Monday, January 13, 2014

Instagram Snapshots ~*December 2013*~

I'm a little less than 2 weeks late in my compilation of Instagram photos from December so here goes!

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~1 December 2013~
On lower lash line after showering and washing face: Koji Springheart eyeliner + Too Faced Shadow Insurance = Staying power as shown in picture.
 My HG Koji Springheart eyeliner is working well on me again. The past few batches were smudging on me like nobody's business.
Disclaimer: Why I showered before removing eye make up was because I bought a new mascara which removes easily with warm water. This also means that the formula is made such that it doesn't budge with my usual eye make up remover. Now, removing eye make up is a 3-step process of washing face during shower, removing of eyeliner and then washing the eye area again. I think in the long run, this would be too drying for my eyes and I should not buy such formula of mascara again.

~1 December 2013~
Hello December.

~1 December 2013~
As if this would deter anyone.

~1 December 2013~
Visiting Baby Raphael. My gal pal's son was such a smiley baby who would stop smiling once he saw anyone trying to snap a picture of him.

~1 December 2013~
My gal pal's son-- Baby Raphael! So cute lor, this boy. Always smiley and entertaining himself.

~1 December 2013~
Please smile for the camera.

~1 December 2013~
Had a satisfying dinner at Mookata with my galpals earlier this evening. Wy! You are sorely missed!
1. Hs, the mummy of Raphael, looks so good with her new hair cut.
2. Ems is the spokesperson for Thai Iced Tea.
3. I was the next ambassador for Thai Iced Tea.
4. Hs and I looked so small with the pot in the foreground.

~1 December 2013~
"Moo Ka Ta" literally means "Pork Skillet" in Thai and refers to the special cooking apparatus created to enjoy both barbecue and hot pot at the same time.
We started off by greasing the hot pot and then added ingredient fr BBQ and the soup. My favourite part of the dinner would be the tasty soup. Yummy! More pictures of the pot to come!

~1 December 2013~
Our dinner at Mookata. "Moo Ka Ta" literally means "Pork Skillet" in Thai and refers to the special cooking apparatus created to enjoy both barbecue and hot pot at the same time.
Watch how the soup slowly changed colour and the pot slowly turning charred.
My favourite part of the dinner would be the tasty soup. Yummy!

~3 December 2013~
Rainbow cake for breakfast tomorrow.

~5 December 2013~
Throwback Thursday. Great backdrop warrants for an outfit shot.

~6 December 2013~
This is my 3rd Lotus Root Soup for the week. I could never get sick of munching on lotus root. Home-cooked with love by Dad. Crunchy lotus root, seasoned minced meat shaped into meat balls, red dates and wolfberries. Psst... Do you know? Up till now, my dad still calls this "Bee Hive Soup" coz this was what we termed the soup as when we were young.

~7 December 2013~
Bought 3 boxes of Twelve Cupcakes for the family gathering later! I like disturbing the hubz. Conversation before we decided what to bring went like this:
Kh: Should we buy Twelve Cupcakes?
Jo: I think we should count the number of people going and buy accordingly. Kh: -_-|||

~7 December 2013~
New Toy. Asus Zenbook to replace dead Pinky Pink Dellnosaur. I survived a whole week without laptop and that's a mean feat for me. (Not counting the laptop used at work.)

~7 December 2013~
Asus Zenbook vs Dell Inspiron. Disregarding all specs, I would choose pink or white laptops over dark coloured ones. Physically, I'm wowed by the thinness and the screen of the Asus. Anyone knows what to do with a spoilt laptop? I don't wanna simply throw my spoilt laptop away.

~11 December 2013~
Well, I talked about how something good must happen on 11.12.13. I'm trying to fit anything that sounds good into this thinking. This is the 2nd time I witnessed 1% on my iPhone and have been using it for the past 10 min without it shutting down. Usually my phone would auto shut down at 3%. Let's see if this would get published before it shuts down.

