Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Blogging from my iPhone

This is the first time I'm crafting a blog post on my iPhone and I hate how difficult it is. I don't like that I can't see the whole post and I don't like that I'm typing exactly what comes into my mind without much processing time.

I'm having a bad headache and my night is completely spoilt by a stupid huge flying cockroach that I've got not mood to do anything else but to laze in bed. I will make a passing mention that it crawled all over my chair (and the story goes a lot longer than just the chair) and I refuse to sit on my chair to use the laptop and hence the title above.

For those of you who have been following my blog, you haven't seen updates on my tummy problem for quite a while. I've decided not to talk about it on my blog anymore as I still suffer from pain almost every day after dinner. It has since become chronic and very bearable that I felt it was completely redundant to update. The only person who would hear about my complaints would be my hubby. I would just inform him that my tummy is pain and that's it. If it is really painful, I would just whine a bit louder and apply medicated oil and hunch my way through the night.

Just a week ago, one of my gal pal suffered from a bad bout of tummy pain that I got quite worried for her when she did not reply my messages prior to knowing that she had tummy pain. When she got better, she replied my text and added that she wondered how I could bear with tummy pain every single day. Well, it really isn't every day now and truth to be said, I really feel that the pain has become a part of my life.

Last night the hubby was sick and fell asleep way before bed time. I had a wonderful home-cooked dinner and at my last few spoonfuls, I felt intense pain all across the belly. I thought a bottle of Yakult would aid the digestion but it was futile. The pain got worse. I assumed a warm bath should do the trick. The pain persisted and at one point I was crouching in the bathroom.

When I could finally stand up, a wave of heat spread from my chest up and out. It was the rare and unexpected guest which sometimes accompanied my gastrointestinal pains-- the heart burn.

I could not take deep breath for quite some time that I decided the only way to end all the pain and discomfort was to sleep them out. As I prep myself for bed, my toes cramped and could not return to their original position even after I held them and bent them back a few times. I figured that they had cramped involuntarily due to the pain and my lying position. The toe cramps went on for the next 3 times before I finally fell asleep.

Right now as I'm typing this, the daily pain is still there but it's bearable. I guess the stupid cockroach that spoilt my day took my mind away for quite a fair bit.

On a happier note, my blog is still undergoing a facelift and you would see changes every now and then. I've unveiled the latest change which is my header and I love it to bits. I'm still trying to tweak it such that it blends more into the background without a distinct rectangular feel. That would be quite a mean feat. I'm also trying to design more buttons to replace whatever is on the pink tab bar. I'm just afraid that the flowers on the header would look strange without the pink bar supporting it. We will see how it goes. Are you able to view my favicon too? That notti little kitty comes and goes and I think it seems to love chrome browser the best.

Thank you very much to those of you who left me such lovely comments. I really love reading them! I'm not able to get back to all of you now and I would slowly do so over the weekend.

I know I sound completely incoherent in this post and I blame the cockroach.

Happy mid week!


  1. well, i do use phone blog before and it is so hard to see sometime~ anyways, great effort!

    1. Thank you! =) Yes, it is so hard to see the full rectangular space where you type eh?

  2. Jo, I am so worried about you now. Have you been to the doctor? The pain sounds horrible. I think you should get it checked out by a medical person. So sorry you're going through this. Girl, I hate a roach. I will climb on top of a house if I see one. Uggh. I downloaded blogger for my iphone and hate using it. You did well to type all of this on it. I think there's an app that you can buy, but I haven't tried it yet. If I get it I'll let you know. Please take care of yourself doll.

    1. I've been to a specialist but he could not pick out anything big through the scans. It's a relief to not find any lesions or growth of the size that the scans could pick out yet frustrating coz there isn't a conclusion. I learnt from him that there are quite some people who suffer from chronic tummy related problems for life and they just couldn't find out what's wrong. As long as I'm not losing weight drastically or am not very ill, the specialist won't recommend anymore invasive investigations as those would be too expensive and invasive with side effects.

