Saturday, November 02, 2013

Instagram Snapshots ~*October 2013*~

It is NOVEMBER and OCTOBER is OVER! And so is the event which was contributing to all the mountain of work for the past few months. I'm so relieved that everything went smoothly and that it was a success. It couldn't have been a success without my SM's guidance and all my colleagues' help too so I'm really thankful that everyone worked together as a team.

September's Instagram post saw a significant decline in photos and even though October was a lot more hectic than September, I was determined to continue being more active on Instagram to make up for the cobwebs on my blog. I will be more diligent in replying your comments and also visit your blogs in due time.

Old blog friends please read this
Edited to add:
I realised that once I got connected to some blog friends on Instagram, all our exchanges take place there and seldom do we visit each other's blogs any more. The only exception would be Kim and Kizzy. You dolls would always be sticking around whether on Instagram or on Blogger. Blogging definitely takes a lot more effort and I'm always very inspired at how these two ladies could continue having interesting posts at a frequency of more than once a week. Instagram on the other hand takes a lot less effort and it allows me catch a glimpse of more frequent updates from blog friends who have stopped blogging or blog at a rate of one post a month or like me, only have filler posts in between actual posts.

It also seems like the blogosphere has been quieter of late. All the older blog friends whom I connected so well with from a few years ago seem to have disappeared. Does anyone of you "old blog friends" agree with me? Those friends are just gone. I tend to only return visits to people who leave comments and will only occasionally type the url of other blogs that I used to frequent to see what they have been up to. I thought probably in my bz-ness the past few months, I could have missed out on those blog friends who didn't leave me comments.

The past few hours, I decided to reconnect back with some of my blog friends on a stay-home Sunday. I went searching for the blog url of all my Instagram blog friends and started leaving comments. Next, I visited the blogs of old blog friends who have stopped commenting. I was glad to be able to read so many updates for some of these blog friends, often clicking on the older post to have a summary of that happened in their lives so far. Of course, I was also sad to see that many have stopped blogging too.

I'm really glad I made the first move and the few hours I spent just now was definitely worth it! I hope that I would slowly see these blog friends connecting back.

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~3 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2006. This time, the Bimbo Sisters & 1 Himbo had an impromptu theme: "Conscience-- those angel and devil that sit on your shoulders." The only Himbo was some bimbo prisoner in black and pink dragged with shackles and chains. So while I was happily working and thinking about all the fun to come, my dear creative friends helped in making the props. People simply called us that angel and devil group. Where was their creativity? It was also the night when my camera was stolen. So I've only got a total of 20 photos retrieved from @czanneo's handphone and from a club photographer who uploaded our photos on the Internet.

~5 October 2013~

I bought frootloops as I haven't eaten them since primary school. Plus the fact that I'm seeing so many pretty colourful pictures of frootloops on Instagram, weheartit and the likes that I thought it would be nice to have my own frootloops photo. But why is it that the frootloops available here look so yellowish and nothing like those I always see for eg @allprettyandpastel 's frootloops???

~6 October 2013~
Round 1 of gathering with Viv and April. Lunch at Marmalade Pantry with little Talya. Talya is such a doll and relatively well-behaved. Even as she does a "like a boss" pose, even as she went "no no no no no" in her babyish voice, she is just so adorable. We had a good lunch with Talya!

~6 October 2013~
Our lunch at Marmalade Pantry- pasta and burgers. Viv had carbonara. I had scallop bisque linguini. April had mini burgers from the kid's menu pretending that it was for Talya but it was actually really for herself. Even the waiter had to reaffirm with April that she hadn't ordered for herself yet. Just 3 fries with salt dusted off was all Talya got. The last pic at the bottom right was a goodbye photo from April on the Mrt as she made her way home to put Talya to bed and got ready for Round 2 of the gathering.

~6 October 2013~
Round 2 of gathering with Viv and April. Dinner at Cotton Bleu. I had the beef stew with mashed potatoes, Viv had steak and fries, April had French onion soup and we all had fries to share. Everything was good except the lavender creme brûlée.

~6 October 2013~
Round 2 of the gathering was lovely. We managed to catch up so much! In Viv's words, "In the afternoon, we met Talya's mummy. At night, we met April." How her words ring true. A woman wears many hats and very often, when the mummy hat is put on, all other identities seem to cease. All hail to the mummies in the world. All hail to gal pals too and cheers to friendship!