~3 December 2013~
Anybody able to spot the what's going on in this picture? I'm pretty impressed with the features of the latest Photoscape. For the uninitiated, Photoscape is a free photo editing software that cheapo people (like me) use in place of Photoshop. The latest version included the cloning tool.
I remember liking this photo so much and when I uploaded it, @juneleety said that except for the jogger in the background, everything looked good. I hid the jogger with the cloning tool. It isn't as professional as what photoshop could do but I'm pleased with the result. Hubby is playing WoW in the background and my music could not drown his gaming sounds.

~15 December 2013~
I cut my little finger early this morning. Part of the flesh of the tip is gone.
The 1st photo was taken after the first washing when it had already bled profusely. The bleeding just wouldn't stop even after washing. The finger is fine. It's the loss of blood.
After I was conscious enough to take the 1st photo, I gradually felt my vision blurring in a white-out. And then the rest of what happened after that wouldn't be meant for the Internet.
I told my hubby that my gal pal had to send her student to the hospital once coz she cut her finger tip (saw the photos... gross) and that mine isn't serious. He said, "Did you see the piece of flesh you left behind?" Well, I've got ugly bandaged finger now!

~15 December 2013~
The idea was to have brunch at Chock Full of Beans in the hope of getting a 3D kitty latte art. The hubby didn't want to wait so we ate at another eatery down the road. I can't remember the name of the eatery. It has lots of newspaper and magazine cuttings and a framed award on its wall. It seems like they pride themselves for serving healthy food.
The Shiitake Mushroom Soup was good. The Golden Cup with tuna and egg mayo dressing was ok. I didn't like my mains. It tasted too bland and healthy. Kh liked his though. After finishing our brunch, we had to walk past Chock Full of Beans and I saw 2 girls with their 3D kitty foam art! I want my kitty foam art some day too.

~15 December 2013~
After a fruitful Christmas shopping Sunday, the hubby and I decided to each have a basket of Paradise Dynasty Signature colourful xiao long bao for dinner on top of other food that we shared. Love the ginseng and truffle flavoured ones the most.

~15 December 2013~
Dinner at Paradise Dynasty. Our usual dishes we would always order at Chinese restaurants would be the top right suan ni bai rou and bottom right hong you chao shou.

~15 December 2013~
I've been wondering for the whole day how to shower with my bandaged finger. I managed to wash my hands many times today without wetting the gauze... But shower? The hubby got sick of my whole-day wondering and did this.

~16 December 2013~
Godma and godson bonding time at River Safari. We were really lucky to catch the shy Jia Jia in plain view sleeping outside her den. 6 hours at the River Safari and we are really famished now! Time for lunch!

~16 December 2013~
Lunch at Din Tai Fung was scrumptious. It was one of the rare times I see Godson Jase with such huge appetite! "My appetite will always be very good at Din Tai Fung, especially with my favourite egg fried rice!" he proclaimed.
Egg fried rice (3/4 Jase, 1/4 me)
Beef soup la mian wo beef (me)
Fried vegetable pork dumpling (for us)
Xiao long bao (for us)
We finished every single bit of food up to the last grain of rice coz we were really famished from half the day of walking.

~16 December 2013~
Pic 1, 2, 3: @123jaselim showed me that the "proper way" to eat fried dumplings and xiao long bao was by dismantling them. Pic 4: Touching the Fountain of Wealth for good wishes.

~16 December 2013~
After bonding with my godson for the whole day, it's time to bond a while with my god daughter. She farted and laughed. So cute.

~16 December 2013~
Love Mia's slate grey eyes. So beautiful! (She is having baby acne now and hence the rash.)

~19 December 2013~
Throwback Thursday -- A walk to remember at Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, London. Photo story up on my blog.

~20 December 2013~
Finally! All Christmas presents prepared for the lovely people at work.
I don't know why I'm so stubborn. Told myself not to waste time writing cards and I still ended up wasting time writing gift tags.
And then the hubby looked at the gifts and said, "So nice. You make nice things for your colleagues and I get no shit."

~20 December 2013~
Wiped out the whole Marks & Spencer chocolates shelf that they allowed me take the box along with me as well. That was the 2nd trip to another M&S branch coz I almost wiped out the shelf at the Ion branch too. Hehe...

