have followed you both on GFC and bloglovin. =)

  16. It worked for me so I hope everything is sorted. Have a lovely weekend

  17. Thanks for this, Jo! Indeed, it works! I've just followed your blog through the steps you mentioned here. Have a nice day! :)

    1. That's great, Elaine! Now you have no worries about joining the giveaway. Did you follow me privately? Coz I can't see your name under my GFC followers on my right sidebar. Anyway, thank you for always returning the visits. I've also followed you. =)

  18. Thanks for sharing this Jo! I swear GFC is driving me insane!
    I remember a while back people said it would forever be disabled so i just added hundreds of blogs to my favourites in case it ever really did break down or something!
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend!


    1. GFC always drives me crazy. I love following via GFC as I would love to have my reading list all shown on the same platform since I would definitely log into blogger if I switch on my laptop. With the news of GFC's demise, everyone was hopping onto bloglovin but frankly, I don't quite like using bloglovin. I hope GFC continues with no glitch. Have a lovely Sunday, Hayfa!

  19. Hi Jo! You know, I stopped to use GFC a while ago just cause it didnt work anymore or having troubles, and using bloglovin instead cause it is better and much faster. So, I didnt notice that glitch but thanks for the tip, it is always useful! And lol for the kitties, you are so adorable! Hope u are having a nice weekend, many kisses! xo

    1. I personally don't like using bloglovin because I would love to have my reading list all shown on the same platform since I would definitely log into blogger if I switch on my laptop. I love all these kitty gifs. Glad to have found them! Have a lovely Sunday, Lilli!

  20. Great tips! I don't use GFC much any more, although people still do follow along with it on my blog :) I prefer to add blogs to bloglovin or feedly to follow along with people now :) Was so sad when Google reader went away!

    Away From Blue

    1. If google reader is the same as the one on blogger then I love that too! I like everything to be on the same platform. Thanx for your comment, Mica.

  21. Hi Jo! Sometimes I can follow on GFC and sometimes it doesn't work but I can see my icon on your GFC so I guess it stills works. We were never allowed to use GFC cos we're not on blogger. So I rather use Bloglovin or google+. I always though that google would shut down GFC last year or so. Glad you found someone to help you with the problem. Wish you a wonderful Sunday!!

    xx Mira


    1. I was pretty surprised when I saw that you could follow me on GFC too coz I didn't think you are using blogger. It's so cool that you're able to do so now. Thanx for your comment and have a lovely Sunday, Mira!

  22. wow thank you for the tip!
    very nice blog by the way :)

    kisses from Russia,

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet words, Juliet! =)

  23. Oh my GOSH! Thank you so much for that post, it was soooo helpful! I've been unable to follow anyone for the last few days and it's been soooo annoying! I finally know now how to follow people again....thanks a million xx

    1. You're most welcome, Katie! I'm glad this post helped many people who were using GFC. Thank you for following me. I would check out your blog soon!

  24. Hi Jo, originally I thought it was just my blog and server here in SA that was having a problem but then I posted an alert on Google Help and found that so many other people were struggling with it too. Its taking ages for Google to fix it, so disappointed about that. Thanks so much for sharing this excellent tip, I will definitely use it! You're a star! May your week be filled with calm & creativity.

    1. You're most welcome, Sam. Actually I saw you had another solution to get by this glitch and I also used your tip, that is to include the link on my right side bar. So I've got to thank you too! Have a lovely Sunday!

  25. Hi Jo! Thank you for posting this. This is still happening to my blog:( Do you know how to make it so that when members come to my blog they can still join? I can join other blogs but when someone tries to log into mine they get the "We're sorry...

    We were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit later." Let me know if you have any tips! Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Nati,
      You could follow the steps I've listed and publicly tell your blog readers to follow in that way. But I get that it could be quite a few steps and people might not actually want to go through so much to follow.
      If you noticed right at the top of of my blog but under the header are rows of social media buttons with one bearing "GFC"? I did that in another way.

      1. Log in to your Blogger account.
      2. From any of the posting, settings, or template pages, you can find your blog's ID number if you look at the URL in the address bar.
      3. At the end of the address, you can see that it says blogID=XXXXXX where the X's represent your blog's ID.
      4. Copy the number that follows it–all the way up to the (#) sign
      5. That will be your direct link!

      Hope this helps! =)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)