~6 October 2013~
Sponsorship of my super belated bday present from Viv. Pretty pretty Coach handbag in pink and classic Coach brown. Well, I didn't intend to have another bag. It's all Viv's fault. She wanted a Coach bag for herself and started sending me pics of some bags to seek my opinion. She asked me if I wanted and that she could get it for me too while she was there since it was so affordable. I told her I've got enough bags. To entice me further, she told me that there was a 30% on top of 30% off SGD$315 so it was $146. "Wah! So cheap ah? But I've really got enough bags..." said me. So after she dangled a carrot saying she would sponsor half the bag for my belated birthday present, the rest was history. Happy gal now!

~10 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- We skipped 2007 and returned in 2008. I was Pian Pian (翩翩) the Chinese ghost, @eccentrice was Lolita the mime doll (or was it Lola?) and @gerrachong was Leo-Pard (pronounced as "Leo-oh-ParD"). Do I look like some ghost from HK, Jap horror movie on the bottom left?

~12 October 2013~
Sis @kezel and I were playing with Popin Cookin for the past 2 hours. Why did we take so long? Coz we were taking turns to make the sushi while recording the whole process. The grape-flavoured gummy sushi took 2 hours to make but 2 mins to be gobbled down by my parents and us. The videos are available at her Instagram page @kezel.

~12 October 2013~
I asked the Hubz, how do I look with shorter than chin-length hair and without even pausing to think, he said, "Looks like @melva_b." Not bad, Melva. You have created a unique Melva style! A little sharing here: People who know me over the years would occasionally be fooled by my short hair prank whereby I would put the rest of my hair back, take a pic of the visible short layers and let people assume I chopped off my hair.

~13 October 2013~
I really really wanna rear a kitty cat just like Shirasu. This is Shirasu when she was a kitten. Look at her all hands up with tummy facing up. She is just soooooo cute. I love her innocent eyes, pink nose, pink paw pads and her overall kitty cuteness. Her owner is @msy1515 who has 3 cats and 2 dogs.

~15 October 2013~
Today is my beloved Simba's 6th year death anniversary. Miss her cuteness, her puss-in-boots eyes and her black and white paws.

~17 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween 2009. East Meets West Part 1.
The usual Bimbo Sisters/ Halloween kakis partied with my hubz and his friends coz that was the year we tied the knot. For the first time, our Halloween circle was HUGE. For the photo story, go to

~18 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween 2009. East Meets West Part 2.
It was the year the Hubz and I tied the knot and it was the very first and last time we partied together on Halloween. It was so much fun halloweening together with his friends and my friends. That night, everyone said, "We should do this more often." But that was the last time we halloweened together. Lol.

~18 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween 2009. East Meets West Part 3. Another collage with the Hubz coz it was the only time he allowed me to line his eyes.

~19 October 2013~
Bestie Cyn and her baby bump.

~19 October 2013~
I love weddings especially weddings of people I love.

~19 October 2013~
Angel hair pasta with truffle for my mains at Caffe B. So damn good but so damn small portion. After wiping off the bread with olive, the complimentary chef grilled vege and cheese, starters of foei gras and clam & mussel, we are still hungweeee!!! Must order more stuff!

~19 October 2013~
Act cute with curls and bow before they are gone. Bleh.

~20 October 2013~
I love 2nd day curls!

~20 October 2013~
I love 2nd day curls. If only perming could achieve such waves...

~20 October 2013~
Well since I'm into hair photos on my Instagram page now, I might as well do an overdose all at once. I like to use filter on my Instagram photos so that they would be saved into a square. This makes it a lot easier for me to sieve out the Instagram ones to save in a folder when I upload them onto my laptop. Those filters change the original hair colour and it's quite fun to have a change of hair colour on photos without having to actually dye it. For those who are bored enough to answer... 1) Guess which is my original photo. 2) Which colour tone do you like the most?

~20 October 2013~
I haven't been shopping for a long time and went a little trigger-happy today (triggered to open my purse) and bought stuff for myself when the main motive was just to buy my sis's birthday present.
Left to right: 1) No trying denim-looking cotton shirt which is too big for me. Shall wear it as a super big boyfriend shirt. 2) Cotton On Viva La Moto The Fox Graphic Tee. 3) Cotton On French Quarters Molly Graphic Tee.