~21 December 2013~
See all of you later! @tifducky @gerrachong @czanneo @xtinaong

~21 December 2013~
Ajitsen ramen for dinner before the Shining Bright Like a Diamond party later.

~21 December 2013~
The party's theme just now was "shining bright like a diamond" and the exaggerated bow on the head should do the trick. Photos of the mini gathering would be up on my blog and Facebook after all the Christmas gatherings are done so @tifducky doesn't have to wait 1 year for the photos.

~22 December 2013~
Two days ago, 19-year-old boy approached me to buy bookmark printing vouchers.
Usually when I see people with lanyard and a clipboard, I would show them the "talk to the hand coz the face ain't listening" gesture. He looked like a really nice kid and he was pretty persistent. I had no choice but to listen to him since I was standing at one side of the mall and not walking in my usual solo lightning speed mode.
He explained to me that he had just been released from prison and he is trying very hard to prove his worth at his new workplace by selling as many vouchers as possible. He added that it would also help in shortening his probation period and showed me his probation ankle bracelet.
I told him that I had no use for bookmark printing vouchers at all though I would buy as an encouragement to him. He asked if I was a teacher coz he knew that many teachers would find it useful. I told him I wasn't but I used to be one and what ensued after that, I was very sure he regretted asking me that question.
I guess I would always have this disciplinarian streak in me no matter what. I interrogated him on why he went to jail. Fighting and stealing was what he revealed. Then I started to "lecture" him and I ended the conversation with "好好做人 ok?" He smiled, thanked me and in no time, he disappeared.
I don't know if this is "bogus charity" but i guess there is enough proof to show it isn't. Sometimes, you never know when the seemingly little acts you do would make or break others. I was pretty sure he regretted talking to me but I'm only glad that my small gesture added on to his count of sold vouchers and I really hope that he would turn over a new leaf. 😊😊😊

~22 December 2013~
The Vios Christmas dinner theme for the evening was Bling Bling. My outfit was plain black and the subtle bling came in the form of shiny eyeshadow, diamond necklace, diamond rings, faux diamond cuffs, faux diamond heels.

~22 December 2013~
The Vios theme for the Christmas dinner was Bling Bling. I wore a little black dress which my colleague gave me and bling it up with bling jewellery and shoes. Pardon the reflection of the messy room.

~24 December 2013~
Lunch with a view with the hubz at The Lighthouse, Fullerton Hotel.

~24 December 2013~
Latergram -- Our Christmas eve main course at The Lighthouse, Fullerton Hotel. Look who's so sad with the size of his mains. In the end, we swapped as I got sick of the rich tomato taste of the beef ragout and craved for truffle cream instead.

~24 December 2013~
Latergram-- What we had for Christmas Eve lunch at The Lighthouse, Fullerton Hotel. Hubby was missing their wild boar ragout and cheese platter. The former wasn't on the menu today and as for the cheese platter, they specially arranged it for us. In case you are wondering, the letter "f" on the latte DOES NOT stand for Facebook.

~25 December 2013~
It should be past 12 midnight in most parts of the world. Merry Christmas to all my friends and Instagram followers from all over the world! No prizes for getting right which display window this is.

~25 December 2013~
Seriously Adidas? What happened? We've always loved you.
Your gaudy colours for soccer boots made it so difficult for the hubz to replace his pair. Even Messi looks kinda off in those blue and orange boots.
I thought it was just the soccer boots which was in gaudy bright shades. And then I turned and saw how the running, basketball and training shoes were all just as bad.

~25 December 2013~
Berrylite Froyo for healthy guts... but with strawberry, fruity cornflakes and chocolate chips toppings. What was meant to be healthy...

~25 December 2013~
2nd day loose curls.
The whole Christmas weekend had been so hot and humid that there wasn't any chance for 2nd day curls. Glad that the weather yesterday and today was cooling.

~25 December 2013~
Selfie time-- Front view of 2nd day (very) loose wave. Why can't perming achieve loose wave?

~26 December 2013~
It's Boxing Day! Time to unwrap all the presents! Does anyone else still unwrap presents on Boxing Day? Top: Gifts from people at work. Bottom: Gifts from good friends whom I've met up with so far.

