Monday, March 11, 2013

Make a Cute Felt Kitty

I'm sure some of you are familiar with bubzbeauty. I used to love watching her hair tutorial videos some 2 years back. I didn't know that she has craft videos too.

I'm really inspired to make one of these cute kitties! When I saw the screenshots of the cute kitties, I thought that I would have to sew the limbs and ears and got lazy. Imagine my discovery of this amazing tool called a "felt needle" after watching the video. All you have to do is poke poke poke, stab stab stab. No sewing required at all! Perfect needle craftwork for lazy pigs like me.

Now, I am really motivated to make of of these cuties.


  1. Ah, I've seen Bubz's felt animals too! So cute ^^ And it doesn't even look impossibly difficult to get the hang of it quickly, so it might be a nice project for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

    If you decide on making one, be sure to show us the result :) (even if you screw up so badly you can't even bear the sight of it. It's fun to laugh at diy failures, especially if they're your own.)

  2. I just made something similar to that today! You should totally give it a try, its quite fun actually. I think im going to look up to see where I can find more of there kits.


  3. So precious...loved that!! I hope you have a super day doll xx

  4. These are way too adorable. Really inspire a lazy artist in me. I am quite a handicap when it comes to sewing so this appears too come in handy.

  5. Love your blog! Maybe we could follow each other on GFC and bloglovin? Please leave me a comment, follow me and then I will follow you back!!! For sure!!

  6. So cute! If I were better with DIY's I'd be on this. They'd make cute gifts. Hope your eyes are doing better Jo!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  7. these are sooo cute! omg'd no sewing required!!! that would be ME! hahaha thanks for sharing jo!

  8. jo, what a wonderful treat for your family! there was so much food to choose from and everyone really had a great time. so glad you had a wonderful CNY!!! those family pics and gifs are too funny. hahaha your mom is so cool. i love the dresses you wore. that silver/grey and circle dress are so gorgeous. you're such a pretty girl. again, glad everyone had a great time.

  9. omg haha so cute! sounds simple enough and the results are just too adorable.

    Metallic Paws

  10. Bibi,

    I will definitely feature my DIY projects even if they are epic fails! Oooh, I haven't featured my sock puppet from last year! Too many posts to catch up with. Stay tuned!



    Are you gonna make one too? My eye is fine for now. Still wearing glasses w/o make up. However we had a company gala night and I had my contacts and make up for a few hours with no aggravation. IU would still lay them off for a few more days or weeks on usual days.



    They have kits? So we could get all the materials needed in that one kit? I was wondering how to go about shopping for the materials. Oooh... could you feature your project too? I would love to take a peek.



    Yes, indeed!



    You are quite a lazy craft person if you must say you are lazy. I love your creativity. If you are ever gonna try this, remember to feature in a post ok? I would love to see.



    I will check out your blog soon. =)



    This is so simple to make since it doesn't requite sewing. I think I would really round up my friends to do it together. I put on contacts and make up for a few hours for my company's gala dinner last night and nothing was aggravated. I made sure that the first thing I did when I reach home was to remove my contacts and heavy eye make up though.



    That would be me too! Hahaha

    Oh I think your next comment is for the previous CNY post. Thank you for all your lovely words and yeah my mum is a happening mama.



    Yes indeed. So inspired!

  11. You have very amazing blog, dear! Love it! :)
    I hope you wanna follow each other on GFC. Please let me know? ;)

    Join my GIVEAWAY for winning $30 Chicnova voucher!
    HERE :

  12. Sausan Hanifah,

    Thank you for dropping by.

    I'm so sorry for missing out your comment. I was checking back and realised I have an unreplied comment.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)