Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ghost Followers on Instagram

[Picture credit:]

Well, I'm not too sure if I've used the term "ghost followers" accurately and assuming I have, I'm getting ghost followers on my Instagram. I'm not sure how or why this happened.

After I started posting some older holiday pictures, I've been getting more followers. Today was the ultimate. I had a total of 21 new followers but when I tapped into their profiles, all I see are photos or rather, images of how to get free followers with step by step instructions. Bogus accounts or ghost followers would be what I call these "people".

When I jumped onto the Instagram bandwagon, I came across websites and instagram profiles on how to get free followers by downloading apps or by entering usernames but I did nothing of those. Am I getting "free" followers just because I started tapping into these profiles? I tend to return favour to my "likers" by visiting their pages and liking some of their photos which I really like. I find that there is a pay-it-forward mentality among some of these like-minded users and some ended up as genuine followers. Often, I do tap into bogus accounts. It is funny how these ghost followers could actually "like" photos too coz according to the definition on the web, a ghost follower on instagram is "an anonymous person who follows you but will never like or comment on your pictures".

Some users might wonder why am I griping about this. Isn't it good to have more followers? Yes, it probably is good if one is merely into the physical numbers. However, I would prefer to interact with actual people with souls and feelings. It is great connecting and getting to know other genuine Instagram users in this way and I'm glad that I'm connecting with some of my blogger friends via Instagram as well since it is so much faster and more convenient to update photos on Instagram than write a post on my blog.

Are you on Instagram too?
Do you have ghost followers and what do you feel about them?
Feel free to share your views in the comments section.

This is my Instagram page. If you like my pictures, do follow and drop me a message so that I could check out your page too!


On a side note, I'm suffering from one of the longest tummy pain ever. The pain has been plaguing me from dinner time till now so that makes it about close to 10 hours. It was so painful that I lay in bed and fell asleep since I got home and now I'm wide awake at such an unearthly timing.

Will reply to comments soon!


  1. hey jo! i've been getting those too. they sometimes delete themselves in a couple of days. i think they're hoping that you follow them for some reason. i'm not sure there is a block for them when they do add you, but another one - three will pop up anyway. so my suggestion is just leave it alone. hahaha it will be interesting to see what others have to say on this. i'll check back to this post in a couple of days.

  2. Oh no, I'm so sorry about the pain. I hope you've found relief.

    I'm like you, I don't really care about the number of followers. It's the people.

  3. I get them as well, it is strange. I just ignore them and don't click on anything from their profiles. I don't post anything too personal on instagram anyways, so I don't mind if they follow me. But, I never follow them back or like anything on their page just in case. I think you can block people if it gets bad or anything, but I haven't looked into that. I do find it strange though, but I just ignore them just in case. Hope you have a great day doll xx

  4. I get them as well, it is strange. I just ignore them and don't click on anything from their profiles. I don't post anything too personal on instagram anyways, so I don't mind if they follow me. But, I never follow them back or like anything on their page just in case. I think you can block people if it gets bad or anything, but I haven't looked into that. I do find it strange though, but I just ignore them just in case. Hope you have a great day doll xx

  5. Happy birthday Jolene. I saw you and Cynthia and Jase just now at Spruce. Both of you look so good in person. Not to say you all don't look good in person but you all really look pretty in real life. Jase is so cute and your friend's baby too. Happy birthday once more!

  6. Hi Jo, It's funny how I was talking about this with my sister yesterday. I didn't exactly know the term but yea, ghost followers. Weird. Also, there are people that you do know and you know they looked at all your photos but never like any of them. I can't explain that. Anyway, hope you're feeling better soon. I'm going to follow you on instagram now.

    xo Jo

  7. Kim,

    Yes I leave them alone too as I do not know what to do with them. You are right. Some of them do unfollow after a while as I see drops and increase and I can’t even keep up who unfollowed. It must have been these ghosts. I hope to get more feedback on this too. Hopefully you would be able to check back with more information.



    Thank you for your concern. 10 hours was really a little too long. I rubbed medicated oil and after a long while, the pain dissipated.
    Yes. It is always the people that matter.



    I did not block or do anything to them too. Usually those ghost ones are those with only 1 photo and nothing to like at all about a photo which promotes getting free followers. What Kim said above is true. Sometimes they would just remove themselves and then you would see a drop in the number of followers. I don’t know what all these ghosts are trying to do. Like you, whatever I post on social media are things I’m fine with letting people see so I’ve got no worries on that too. It’s just a little disconcerting to know ghosts are following. Heh…



    Thank you for your sweet words. Why, it is such a surprise to see a fellow local leaving a comment here about seeing me at Spruce just now. Why didn’t you come up and say hello? We could have become friends. Thank you for your wishes. My birthday isn’t here yet. It was a celebration of in between Jase and my birthday.

  8. Well sweetie I don´t have Instagram but I understand your point really interesting.


  9. i did get some random likes from ghost accounts, but no follows. i think it's best that way. i'm not much for people with no interaction or no "pay-it-forward" mentality. i'm on instagram too, xfallenmoon. :)


  10. jo,

    I'm so sorry. I totally missed out your comment as they did not appear in my email. I noticed that for those who use google a/c instead of blogger a/c to comment, I don't get those comment notifications on my email. I've to log into blogger in order to see them.

    Ooh... I call such followers "stalkers". If they mean no harm, it's perfectly ok. I just hope they show some activity so that I could interact with them. It is more meaningful that way.

    I just followed you too! You have a lovely family.



    Hehe... I'm glad you do.


    Julie Claveau,

    Yup, having no interaction is not quite meaningful. I saw you on instagram! Thanx for liking my photos.

  11. I don't know anything about Instagram, technodork that I am! But ooh -- hope you feel better soon. Is it a digestive thing, do you think? If so, perhaps try Colimix or peppermint oil? But if you start having the runs, it's probably time for some charcoal!

  12. Whoa, girl, I was literally just writing a post about this last night... I agree. I would much rather have tangible souls to talk to then unidentified numbers. Sure, it's nice to see numbers go up but what's the point if you're not growing?

    Your comment on my post was so sweeeeet! Author novelist, pffft! You're too kind. I'm following ya back now and I hope to hear from you again in the future, Jo, you lovely lady! :D

  13. =D this is a good one! too often i snooze through the entire morning LOL


    Yup. I think it’s a chronic digestive thing coz scans could not pick up anything but I’m still having the pain almost every day. Peppermint oil? I don’t think we have those for consumption here. Only as aromatherapy. Thanx for your suggestion though. =)


    Ali Hval,

    Glad to see you here and thanx for following me too. I totally agree with you. I haven’t been on social media sites much this whole week and I’m not sure if you’ve already written a post on this. I would check out your blog real soon!


    Jen Lavenders,

    Thanx for dropping by. I was confused by your comments initially and realized it is meant for the post below.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)