~20 October 2013~
Dramatic eye make up looks so much better in photos. In real life, it scares the shit outta people. I can't count the number of small kids who stared at me. Even service staff seemed to not want to look at me in the eye. No filter for this as all filters alter the original colours much too drastically.

~23 October 2013~
Left: Billabong flip flops impulse buy to replace broken flip flops then.
Price --> about $30
Result --> became a scratch pad for bro-in-law's meow meow.
Right: Cotton On flip flops impulse buy to replace my billabong scratch pad. No, actually I morphed into a bird that went "cheap cheap cheap".
Price --> $5
Result --> Colourful polka dots appeals to me. Hope they don't appeal to meow meow too.

~24 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2010 Part 1.
Theme: Army
Code name: S.A.L.T (Slashing and Lashing Terminator)
Mission: To annihilate the ghosts, ghouls and walking deads on The Island of Death
Brief summary of injuries: Those evolved undeads were highly intelligent. They actually knew how to make bombs. I got struck, landed on my right with thigh and face disfigured. Just the perfect excuse to go for plastic surgery.

~24 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2010 Part 2.
Theme: Army
Brief summary: A group of army gals, 1 zombie boy and a mishappen Lady Gaga went on a mission to Pulau Blakang Mati, which in Malay means the "Island (Pulau) of Death (Mati) from Behind (Blakang)" to annihilate the ghosts, ghouls and walking deads there.
For fake blood recipe and wound make up tips, go to

~25 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2011 Part 1.1.
Persona: Lady Heather (an insane lady with split personality)
Brief summary: It started off as a last minute spontaneous affair as the usual Halloween gang had no ideas on what themed dress-up we were going to do. In the end, we went from being clueless and slowly built up a character in progression to our make up process. Presenting Lady Heather!
Aside: I'd wanted to do a Throw back Thursday before the clock struck 12 and became Friday. However, I fell asleep, woke up to do some work and decided to post some TBT since it is still Thursday in all my favorite cities up north.

~25 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2011 Part 1.2.
Brief summary: Halloween 2011 like every other Halloween was a BLAST! Cheers to old friends and new friends!

~25 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2011 Part 1.3.
Falsies removed... Web faded... Blood smeared... Time for the insane Lady Heather to take a backseat and allow the sane Miss JoJo to emerge once more.

~25 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2011 Part 2.1.
Persona: The Ghost of Lady Heather (an insane lady with split personality now as a ghost)
Brief summary: Inspired by my Facebook status, my very old friend of 16 years decided to throw a basement Halloween party at her place, complete with really cool props and a DJ spinning really funky Halloween mix. She extended the invitation to the rest of my motley crew and I dare say this must be one of our boldest Halloween make up ever. Continuing from the previous persona, here's presenting the ghost of Lady Heather when the eyes hadn't bled out yet.
Aside: I'd wanted to do a Throw back Thursday before the clock struck 12 and became Friday. However, I fell asleep, woke up to do some work and decided to post some TBT since it is still Thursday in all my favorite cities up north.

~25 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2011 Part 2.2.
Brief summary: Inspired by my Facebook status, my very old friend of 16 years decided to throw a basement Halloween party at her place, complete with really cool props and a DJ spinning really funky Halloween mix. She extended the invitation to the rest of my motley crew and I dare say this must be one of our boldest Halloween make up ever. Here's presenting the ghost of Lady Heather with her motley crew.
Top collage from left to right: The dear host, The Ghost of Lady Heather, Messenger of Death, Measlely/Miserly, Evil Black Swan.

~25 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2011 Part 2.3.
By the end of the night/morning, the make up had slicked off and I looked more like myself. Say ByeBye to the Ghost of Lady Heather. Aside: I'd wanted to do a Throw back Thursday before the clock struck 12 and became Friday. However, I fell asleep, woke up to do some work and decided to post some TBT since it is still Thursday in all my favorite cities up north.

~26 October 2013~
八宝茶 also known as Eight Treasures Tea. The one we have here looks like a blend of red dates, dried longan, ginseng slices, rose buds, wolfberries, hawthorn fruit, rock sugar and I dunno what's te 8th ingredient.