~27 December 2013~
Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content. -- Helen Keller

~28 December 2013~
Another Christmas gathering. Another round of presents to unwrap. I really love the Étude House packaging from my secret santa.

~28 December 2013~
My sis got a BMW for Christmas. Check out her spiffy red BMW with the headlights and rear lights on.
Ok... I had wanted not to include the bottom 2 pics of the collage but then there might really be people who either believe that's a real car or think it is a model. Guess what it is? :

Well as per the bottom right pic, it's a power bank. The number 75 shows that there was 75% of power left. What a unique power bank! I love the headlights in particular.

~29 December 2013~
Baby Minnie for Baby Mia. Happy 1 month old!

~29 December 2013~
Cyn mommy Godma Jolene and Baby Mia.

~29 December 2013~
We weren't talking to each other but they said it looked like it. Can't wait for Baby Mia to grow a little bigger so we could all play with her (and bully her). Haha.

~29 December 2013~
Latergram -- Catching up one on one with one of my bestie @xtinaong. Love all these chats!

~29 December 2013~
Criss cross mirror shot. Meeting up with another gal pal whom we've not met for a year. "Mulling" over mull wine now.

~29 December 2013~
Home-made mull wine specially prepared by my gal pal. Boiled with spices, oranges and sugar, topped with a cinnamon stick. Such a warm and fuzzy feeling chatting over warm wine.

~29 December 2013~
Whiskey the cheeky and 色色 schnauzer.

~29 December 2013~
Part 1: Bei's dancing turned humping schnauzer. To think he's a puppy!

~29 December 2013~
Part 2: Bei's dancing turned humping schnauzer. To think he's a puppy! 腰力还不错!

~30 December 2013~
The sub-division picnic somehow became a department cohesion. Some of us have not picnicked since schooling days!

~30 December 2013~
Never had a picnic like this before!

~30 December 2013~
Before the start of the Yakult Factory tour, we had to sit down in a classroom setting like students listening to the teacher in front. Good thing he was engaging and we had a free bottle of Yakult each.

~30 December 2013~
Yakult loot for both sides of the family by the end of the tour.
Did you know?
Yakult contains 10 billion L.casei strain Shirotawhich are strong enough to survive the journey through the gastric juices and bile to reach the intestines alive.
Yakult Ace Light contains 30 million but with 30% less sugar and 30% fewer calories.

~31 December 2013~
Bye bye 2013. I will be counting down to 2014 in my sleep. So before I KO, here's wishing all of you a Happy New Year. Live, Laugh, Love.


  1. Gorgeous pictures doll, love the baby, so cute :)) I hope you have a wonderful new week :) xx

    1. Have a wonderful weekend and new week to you! xoxo

  2. Hi Jo! Your insta pics are the cutest! And Im looking forward to see what you are going to share in Jan!:) Mia is such a beautiful baby, what eyes! I remember that photo and the fact you could delected the guy running in the background, impressive!:) Kisses dear, have a nice week ahead! xo

    1. I'm so glad you are now on Instagram, Lilli. ALways love connecting in more than one way. Thank you for your sweet words always, dearie. xoxo

  3. Such wonderful photo memories, I have never eaten cuisine like this before, it looks so interesting! Thats such a cute baby and he seems to adore you as well. I am so grateful for your insightful comments. Have a great week ahead hun!

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, hun. Have a great weekend and new week ahead!

  4. Hi Jo!!! OMG OMG my heart just stopped at the lotus soup and the MINI COLORFUL little dragon buns!! like OMGGG!!! I wish they have that here in canada... !!

    xoxo, Mango ❤
    MangoRabbitRabbit's Blog | GEO Eyes Cream Lenses Review

    1. You seem to be missing lots of Chinese Asian food! That's something I always miss when I'm in the West. Have a lovely weekend ahead!

  5. it's funny jo, i remember all of these. you had a busy december. can't wait to see your january pics.