      I imagine a cartoon Kim climbing on top of a house and a cartoon roach at the bottom taunting you and it's really funny. I didn't use any blogger app to type. I logged in blogger via safari. I will take note not to dl the blogger app.

  3. Oh Jo, I am truly sorry you're still suffering. I wish I knew something the doctor's don't to help you. But gall bladder and kidney stone problems (and diverticulitis) are the only things I've seen among my family/friends and I know you've been checked for them. Any chance your friend has the same thing and can share advice with you?

    We'll all be thinking about you, sending positive vibes your way. I hope you get some relief--and the hubby recovers soon so he can track down that bug. Badminton or tennis rackets can be good weapons against flying bugs.

    1. The specialist ruled out gall bladder and kidney stones from the symptoms. It's more of a gastrointestinal problem. My friends do not have the same problem except for one. She shared with me and it seems like our stories are similar but on the week she was supposed to go for the scope, her tummy pain vanished and she cancelled the appointment. Till now, she doesn't have the recurring pain.

      Did I tell you that I hate my objects to be in contact with the roach? I've to wash or clean every single thing it crawled on. Just cockroaches. I don't mind all other creepy crawlies crawling on my stuff. I would still be able to touch them with my bare hands but not for roach. I don't understand why too.

  4. Dearest Kristy :D,

    Giant flying cockroaches?!?! Definitely not moving to Singapore now :) So sorry about your stomach issues, sweetie. Sure wish something to could be done to take that burden from you. Proud of you for being so strong about it. I think your first Iphone post went smashingly.

    1. I've to start thinking of a nickname for you! Lol

      Nothing could be done for now since the scans warrant nothing serious. (Refer to my first reply to Kim above) Thank you. I don't know how I can live with it too but in retrospect, I realise that I actually suffer from those bearable tummy pains frequently since young and I guess everything builds up.

  5. I am glad that you are alright and your mini tweaks for your blog is nice. I wish I knew how to tweak my own blog but it turned out to be sort of messy/heavy kind for the entire page to load. Hope I can make/create similar feel/vibe of an overall blog. Stay safe & healthy at all times ms Jo. :)

    1. Your name looks familiar. Have you been around without commenting? If so, thank you very much for commenting coz it allows me to visit your blog. I made a quick visit to your blog and understand why it is heavy to load. The template is image heavy and the music player would definitely slow down the loading time. Thanx for your compliments to my blog template tweaks and for your concern. I will drop by your blog again soon for a longer visit.

  6. I hope your tummy gets better, how terrible for you. Rest as you can and I hope the pain ceases for you. The blog is looking great!! xxx

    1. Thank you for your care and concern and for your compliments to my blog template looking great. xoxo

  7. Any physical pain is very difficult to deal with and you are one strong woman Jo. I hope it will eventually go away or at least find a cure for it. Have you tried seeing a different physician? I know it is a daunting task but it can make a big difference. Take care.

    1. For my case, I don't think a second opinion would make a difference as before I did the scans, I was already presented with all the options I could choose. It's a relief to not find any lesions or growth of the size that the scans could pick out yet frustrating coz there isn't a conclusion. I learnt from my specialist that there are quite some people who suffer from chronic tummy related problems for life and they just couldn't find out what's wrong. As long as I'm not losing weight drastically or am not very ill, het won't recommend anymore invasive investigations as those would be too expensive and invasive with side effects. Thank you for your concern, Nelah.

  8. Jo, I'm so sorry to hear that the stomach problems are still plaguing you and that you've been enduring such horrible pain. I sincerely hope that you will be able to find some relief and don't give up on finding a solution. You shouldn't have to live like this.

    On a happier note, the blog facelift looks really good. The new header is very nice and very you. Love the cute kitty :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. Thank you for your concern, Rowena. I think it would be a chronic thing for me. And thanx for your compliment on my blog header and the cute kitty. I love it too. I have my good pals saying the kitty is very me.