~26 October 2013~
Latergram Sickly Sleepy Saturday's 1st meal of the day: 小笼包 Steamed soupy pork dumpling

~26 October 2013~
Latergram Sickly Sleepy Saturday's 1st meal of the day: Chicken marinated with Chinese wine and wolfberry

~26 October 2013~
Latergram Sickly Sleepy Saturday's 1st meal of the day:
蒜泥白肉. I forgot the actual English name for this dish. It's some pork slice wrapped cucumber and carrot with minced garlic sauce dish.

~26 October 2013~
Latergram Sickly Sleepy Saturday's 1st meal of the day:
Double-boiled chicken soup is a must-order comfort food for me at Crystal Jade.

~26 October 2013~
Latergram Sickly Sleepy Saturday's 1st meal of the day:
Braised pork belly with "pancake" I hate this. I hate eating fats but the hubz insisted on ordering this. The "pancake" is actually just Chinese style steamed bun and I personally feel that's the best part of this dish.

~26 October 2013~
Latergram Sickly Sleepy Saturday's 1st meal of the day:
Pork dumpling with spicy chilli sauce

~26 October 2013~
Latergram Sickly Sleepy Saturday's 1st meal of the day:
Chinese red bean paste pancake for dessert

~26 October 2013~
Latergram Sickly Sleepy Saturday's 1st meal of the day:
Honey dew sago for dessert

~27 October 2013~
~*Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Photo Posts*~
1. Post something pink that you wear:
My Love Pink T-shirt from Victoria Secrets together with my FBT shorts are my staple sleep-in clothes when I travel overseas.

~27 October 2013~
~*Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Photo Posts*~
2. Post something pink that you use: My Coach Pink Madison Wristlet has since become my "wallet" as it is really convenient to stuff cash and cards in it.

~27 October 2013~
~*Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Photo Posts*~
3. Post something pink that you eat/drink:
Antipasto of Swordfish Carpaccio at Caffe B, Marina Bay Sands. I've always love anything carpaccio.

~27 October 2013~
Late night dinner at "dunno what cafe".
I had craving for Ice Edge II's Vongole; I couldn't wait to lap up the white wine soup. To our dismay, Ice Edge II has been taken over by a new cafe. We decided to give it a try and it wasn't too bad at all.
1. The minestrone soup was the watery kind, not the thick creamy kind that we like but it was fine overall. I'm only amazed at the size of it. Check out how tiny the bowl was in relation to the spoon and bread.
2. The hubz ordered some Mexican appetizer which appeared to be so huge. I was shocked when that dish was served and thought they had made a mistake. Spreading the guacamole and other salsa sauce, the wrapped mushrooms tasted great.
3. My Capellini Vongole wasn't the soupy type I was waiting to slurp. The dish looked Chinese since capellini (aka angel hair pasta) reminded me of Chinese bee hoon. Though not what I've expected, the dish was actually not too bad. It was flavourful without being too rich.
4. Hub's Seafood Marinara (can't remember the actual name) was good too. There was a smoky seafood flavour and the ingredients used were really fresh. Verdict: Without comparing to what we were craving for and removing all expectations, this cafe isn't too bad at all. However, I just want my Ice Edge II back coz their Vongole is my late night comfort food!

~30 October 2013~
Expectation: Milky strawberry yoghurt soda
Reality: Taste like strawberry tonic water
Lesson: Hold expectation and you would be disappointed

~30 October 2013~
Who is retro too?

~31 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2012 Part 1.1.
Persona: Girl with the Dragon tattoo aka emo kia.
Brief summary: So we all bought dragon tattoo sleeves to be girls with the dragon tattoo but in the end, our dragon tattoos were overpowered by our make up. As for me, it was my short hair wig that was the main talking point.

~31 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2012 Part 1.2.
Persona: Girl with the Dragon tattoo aka emo kia.
Brief summary:
So we all bought dragon tattoo sleeves to be girls with the dragon tattoo but in the end, our dragon tattoos were overpowered by our make up. As usual, Halloween started right from the make up process as depicted in this collage.

