Wednesday, March 19, 2014

GFC Stopped Working?

A quick question to all of you using GFC (Google Friend Connect)...

Has GFC stopped working?

I tried following a few blogs via GFC the past few days by clicking on "Join this site". However, I kept getting an error message that said:

"We're sorry...  We were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit later"

I tried logging in and out of blogger and gmail, and also logged out of all other sites with concurrent logged in status, cleared my cache but to no avail. I also tried IE, Firefox and Safari.

Is it only me or are all of you experiencing the same problem?

In the meantime, it is mid week so stay amazing all of you! Will get down to replying your comments and visiting your blogs soon!


  1. It's weird.. I can follow some blogs, but some not because of this error message..

    1. Thanx for your reply, dear. After seeing that I have 1 additional follower on GFC, I thought it was working again and tried following some blogs via GFC. However, I still get the same error message. =(

  2. Hmm, I don't know! I've found bloglovin' to be much more reliable than gfc lately!

    1. Thanx for your reply, dear. I think 1 year ago, Google announced they would stop GFC and the reading list but I continue to see people following on GFC and my blogger reading list has been visible the past 2 weeks! Pretty volatile all these Google stuff.

  3. I'm getting the same error message Jo. I tried entering a contest that way and received the same reply. So it's not you.

    1. So you have this problem too, Kim. It's also affecting my giveaway contest participation rate. Sigh... Hate all these merging stuff with Google sometimes.

  4. I ran into that issue for a while but it seems to be better now. I am using Chrome.

    You are amazing more :)P

    1. I am using Chrome too. After seeing that I have 1 additional follower on GFC, I thought it was working again and tried following some blogs via GFC. However, I still get the same error message. =(

  5. I had a few problems with it a while ago, but it seems ok now. But, gfc seems to go in and out at times, not sure what the problem is really. x

    1. After seeing that I have 1 additional follower on GFC, I thought it was working again and tried following some blogs via GFC. However, I still get the same error message. =( Pretty volatile all these Google stuff.

  6. There were rumors that Google would stop GFC eventually so maybe this is the first step before they pull the plug.
    That creation is totally amazing! Hope you're having a fantastic week Jo!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. I think 1 year ago, Google announced they would stop GFC and the reading list and hence everyone was urging their blog readers to follow them via bloglovin. I did the same too but continue to see people following on GFC and my blogger reading list has been visible the past 2 weeks! Pretty volatile all these Google stuff.

  7. It's been so long since I followed anyone new, I'm not sure!

    1. Yes, you're comfortable with your circle right now. Thanx for your reply nonetheless. =)

  8. People have told me they're getting this message on my site! And I am also getting the message when I try to follow new blogs lately :/ Silly Google. These Blogger issues happen often enough that it sometimes seems like Google doesn't care about the program at all...But thanks for reminding us that we're amazing! So are you ♥

    1. I think 1 year ago, Google announced they would stop GFC and the reading list and hence everyone was urging their blog readers to follow them via bloglovin. I did the same too but continue to see people following on GFC and I also continued to follow on both platforms. My blogger reading list has been visible the past 2 weeks and I was happily seeing all the blogs I used to read! Pretty volatile all these Google stuff.

      Thank you for your kind words. You're amazing too!

  9. Yep, GFC seems to be unavailable now, I hope it's just temporary effect:) Thank You for sharing such a nice post!
    Wish you a blessed day ahead!

    1. Thank you for dropping by and for your reply. I do hope it is just temporary too. It is causing such inconvenience. Pretty volatile all these Google stuff.

  10. Actually, if you go on your blogger homepage, under 'Reading List' there is an 'Add' button, and if you click on that and enter the blog's link, you can be subscribed via GFC!

    1. OMG!!! You're a genius Vanessa!!! I tried your method on a blog I've yet to follow and upon refreshing her page, I saw myself as a follower! It probably is common sense to you but not for me and I dare say many others from what I see in the comments here! I'm gonna share your method! *HUGZ*

  11. I had the same problems but now it seems to work. Everyone said it would shut down last year but it's still there :)

    xx Mira

    1. I'm still not able to follow via the traditional method but Vanessa my sweet blog friend up there managed to get by it via the dashboard page. It works! Yeah, everyone was scrambling to get bloglovin account just coz GFC was rumoured to close down back then!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)