Saturday, April 27, 2013

Pinning & Instagramming

I wished there were 48 hours a day so that I could spend 24 hours as per a normal day and the remaining 24 hours to pin pin pin on Pinterest and add filters to photographs on Instagram. Pinning and selecting photos to upload on Instagram is just so addictive and time-consuming.

I've neglected my Pinterest account for quite a while until the recent slew of email notifications of likes and repin for one of my pins sparked my curiosity. This pin suddenly became so popular after Iron Man 3 hit the screens that I was receiving notifications from Pinterest almost every hour for the past 2 days.

From there, I spent the last 2 hours pinning, rearranging my boards and added new boards instead of sleeping. I'm so pleased with my page now and I'm completely in tune with this bitch below. Don't you think I pin awesome shit too? Wahahahaha...

Follow Me on Pinterest


After opening myself up on Instagram, here are some pictures which I've shared with the rest of the Instagram world.

3 minute doodle and colour inspired by my friend's back view.


Two weeks ago, I was sick and sleeping my cold away for the whole weekend. I hated my nose which was clogged yet leaking and when the drowsy medicine caused me to sleep till 5pm.


Special delivery kitty in a box. No, this isn't my cat. If only I had a kitty in my mail!


Maiden clamming session in my pretty funky boots. Yes, the bimbo in me has to clam in style.
Fishing = catch fish Prawning = catch prawns Clamming = catch clams (dig for clams during low tide)


One of my favourite quotes from Dita Von Teese teaches that if you are already at your best and there are still people who hate you, it is their problem, not yours.


Featuring my favourite emoticon on the Scream Spoof Painting.


Wheet~! Gal pal @gerrachong and I borrowed the same book at different period and it is soooooo comical to find her receipt in the book! No, we didn't borrow Secrets of the Ancient World. Look at the receipt carefully and you could tell.


And finally my most recent upload! Really thrilled to bits by my new kitty ear phone jack. I keep finding it missing only to see it on my hubby's iPad or mobile phone.


Follow me on Pinterest.
Follow me on Instagram.

And if you do, please drop me a note so that I could take a look at your page too! I don't usually check my accounts every day.


  1. I follow you on both. I love that cookie monster pin. Both of those mediums are addictive! HaHa

  2. The kitty headphone jack is too adorable. I also love the Edvard Munch painting with an emoticon :)

  3. O wow, awesome job with Pinterest! I've yet to get on the Instagram thing (I know, I know, I'm such a technodork lol). Cookie Monster is so cute hee hee :)

  4. ohh your drawling of your friend's back is soo cute!! you're so talented!

    omgosh i loveee that kitty in a box picture how CUTE!!

    actually night at the museum 1 was filmed in new york.. but the 2nd movie.. was filmed at the washington DC museum in my pictures.. to be honest neither movies were filmed IN the actual museum.. they built a set that was identical to the New york museum and the washington dc museum and they filmed inside there :)

  5. Hi Jo! I'm so addicted to Pinterest, that quote could perfect fit me!:) Your images are so cute, love the little monster with the cookies!:) Kisses! xo

  6. Hahaha sometimes I do that too on my IG posts. LOL. I don't have Pinterest though.

    Anyway I followed you on Instagram now. Keep in touch! Happy weekend dear!

    ★♡ Beauty and Butter Review (^_^) ♡★
    Indulge Into Self-Pampering with Beauty & Butter
    Where's your favorite nail spa?

    ❤ ~Chai
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  7. ohhhhhhh!!! I LIKE THIS PICS!!!!! are beautiful & nice!!

    like your blog. what about following each other??..

  8. Thank you for your comment, I'm glad to hear that your friend was okay at the marathon.

    I don't use Instagram but I do like Pinterest. I love your sketch, and I wish I could sketch as well as you do.

  9. Love that bit of doodling you did. PS: I think I pin some awesome stuff too! hehe.

  10. Kim,

    Yes babe. You are always the lovely one who would show support to all your blogger friends. I'm also following you on both, yeah!


    Snow Calico,

    I so totally agree with you.



    Aww... thank you for dropping by and following. I'm so glad I stumbled onto your artistic craft blog!



    You are so lovely, Lisa! Oh I didn't watch part 2 and yes I would suppose many movies are filmed on sets. Even as sets, I'm always amazed by the detail.



    Thank you for stopping by to comment. I love seeing newcomers around! Pinterest can just be so addictive! I'm gonna check out your blog now.



    Oh hahaha... I'm sure that quote would fit many pinners! Thanx for stopping by to comment. I love seeing newcomers around.


    Chai Chen,

    Yeah! Thank you. You have a new follower on Instagram too! You should so get on Pinterest too.



    Thank you for your comment and for following. I do love seeing newcomers around and I'm gonna check out your blog now.



    Thank you for stopping by, for your comment and for your lovely words!



    Lol... Awesome pinners should so get together and pin awesome stuff. I wanna see your Pinterest page now!



    Yes, you pin good stuff!



    Thanx! Will you not be pinning awesome stuff too? ;)

  11. what a great post dear!! like your drawing :)
    fantastic blog!! wondering if you wanna follow each other? :)
    wish u a nice day.

  12. I am just as addicted to pinterest ! love the pics.

    Meghan Silva's Blog

  13. Hi Jo, my pinterest is
    I just followed you so you can find it now. :)

  14. haha cookie monster is my 2nd fav character after Oscar! and totally agree with Dita Von Teese's quote, that woman is smart :D

  15. Your photos are so cute! I'm a sucker for Cookie Monster and spoofs of emoticons in paintings!


  16. Hi there, just wanted to say thanks for leaving that lovely comment on my blog. So answer your question, I have pinterest but I'm keeping it private and therefore have not linked it up with my blog.

  17. This is pretty much why I don't have a pinterest or a tumblr. I could click pin/reblog for hours on end!

    7% Solution​

  18. i'm so addicted to pinterest and instagram too. there are just so many cute or funny things out there to check out. love it all! thanks for stopping by my blog - following yours now!

  19. such cute blog you have here! That kitty decoration is so cuuuute! I don't even like cats!


  20. Rotschopf,

    Thank you for stopping by and for your compliments on my drawing. I love seeing newcomers here and I will check out your blog soon.


    Meghan Silva,

    Thank you, dear.



    Thank you for following me on Pinterest. I would check your page soon!


    Pop Champagne,

    I love that green grouch too. A lot more than Elmo.



    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love seeing newcomers here.



    Ah I see. It’s ok then. No worries. =)



    I realised this too late. Haha


    Jackie jade,

    Thanx for following, dear. I’m pretty sure you take good pictures and pin good stuff. I will check out your pages soon!



    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love seeing newcomers here. And yes, the cat earphone dust cap caught many people’s attention and compliments too and I’m sure not all are catlovers.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)