~31 October 2013~
Throw back Thursday-- Halloween in 2012 Part 1.3.
Persona: Girl with the Dragon tattoo aka emo kia.
Brief summary:
So we all bought dragon tattoo sleeves to be girls with the dragon tattoo but in the end, our dragon tattoos were overpowered by our make up. I super love this stylo short hair wig that I borrowed from my ex colleague that I couldn't bear to remove it even after the partying was over.

~1 November 2013~
Happy Unhalloween Halloween 2013 to the Bimbos minus one!
(The meet up was on Halloween 31 Oct itself but I posted this after midnight and that explains the date.)


There you go. My October a la instasummary. You can find me on Instagram by clicking the button below. If you like my pictures, do follow and drop me a message so that I could check out your page too! I really love it when my blog friends and I are connected on other social media platforms too since I know many of them don't blog as often yet have got a lot more updates on their Instagram page. I don't entertain follow for follow requests but if we have enough meaningful exchanges here, I would naturally follow you back, especially if you are my blog friend. Have a happy weekend!

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  1. What a great post everything from weddings, Halloween, cute children and lovely food. Thank you for dropping by. Have a fun weekend

    1. Thank you for dropping by too! Have a good week ahead.

  2. Hi Jo!:) All the photos are very adorable, as much as you!:) Looking so pretty with curly hair you know:) I also have enjoyed all the Halloween costumes you had in the years. Have a nice weekend, kisses! xo

    1. You are always so sweet Lilli. Thank you. xoxo

  3. Love your pics! I'm now following you on Instagram! Hugs & happy weekend! T.

    1. Hi Tina! Ah yes, I think I saw you following on Instagram. I would go check out your page soon! If possible, let us also connect on blogger. That would be meaningful. =) Will drop by your blog again!

  4. Wow! Good summary of your Instagram month:)
    PS Little Talya is too cute.

    1. Thank you for visiting. Yes, Talya is just so adorable.

  5. Hi Jo! Thanks a bunch for dropping in, is always nice hearing from you! Regarding Halloween, I had a quiet dinner at home and eat lots of sweets:) Glad you liked the make up look!:) Follow you with pleasure on Pinterest dear, enjoy the weekend and take care! xo

    1. A quiet dinner sounds good! I hope you didn't eat dinner as your alter ego. Hehehe... Ooh, thank you for following my humble Pinterest account. xoxo

  6. your pictures are amazing, especially the food pictures!!!! it looks really yummy and mouth watering >< can't help but scroll through it again to look at your food
    for your color hair tone, i really like the 3rd one, it's nice :)

    1. Hey Judy, thank you for dropping by and yes I saw new followers on instagram and one of them is you. I will check out your ac soon! Thanx for your lovely words and the 3rd one is the filtered tone that I used for the standalone upload.

    2. lol, had to stalk your instagram too especially with those pics!! haha
      looking forward to your upcoming posts :) ~~

  7. OMGOSH!! obsessed w/ all your halloween makeup and costumes!! amazing makeup skills! love it!!!

    i love your blog posts because of all the food too.. i'm OBSESSED w/ carbonera!! i try so hard not to eat it.. because it's pasta (bad), cream (bad) & bacon (bad) HAHAHAHA. but it's my favorite type of pasta!

    i don't know it's so weird.. my hair just grows like crazy!! my gf recently just told me it takes her an entire year to grow 1 inch of hair i was like WHAAAAA?! i think my hair grows a few inches every few months lol!

    1. I used to LURVE carbonara but one day I ate too much and got sick of the rich taste. I haven't eaten carbonara for the past 2 years. It is good that your hair grows out fast especially if you didn't dye it. I don't like it when my black roots grow out too quickly. Yours is healthy and shiny!

  8. Your blog is super cute, it looks you had such a fun time! All the food looks super delicious I'm quite hungry now XD

    1. Thanx for dropping by and Oopsy... Sorry to make you so hungry. Hehehe...

  9. What a wonderful collection. All the food and awesomely creative Halloweening. But...where is that amazing helmet? I mean the bag with the hearts flying off of it is still pretty cool but...helmet? :)P

    1. Haha... That amazing helmet would appear in November Instagram updates coz it was taken on 1st November. Don't worry, it would be featured in a month's time. PS: The laptop also had got hearts flying out of it.