  9. Oh no, I hope you will feel better soon!! When anyone has tummy pain at school, they will give them that medicated oil, but no one believes it does anything, just stinks. Have you tried Colimix? Or peppermint oil pills? When I have tummy ache, my Mom sometimes gives me them. But she says the main thing is to find out the root cause, like is it what you are eating? Have a good rest and maybe see a gastro specialist! I also hate stupid flying cockroaches.

    1. Ooooh... You are so cute! I felt you sounded like a cute little girl with very good English and went to peek at your blog. You are really a lovely little girl. I haven't tried Colimix and peppermint oil pills my dear but I would take these suggestions into consideration. I have seen a gastrointestinal specialist but nothing serious could be picked up. I will drop by your blog again soon to read your posts. =)

  10. Oh my gosh, those stomach pains sound horrible! Have you checked with a doctor? This is my first time visiting your blog so I apologize if it was mentioned in a previous post that you had visited a doctor. But I don't think it's normal to have such intense stomach pains every day. Whenever I have stomach pains, I just eat some crackers or something that's easy to digest and/or put a hot water pouch on my stomach.

    Whatever is it, I hope you'll get better soon. And ew, cockroaches are the nastiest thing.

    1. You don't have to apologise at all, Richelle. I appreciate your thoughtful comment despite being new here. I first wrote about it over here: I updated a bit along the way and stopped coz it's the same old thing. Haha... your way of dealing with tummy pain is so unique. Eating crackers help? I would love that. Thanx for your concern and I see that you followed me. I would pop by your blog soon!

  11. i havent seen a cockroach since... visiting disneyworld years ago :S i dont know why, im sure somewhere in a dirty part of toronto there is cockroaches. But when I am in asia yes I do believe I've seen them a few times.

    you went to italy!! and they gave you a horrible little french car to drive! we don't even have french cars in canada despite being official french speakers! I'm sure husband had fun driving on the correct side of the road =D but i think his subaru legacy is a much better car.

  12. I wish we had wasabi flavoured mcdonalds chicken nuggets dipping here. I think maybe that tastes quite good so I need to try that :O

    will continue to hope your stomach feels better in the near future. take care for me.

    1. You must be typing on your smartphone again Turtle. You always leave consolidated comments for all the post you read under one post whenever you use your phone.

      I don't see cockroaches in the WEST! Seriously, I don't. And whenever I see bugs outta Singapore, they are not even as disgusting as the roaches here. They are just bugs that don't bother me. You are so lucky! There were a few cars in that tier that we paid for and Renault sounds the best. They only have a few brands there. Renault, VW, Audi and an Italian brand are the most common brands in Italy and 90% of the cars are hatchback. OMG and I had a shock when I read "Subaru Legacy". Have we talked about it before? I better look through my old posts or I would think you are a psychic. Anyway the Legacy reached its limit and we sold it a year back. You really need to try wasabi flavour dip! I like it. And I'm sure you would if you like wasabi.

  13. Jo! I hope you're doing better now! I can't imagine having tummy pains regularly (since I really hate them) you really are so strong! I hope your hubby doesn't call you weak haha Also reading that part of your toes cramping up....made me feel like my toes are cramping up LOL the cramp feeling is sooooo weird and painful UGH I'm glad the cockroach was able to take some of your attention away though =P

    On another note I'm loving your new header and can't wait to see the final product! =D

    1. Thanx for your concern, Sam. Thankfully my hubz didn't call me weak. He just doesn't understand why I could be in pain after dinner almost every day coz there's nothing much he could do when I whine to him. I suffer from toe cramps and pull of leg muscles very easily. I hate them. I could just be walking in an incorrect pair of loose slippers and I get toe cramp on the street.

      I love my new header too and I've blurred the edges so that it isn't a harsh rectangular shape after removing the pink tab bar. It's actually completed but I felt that the coral orangey pink tone of my social media buttons doesn't seem to match the pinkish tone on my header now. =(

  14. hope you get well and feel better

    i'm inviting you to join my first international giveaway

    take care

    1. Hey rain! I will be dropping by your blog soon (over the weekend) to check out your giveaway. =)


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