Monday, June 10, 2013

The hair is the richest ornament of a woman

The above statement is not uttered by me of course. I got it from Coming from a donkey, you can't expect anything intellectual. I feel almost bimbotic typing a title like this. But then again, this post is about frivolous stuff like hair.

I've been meaning to write about my birthday celebration and meet ups with the various groups of friends but I'm not in the right state of consciousness to edit photos or write about anything less bimbotic.


I spotted a few different hairstyles this week that I'm quite amazed with myself.

1. Straight hair, no bangs, pouffy ("curry pok" in local slang) fringe and side ponytail for an event. I can never do my own pouffy fringe. I read tutorials from beauty bloggers and watched videos on YouTube but I just can't do it on my own hair. Seeing the stylist at work with loads of mousse and 2 different hair spray, it was no wonder why I had to shampoo and condition twice. Though many people who saw me that day complimented my new look and urged me to try styling my hair this way at times. With my amateurish skills, I told them that I would most probably have to sacrifice 1 hour of sleep to style it like this. The hassle certainly doesn't make it to my list of daily no-fuss styling.

2. My bangs with usual temporary curls (that you sometimes spot on my blog) was the look I opted for when I met my Bimbo Sisters on Saturday evening.

3. My very 1st attempt at pouffy (currypok) fringe for just now. This time I tied up my 2nd day curls to the side to complete my look. For someone who is a noob at hairstyling and not having enough volume for bangs, I'm pretty satisfied with the final result. Do you prefer me with or without bangs?


Over the weekend, I was on the topic of ponytails. With whom you might ask? With myself. Yes, totally bimbotic.

Straight or curls? Let down or tied up?

I don't know if it is the same for countries in the West but in Asian countries, a vast majority of guys seem to adore girls who wear their hair in a mid to high ponytail. Does this hold true for all guys? Is there some mystery behind guys and ponytails that I don't know of as exemplified by the ponytail scene from the Taiwan movie "You Are the Apple of My Eye" (那些年,我們一起追的女孩).

Over the years, I've gathered enough feedback from my guy friends and gal friends that the former prefer me with straight hair and the latter, with curls. This doesn't only apply to me, it also applies to their partners and people they know.

I know for sure that my hub's favourite look of me would be wearing my long straight ponytail high up. He doesn't quite like me with curls and discourages me from perming maintains he likes my straight hair whenever I have the urge to perm.

I would like to hear from all of you, ladies and gentlemen, gals and guyz. What are your views on curls, waves, straight, tied up, let down, bangs and no bangs?

PS: Thank you all for your comments on the past 2 posts. I really love getting feedback from my readers and I would get down to replying your comments soon.


  1. I really like it with a poof and curled, no bangs. It has a feel of glam to it and should be reserved for special occasions. However, don't perm your hair. it's beautiful straight.

    I tried to get into the poof ponytail trend as well. All the beauty bloggers or hair gurus all say "Its a nice quick and easy hairstyle." No way! the concept is easy, but it's far from quick. That amount of effort should be reserved on special occasions. haha.

  2. You look cute both ways, curls with bang spells sweet while high pony tail/no bang is sexy. As crazy as it sounds, i think 99% of men like women with long straight hair and say no to curly hair. That is true in my case, my husband is not too excited about perm hair. I personally like big soft curls.

  3. Tied up is fun, but I prefer hair down. Both are good for different situations. I don't like the hairstyle in the first first set of pictures, but it makes you look like a teenager. Maybe that's why I don't like it. :)

  4. I love your hair with the fringe and pony tail, you also suit it down as well, looks really lovely on you :)) Hope you have a great week xx

  5. I love all sorts of hair! I wish I would/could style my hair more effectively. Usually I just put it up in a ponytail, but ideally I'd love to curl it into a bun or at least curl my ponytail. :)

  6. those shots are cute and I love the one with the panda in the back! and haha yess I love my hair (to your new post) I do think women's hair gives us a bit of empowerment over a men in a way that we can use it as a luring tool lol if that makes sense

  7. Hey Jo! I'm not going to be much help, because I think you look equally great with both bangs and without. I think it depends on the person (shape of face, features etc.) A lot of guys prefer long hair. You can style yours many ways. Love look #3.

  8. I love the third hairstyle a lot!! I think I like the no bangs look on you more because then you can see more of your gorgeous face :P But yes, hair can change soo much about how a person looks~


  9. you are so lucky! any hair style suits you perfectly!
    very nice blog by the way :)

    kisses from Russia,

  10. Well I love your hair with those lovely curls. Gyaaah good thing I catch up on Instagram too! Been out of touch lately on the blogosphere :p

    Been busy lately with my work lah~ Sorry I just visited again now.
    Missed reading your posts dear! (^_^)

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  11. My-My,

    Thanx for your inputs. Really lovely to hear from you again after some hiatus. One reason why I didn’t perm my hair is that I could have both straight and curl style whenever I feel like it.

    Oh wow, I totally agree with you about what beauty bloggers say. Yes, the concept of the pouffy hair is easy but it really depends on the hair texture. Sometimes, it is just so difficult to achieve the effect of those we see on videos.



    Thanx for your inputs. You know that 100% of my friends on FB who replied said they love me without my bangs. It was unanimous and I was shocked. It was probably a refreshing change for them. Your hubby belongs to the group of “normal” guys too coz that’s what I observe too. However, my colleagues’ hubbies do not fall into this circle of 99% like what you and me feel. Like you, I also love big soft curls or loose soft waves.



    I like to read your input since it comes from the guy’s perspective. Congratulations! You do not belong to the 99% of guys circle. Maybe being Caucasian affects the results too.



    Thank you, dear.



    Love to read your inputs. Seems like you have the same input as 99% of the guys around me. Hehe…


    Ali Hval,

    I think you look very good in your profile pic with centre part but then again, we just got acquainted and I would need to read more of your posts to see your different hairstyles.


    Pop Champagne,

    Good inputs! Your insight about hair is deep but yes I know what you mean.



    Aww… what not much of a help? I love your inputs!



    Thanx for your inputs. I love reading them. My friends on FB who commented also love the updo look best. However, I personally feel that I need lots of make up to compliment that look. I don’t look wo make up and having my bangs up.


    Juliet Polilova,

    Thanx for stopping by and leaving me a lovely comment. I always love to see new people around.


    Chai Chen,

    Yes! Isn’t it good that we are in tuned on Instagram? We have both been really busy to manage our blogs but at least for Instagram, everything could be done on the go and not much time and effort would be needed. I’m glad to be still getting your updates on Instagram. I haven’t been logging into anywhere from my laptop for a long time. Everything is done on my phone as I’m too exhausted to do anything constructive by the time I reach home.

  12. You're so pretty no matter what you do!! Well I think my favourite is bangs and tied up, but that might be influenced by own style lol -- my hair curls naturally and I'm always trying to neaten it. It's wonderful how easily your hair lends itself to any style you want :)
    p.s. Thank you so much for your kind words! No no, much older lol!


    Thank you for your sweet words. You are a beauty yourself and if you say you are much older, you've certainly maintained very well!

  14. I think guys like the ponytail because it makes the girl seem younger and more innocent. I definitely like you without bangs.. it opens your face more and shows your features.


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