    2. I thought those were coming off you :) (circling calendar for November installment)

  10. Omg Talya is soo cute. You still miss your little cutie kat. I feel so sorry for you. Wow you had some awesome scary Halloween partys and your food posts always make me hungry.

    xx Mira

    1. We didn't celebrate Halloween this year so it was one of the rare times my friends and I were normal on 31st Oct. Hehe...

  11. Wow, you guys really celebrate halloween! You look gorgeous in gothic :) (In my day, we didn't have internet, so no quick cheat for Lit lol)

    1. Our Internet during sec school and JC days were those modem ones which was very slow and I didn't have Internet at home. It was only after I got into Uni that I realised some of my JC friends with Internet at home often search for those cheat sites and reference notes to study their lit texts. Now the Internet is ubiquitous. How times have changed.

  12. Very sweet doll!! I just try to do my best in reading everyone's blog...especially when they take the time to read mine!! Love all the costumes, they are fantastic!! Awesome, I do love dressing up, though I didn't do it this year. Of course all the food looks amazing too, haha ;-) I hope you are well doll, I am feeling much better now..the chocolate, rest and a positive mindset helped!! I wish you a gorgeous new week to come Xxx

    1. Yup and the act of visiting of blogs to all your readers itself shows the effort you put it! I'm glad to hear that you are recovering well and good. =D

  13. Hi, Jo! LOL!! I just read the comment you left on my blog. Sorry about that typo! That's what I get for watching a movie while responding to blogs! ;) Thank you for the follows! Following you back on Bloglovin' and GFC. :) Hugs, T.

    1. Hahaha... Yup, did you click that wrong link? It was funny! I'm following you on both GFC and bloglovin too, as well as Instagram.

  14. Whoa, the throwback Halloween costume of the Ghost of Lady Heather was perfect! I wish I'd thought to try it. Haha, the makeup is gorgeous in a creepy way :)
    Glad you refound my blog! Sorry about that too, I don't know why I stopped visiting. I'll have to make sure to follow through Bloglovin so I won't miss any new posts

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

    1. The Ghost of Lady Heather is by far my favouritest favourite Halloween persona too. Yupz, let's continue to keep in touch not only on Instagram but through our blogs too!

  15. Wow you and your friends had some amazing costumes!!!! I love all of them and what a great excuse to use eyeliner on the boys! When I brought up the idea to dress up this Halloween the bf wanted to go as a "nerd", it seems like that's popular with the guys here recently, probably cause it's easy too! My favorite costume of yours is Lady Heather =P

    Omg I loled when I read about your expensive flip flops becoming a scratch pad for the kitty (and omg 30$ what) LOL As for the curled hair, I'm going to guess the one on the right is your real hair colour but I really love the the tone in the middle, like a ashy blonde. I want that T_T

    As for the instagram and blogging thing, I do agree that people blog much less now! It's so strange, especially since I haven't even been blogging for that long but I've noticed a drastic decline and I think it is because of so many social media platforms nowadays. Personally I rarely use face book and don't have any other platform besides blogger. I did make an instagram account cause I wanted to use my username but I haven't posted one photo lol Though sometimes I am tempted to make a personal account. I think blogging just takes a lot of effort now, I'll admit I find it a chore sometimes, but I try to make it something I enjoy by appreciating my life and being grateful for it. Also I think it's harder to find "interesting" things to blog about all the time, most of the time our life is just a repetition of the same daily things, but instagram allows a much faster and easier way to share sometime small that happened in your day. I doubt that any blogger will dedicate a post to just a photo of a starbucks drink, but its different with instagram.

    I have been well! I hope you have an awesome November! Christmas is just around the corner! ><

    1. Boys always like the easy way out and dressing as nerds or geeks would be easy peasy for them. Some of them already have got existing geeky outfits and topping off with fake glasses would pull this whole thing off and also escape our eyeliners! My personal favourite is the Ghost of Lady Heather.

      I love the tone in the middle too exactly coz it looks ashey! The first one is my actual hair colour w/o filters though I think the tone isn't very accurate as it depends on lighting and angle which the shot was taken too. The one on the right is the filtered version of the standalone one.