    1. Haha... Yeah. I would remember your photos too if you had the same recap of Instagram pictures on your blog. xoxo

  6. Love your photos! Glad to see you had a great year! Adorable baby photos too! And can I just say, I freaking love your hair!! ^___^

    1. I haven't seen you around in quite a while, Anna. Thank you for visiting back coz (due to my busy-ness and decrease in free time) I tend to only return visits to blogs from blogger friends who comment. Thanx for your comliment! xoxo

  7. Oh I so enjoy the non-smiling little fellow and the farting, laughing lass (the baby, not you dear :D) And that black dress is very va va va voom on lovely you. The story on the voucher I really enjoyed especially. And of course all the fancy FOOD. Yum :)

    1. I always look forward to reading what you have to say, Rick. Always warms my heart. Have a lovely hmm... SUNDAY over at your side? It's Sunday noon here. =D

  8. December looks like another delicious and fun month! I remember having to wear a plastic bag over my bandaged finger when I showered as well. I hope your finger is all healed up now. That is so cool that you took a your of a Yaklut factory! I'm a fan of their probiotic drinks!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. Yakult definitely has the best probiotics drink. If you went on their tour, you would know how they are much above par against other competitors. Have a lovely weekend and new week ahead!

  9. Very nice pics ! you look so pretty with your bow !

    1. Thank you, hun. Have a lovely weekend and new week ahead!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you, hun. Are you on Instagram too? Lemme know if you are!

  11. A new godchild is exciting! I hope she has much laughter in her life. Rapael is like me--I always frown when I see a camera. I don;t do it on purpose, it just happens. :)

    How is your finger now???

    1. You have to show me a pic of you frowning for me to believe you. Lol... My finger has a crescent moon scar now. Not a whole oval shape thankfully. Still waiting to see if the prints would form fully!

  12. Oh baby Raphael is so cute! Oh my Gosh the cupcakes looks delicious! Oh so bad for your finger~ The dinner at Paradise Dynasty looks very amazing. Wow so cute your daughter *w* Very amazing and lovelies pics like always.

    1. Thank you for your lovely words, sweetie. Have a great weekend and new week ahead!

  13. love this post! i mean what's not to love. pretty good, yummy good, pretty jewelry!!!

    lol omgosh that comment about the christmas gifts you did for your coworkers. (which admittedly is OMG SO CUTE!! can i be your coworker LOL!!?) and your husband was like 'and i get sh*t' that's like the same crap my husband says lol!!! omgosh made me LOL so hard!! like when i go out with girlfriends.. and i get "pretty" do my hair/makeup ect ect and when i go out with the hubs it's whatever lol. he's always like ' where are you going? and why don't you look like this when you go out with me??" HAHAHAHAHA

    oh and i'm completely obsessed w/ yakult. but i try not to drink it because it has so much sugar.. i didn't know they had a lite one!! i wonder if it's just in asia though :( because you guys naturally get everything so much more awesome. well i can't even find regular full calorie yakult in germany lol! but i'll have to try and see if i can find the lite version when i return to the US.

    ugh as for the contacts. so annoying but because i'm in germany i'm really limited in selection apparently i can't try the acuvue moist or trueye!! GRR i have to try the bauche and lomb one.. because that's all they have here for disposable. so i'm going to try that first.. and then when i get back to the US true the acuvue ones!! i have astigmatism so apparently i can't even try the trueye because that one doesn't have for astigmatism only the moist #firstworldproblems right?? lol!!!

    wishing you a wonderful 2014 jo!!! :)

    1. Hahaha... I know exactly what you are talking about with the crap things our hubz say coz it happens to me a lot. That's so funny.

      After attending the Yakult factory tour, I realised that Yakult is really above par to all other probiotic drinks. I do agree that it's very sweet too. You are right about Asian countries getting things more awesome. The person leading our group was telling us that Singapore has got the best of Yakult as we have got apple, orange and grape flavour on top of the original and Singapore is the ONLY country which has straws for the Yakult. Very interesting facts. I don;t use those tiny straws anyway. I hope you find the lite version in US.

      Oh... I didn't know Germany didn't have Acuvue. That's a shame. I hope the B&L ones work well for you! Hahaha... first world problem yeah!


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