Thursday, December 20, 2012

Four More Days to Christmas!

It sure seem quiet in blogosphere. I have been rushing last minute hand-made cards, xmas shopping and running errands that by the time I reach home, I would be dead beat. There were twice when I fell asleep with my make up yet again and woke up feeling icky.

In a minute, it would be 21/12/12 and the world would end.

If the world didn't end then it would be 4 more days to Christmas.

Just now, my father-in-law asked my mother-in-law why she cooked dinner when the world is going to end and told her to sleep. I thought that was really funny.

It has been raining every day here and the weather can get pretty chilly at times. Sometimes I feel as if I'm not in Singapore.


It has been an unspoken tradition for my good friend Evan and I to snap photos along Orchard Road during the Christmas light up season every year. There used to be competitions among the shopping malls and as they attempt to outdo one another, we consumers benefit from the grand feast for our eyes. I have no idea in which year did the competition stop but the decorations seem to get less and less spectacular as the years go by. It is a little disappointing this year and I suggested forgoing our tradition this year.

During this November-December period, I would sometimes take the public bus home from work. The bus would go through parts of Orchard Road and as I looked out of the window through the sliding rain drops at the lights and joyous crowds, I couldn't help smiling a little smile to myself and feeling this incredible melancholy wash over me.


The decorations were not too bad last year. Tiff joined us for the Christmas light ups date too. And yeah, if you don't already know, this is a backdate post for last year's Christmas season.

We started our walk from Plaza Singapura where we had Nando's chicken for dinner.


It was a blue theme Christmas.


Before, we reached the most decorated parts of Orchard Road, we stumbled upon a really "sad case" Christmas tree. Whoever decorated this little tree clearly wasn't happy that he or she was tasked to do it. The security guard shot me hostile glares when I was snapping the picture below.


Yellow and blue carousel was the theme at Paragon.


As usual, we would always do some bauble shots. You have no idea how difficult it was to find baubles clear enough from scratches and raindrops to do the trick


Don't you love looking at the window displays?






Miu Miu




Whether Christmas season or not, I always love looking at Tangs window display.






I also love their Christmas quotes. Tiff especially loved the quote they used that year.


Somehow, there seemed to be an elephant craze in Singapore too.


Seriously? Angry Birds again? I did not need to take another picture with a confused elephant as what I did in Phuket. I wonder what were people thinking painting a bird on an elephant.

In Singapore


In Phuket


The iconic giant outdoor Christmas tree outside Ion did not look too good decked in yellow. It was too bright and staring up at it made me dizzy.



Fortunately, there were giant movable snow globes to more than make up for it.


They were really beautiful.


The LV store at Ion caught the elephant craze too.


I would end off this post with our reflections in the LV store. Yes, that is our reflection but it looked like somebody was snapping us from inside the store.



Edited to add:

I do want this kitty fleece blanket so much but I do not know if I want to buy myself a blanket for $59.90. So far, I've only seen this store in Vivocity. I would add this to my Christmas wish list and see if anyone bothers. Lol... I suspect I would not get my Kitty blanket after all.


  1. I only look at window displays at an angle, so I don't see myself looking back at me.

    How are you feeling this week?

  2. aww looking at your pictures makes me feel christmassy :) happy christmas Jo! have a great one with your family ^^

  3. Nice! The festive holiday decorations on the streets and shop windows have to be the best part of this time of year. I'm so envious that you're in a cute little dress when I have to bundle up every time I go out now cause it's cold. Well at least the world's not ending... just yet. What your FIL said to your MIL is pretty funny :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  4. Beautiful pictures, I love that white dress you're wearing, so nice!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend doll xx

  5. Rick,

    I'm fine. How about you? You have been sick with a bug too.


    Nic Nic,

    Thank you, dear. You too!



    I only had to bundle up once during Xmas and that was years ago in NYC. I really love the feeling of "real" christmas in the cold wintry weather. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. Lol

    We survived 21/12/12! Yeah!


    Ms Dainty Doll,

    Thank you, doll. Oh it is actually a separate top and bottoms. You have a wonderful weekend too!

  6. omgosh that chicken looks SO YUMMY!!! you and your your gf's are so pretty and cute i love your outfit! omgosh all the christmas decorations are SOOO GORGEOUS!!!! i love love all the designer window displays!!

  7. These window displays are amazing! I have been impressed with the ones I've seen in NYC and also the ones you've presented. And can i just say how envious I am that you can wear a short skirt in this time of the year? Id freeze to death if I tried.

  8. I've always loved Singapore's Xmas decor. Seem to always make a trip down there every year-end :D
    Have a lovely Christmas!

  9. Jo, that was a SAD christmas tree! hahaha I love the snowglobes with the various scenes in them and yellow & blue christmas lights are GORGEOUE together. i didn't think about that color combination for the holidays. adore your top! so pretty! thanks for sharing these picture.

  10. I'm better too, thank you. But now my daughter has strep throat. :(

  11. Hi, can i know where you bought your dress? Thanks.

  12. Lisa,

    Thankx for your compliments, dear. =)



    As what I told Rowena above, I only had to bundle up once during Xmas and that was years ago in NYC. I really love the feeling of "real" christmas in the cold wintry weather. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. Lol

    PS: I forgot last Christmas in Paris too. Forgetful old bird.



    Nice to see newcomers around and even better to hear that you often come to Singapore. I took a sneak peek at your blog and discovered that you are my neighbour up north.



    Lol... Indeed it was sad. Ah, you are one of the rare babes who could see that my outfit is a separate top and bottoms. ;)



    I hope the strep bacteria didn't pass on to you. I hate strep throat. Over here, we don't call it strep throat but I googled and it is more or less the same.



    It is a separate top and shorts. I've clean forgotten the website where I got the top from. The bottom is from:


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