      Blogging is actually a hobby to me. I enjoy blogging as it helps to jolt memories as I chronicle my life. I also love looking back fondly at certain occasions. But hell yes, blogging takes so much effort that I could spend pockets of time for a week just to edit photos for a post. The writing takes even longer esp if I'm writing about my trip. As what I always say, you've already got iPhone photos posts in your blog so you could easily do an Instagram photo post too. I didn't understand the hype about Instagram until I jumped onto the bandwagon. =)

      The year whizzed by so quickly. I'm already hearing Christmas songs in the mall.

  16. Jo, I think I've told you before that you and your friends have THE BEST Halloween costumes. HAHAHA The makeup, tattoos and wigs you guys use is absolutely amazing. I think you would love Halloween here in New Orleans. I love your new Coach bag. HAHAHA She definitely persuaded you into another one! That was a great sale. Also love your October Breast Cancer Awareness pics. I think you wear short and long hair really well. You're very striking with both. I love instagram. Lately, I've been very busy and haven't spent as much time on there as I would like, but you can definitely get a real glimpse into everyone's life. Those fruit loops do look different from one's here in the States. I've lost so many blogging buddies! People may blog for a year and then that's it. Life also happens. Many that I've known have started families and that is their attention now. The lifespan of a blogger is very short. I'm not married, nor do I have children so I guess that's why I've lasted so long. HAHAHAHAHA Just blog when you can doll. Thank you so much for the shout-out! :D ((hug))

    1. Thank you sweetie Kim for all the compliments about the Halloween costumes, my hair, my photos etc. You are always so sweet with your words and your blog name is definitely representative of your nature. I think I would love Halloween in most parts of the States and looking at your post on the Halloween decorations on all the neighbour's porches, I know I would definitely love Halloween at New Orleans!

      I look at the way my friends are so bust with their kids, I often wonder if I would stop blogging too. But blogging to me is a hobby. I enjoy blogging as it helps to jolt memories as I chronicle my life. I also love looking back fondly at certain occasions. So I would be quite sad to stop this hobby when the time comes.

    2. Oops... To add on. You are most welcome. The shout out is the least I could do for a sweet and supportive blog friend like you!

  17. What an amazing roundup of photos and events! Have a great and productive week ahead dear!

  18. Super guilty of it babe :( Oops! I've also been a bit MIA from the blogging game.. other than updating my pictures. Looks like you had a fun halloween!!! Nice costume ;) I wish it was more happening here haha but seems like Singapore has been way more enthusiastic than us :P

    Thank you for remembering my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! <3 Def going to be more active in the blogosphere!!! Next time I'm back we have to meet up la :P

    1. Really? Is Singapore actually more enthusiastic than where you are? You mean Canada right? You are travelling so often that I often see you at various parts of the world.

      Yes! If you are back for longer the next time round, please do buzz me. I would love to meet you! In the mean time, let's continue to keep in touch on whatever mediums we have been on.

  19. Such cute and fun pictures! I love the curls in your hair.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  20. Love the Halloween make up. Yes sad that some times we have lost old blog friends. I have been lately busy with kids and not been able to blog although so much has happened and I could blog atleast twice a week. Instead I have been blogging once in two weeks. But I love blogging and will continue to do it in my own space.

    1. I think you are already being very consistent, PAPS. Once in 2 weeks is good too considering you are a mum of 2 kids. I wish to be able to blog twice a week. I've missed out on loads of fun moments to blog about. There really isn't enough time. I hope you continue to blog consistently!

  21. Well unfortunately I have a dummy Instagram account I created with my boyfriend's cell phone , the truth always than I can visit you. I sent you a request on Facebook to be more connected to your blog updates. The truth I know many bloggers who have closed their blogs and makes me feel a little lonely here.I loved the dress you wore to the wedding of your friends, this very beautiful. Great Halloween makeup.

    All the food you showed made ​​me hungry, I love your pictures and descriptions makeup is always fun and interesting to hear from you.

    1. Oooh! Why did you make a dummy account, Sakuranko? Quick make one actual one so that we could be Instagram friends too! I;m sure your Instagram account would be very interesting to follow. I didn't receive a friend request from you on facebook. I've checked all the pending request for your name and a profile pic that looks like you but I couldn't find any. Did you send to the correct one? It's the one at the top of my page under the header banner. I know of some bloggers who just disappeared wo closing their blogs too and I just wonder what happened to them. And thanx always for your sweet words.

