Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy 2013!

This is a scheduled post. I'm crafting this post in advance as I would be spending time with my lovely ol' bimbo sisters and counting down to 2013 at Xtina's place. Let's hope Blogger doesn't jam on 2013 and would publish this post exactly at the stroke of 12 midnight SGT.

At the stroke of midnight, 2012 would be gone forever, only existing in our memories.

There had been lots of memorable and blissful moments as well as illness and melancholy in 2012.

I would focus on the good and try my best to let go of the bad memories and usher in 2013 with open arms.

This January, let us start the year with an empty jar and fill it with little notes, photos, drawings or items about good things that happen, things you are thankful for and other fond memories of the year.

Gratitude Jar

Memories Jar

Feel Good Jar

Good Stuff Jar

Name your jar however you want and start collecting these memories.

Then, on New Year's Eve, empty the jar and smile as you recall all the awesome things happened that year.

Instead of setting resolutions for the new year (which half the time do not materialize), I'm gonna embark on this a meaningful project.

Let me know if you are gonna embark on this too.

Happy 2013 to all of you! May the year ahead be full of contentment and gratitude.


  1. You've given a lot of people a lot of reasons to fill out happy remembrance cards. It's okay if they all didn't appreciate it, that's their problem. All you can do is be you and let them be them.

    Wishing you and your loved ones all the best in 2013!

  2. Happy New Year, Jo!!
    May this year be filled with lots of joy, love and happiness!

  3. I need to do this! What an awesome idea Jo! Because sometimes we don't remember everything. I'm doing this. Right with you girl! Thanks for the idea and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! Wishing you the best for 2013!

  4. Happy 2013 to all of you! I appreciate you leaving your mark here.



    That's really sweet. Thank you. I'm also very sure you are in many people's memories and gratitude notes too.



    It's awesome to know another person starting on this. Hope to be updated on your project!

  5. Happy New Year Jo! Cheers to you and the mister in 2013 :0

  6. Happy new year!
    Love all these jar ideas!

  7. I am loving this idea a lot. Often we let the hectic lifestyle gets in the way and never really stop to look back about the good times we have had throughout the year. Unfortunately bad memories/things are the one we remember despite the good ones. I will have to steal this cute idea

    Happy New Year Jo, cheers to a year of good health, successes and happiness.

  8. omgosh i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee love this! i'm so going to do this! i think it'll really help remember all the great things and times we'll experience as the year goes on :) so easy to take things for granted as you go through "life" :)

    wishing you an amazeballs and blessed 2013 :)!

  9. I'm not one for resolutions so I love this idea. I can just imagine how fun it would be come time to empty to the jar.

    Happy New Year Jo! I hope 2013 will be an amazing and magical ride.

    To answer your question from awhile back, I've been undergoing physical therapy for a frozen shoulder condition I developed last year. Hooping this might be my last month of p/t.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  10. just doing some blog walking, and i found that I loved everything about it. from your posts and your personality. Happy New Year to you, and may it be filled and blessed.

  11. Happy New year Jo!! Hope 2013 brings you wonderful things to you and your family! That gratitude jar looks awesome... we must always never forget that <3

  12. Thank you and
    Happy 2013 to all you lovely babes!



    That is so true. People tend to always remember the bad and take the good for granted. I hope you steal this cute idea coz I know that if you do, you would make your jar really very beautiful.



    I'm so glad that you have joined the group of embarking on this gratitude jar project. I hope to see your jar on your blog soon!



    I hope it would be the last physical therapy for you too and hope you heal soon.



    Aww... that's really sweet of you. I love seeing newcomers here. Will check out your blog soon!


    Nic Nic,

    Yes, never ever forget gratitude. People tend to take many little happy things for granted.


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