  22. I remember most of those TBT pictures!!! You and your friends did Halloween right. I just had soup dumplings for the first time this summer...they were great.
    I'm glad you're still blogging and even more glad that we're still in touch. It's sad to think about the number of blog friends who have disappeared.

    1. How could I miss you out? You are also one blog friend who is connected on both Instagram and blog! You have to post more Instagram photos! You see, I've forgotten about you. Hahahaha... I'm so glad that you are still blogging too. Don't ever stop and if you do, you must not simply disappear without a word ok?

      You had Chinese soup dumplings? They are delicious and I'm glad you like them!

  23. 1. your halloween costumes are EPIC! i love them all!
    2. shirasu is too cute <3
    3. i noticed the same thing too *with some bloggers getting busier* im a little bit new to blogging so im still getting used to this but i discovered that there is a season where most bloggers that i follow become busy and updates less and then after awhile they come back again. i guess since its almost christmas work is getting busier even for me. i think instagram contributes to that too haha since we can all update and keep up with each other there. :P

    1. Haha that's so neat to number your points. It's nice that those bloggers you follow will come back after things get less busy. Those whom I'm referring to could have their last post dated last year or more. Yup, I notice that you are pretty new in the blogging sphere. I hope you enjoy your stay here coz the blogosphere is a really warm place!

  24. This post has already given me some inspiration for next years Halloween fest!
    + How do you even get second day curls??? Mine fall part after a few hours, even with hairspray T_T
    And yeah, I mean with October + November + December rolling around, a lot of bloggers (assuming they're in uni/college) have midterms + stacks of assignments + final exams, so don't sweat! They'll hopefully return eventually!

    Vanessa | Citron and Guavaberry ʘ‿ʘ | Makeup & Silly things

    1. 2nd day curls comes with luck in terms of the weather. I could have my curls all undone by mid day if it is a really humid day. There was once I curled my hair for my gal pal's wedding and I did not spray anything. Hers was an outdoor wedding at a garden and I was melting under the sun doing some bridesmaid's duties and by lunch time, my curls were all gone and I was simply in a mess. So it's all coz of the humidity.

      It's nice that those bloggers you follow will come back after things get less busy. (Hahahaha... all of you new range of bloggers are just so young and school was so 10 years ago for me!) Those missing bloggers whom I'm referring to could have their last post dated last year or more and they never came back.

      Hope we could continue to keep in touch!

    2. That is true too! But I've curled my hair plenty of times to know that my hair is stubborn c:

      EH, bloggers all come in various ages, but I do feel like the majority of us are young, aka, we have more 'free time' and 'energy' to 'work on posts'. Dunno.
      And that is also true. Blogging is actually a lot of work, and sometimes life gets in the way :)
      I hope we do too! c:

  25. WOW you guys did a really great job with your Halloween make up!

  26. I agree with you on instagram I am slightly addicted too. I hope to focus a little more on my blog

    1. Instagram can be quite addictive indeed! Thank you for visiting. Love seeing new names around here.

  27. I have to remind myself to eat before I read one of your posts cause the food pics always get me so hungry. And it was so fun to see all your Halloween looks. You have really nice hair but if you ever decided to cut it, you could totally pull it off Jo. Your fake do is like my real one btw :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my blog anniversary giveaway for a chance to win a pair of BaubleBar earrings.

    1. You often have very good mouth-watering food pictures too! Thank you for your sweet words, hun. I think you look cute with your specs and short hair!

  28. Hi,
    Don't mean to kpo but I wanna say Congrats to Cyn!

    1. I appreciate you leaving me a comment more than thinking you are a kpo. Thank you, Veron. It is nice to see silent readers coming out to leave me a note coz I enjoy connecting with my readers. I would pass your congratulatory message to Cyn!

  29. yes congrats to cyn! feel so happy for her :)

    1. Hi Anon,

      Thank you for your congratulatory note to Cyn. Unfortunately, I don't have a pseudonym to address you by. Do leave me a nickname the next time if you ever leave me a comment. =)

  30. your sum up is awesome! btw, can I know how much did u buy the denim shirt and graphic tees at cotton on?

    1. The "denim" shirt is either $15 or $20 and the Cotton On graphic Tees are 2 for $30. Original price is $19.95 each.

      BTW, you have a unique name!


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