Wednesday, December 12, 2012


11:59pm... a minute more before 12/12/12 -- the last repetitive date we will ever see in our lifetime.

I'm sure many of you reading this belong to the generation who have survived:


And lastly 12/12/12

My 12/12/12 has been pretty nondescript. In fact, my 12:12pm on 12/12/12 was spent in my senior manager's office discussing about work. (I'm not complaining though)

Then just now I decided to do something worth remembering. Through World Vision Singapore, I gifted gifts of:
1) Deworming for 10 children in Vietnam
2) Vaccination and immunization for 10 children in Laos
3) 3 water filters for school children in Myanmar

There were many gifts to choose from and gift of health somehow tugs at my heart string more than other tangible gifts. It isn't a lot but I know it would really help these children.

I'm considering sponsoring a child in one of the Southeast Asian countries. It has been something I contemplated doing 2 years ago and at that time I also envisioned visiting the child and his/her family in their hometown too.

I don't know what is holding me back now. I guess I'm afraid of not being able to follow my plan up till the end. The sponsorship ends when the child and/or the child’s community reach a level of self-sustainability and no longer require further assistance from World Vision. Each child is helped through an Area Development Programme (ADP), which usually spans 10-15 years. That is considered long term for me and I was wondering if other means of helping underprivileged people would actually be more beneficial. More importantly, I would want to be able to visit the child and his/her family and if I don't fulfill this aspect, I would feel that my plan of sponsorship isn't complete.

One thing I'm sure for now is that I would gift life-changing gifts on a regular basis to the underprivileged.

How was your 12/12/12? Have you done anything significant on this date or is it just another date to some of you?


  1. It's a wonderful thing to be able to give a gift to someone who really needs it..especially the world gifts, we do that as well...makes Christmas better!! I didn't do anything really today, but I did go and see my daughter's Christmas program which was beautiful, I love little kids at Christmas, so sweet :) xx

  2. I'm afraid it is just another date for me. Maybe I feel that way because I'm sick. Bah humbug!!! :)

    It is sweet of you to make the day special by making those 3 gifts--and spreading the word to others about the program.

    Except for marriage, I aovid making long-term commitments. 10-15 years is a long time, a lot happens in a person's life. My cell phone service is a pay as I go plan and I take the same approach to being charitable. I don't think I'm cold (or cheap), it's just that priorities can change about what charities to support. Just before my dad passed away, he was giving $10 here and there to many different charities (and I still get "invoices" from them). That was nice, but it's not my way...I prefer to be more focused.

  3. love this!! we donate money to red cross regularly and when we lived in the states we did toys for tots but we haven't been able to do it since we moved to germany.. but i'm going home soon so i'm hoping to be able to do it again :)!

  4. hmm.. i think its great that you pointed out the importance of 12/12/12. i honestly haven't put in much thought to the date. i just sort of shrugged it off every time someone mentioned it. but your right, you cant have 13/13/13 now. LOL.

    also that's so great to hear that you want to and did give something to help others in our world. i'm actually looking to do some volunteering this month. i feel like being useful~

    - sarah -

  5. Great post on 12/12/12 Jo. Those are such wonderful and selfless gifts one can do. I am consideribg giving more often. Not about how much but will make attempt to give when i can. I didnt realize that sponsership program requires such long commitment but that is a wonderful thing.

  6. Tis special indeed and you sure chose to commemorate the date in most lovely way Jo! Good for you and I'm sure those you are helping will surely appreciate it. The last time we made a donation was to the Red Cross for the relief efforts for the hurricane that hit our area but it was well before 12.12.12 which I spent going to the doctor and having a physical therapy session.

    I agree with you that all those treats look almost too lovely to eat but after you save the photo it can be a free for all :) Pinterest is way too addictive but fun. Thanks for following me and I'm following you back now :)

    Hope you had a nice weekend sweetie!
    Rowena @ rolala loves

  7. this is a great posts. love that you gifted donations. i do that every year for world vision.

  8. Ms Dainty Doll,

    It is nice to know that there are many people out there who give world gifts too. This world is really getting a little too self-centred. I could imagine your daughter’s Christmas being very lovely and I’m sure you’d enjoyed yourself.



    I am on the same plane as you when it comes to long term charity. And yes, it doesn’t mean we are cold and cheap. I do not usually give to those charity organizations whose people approach on the streets. I usually wave my hand at them. It seems cold but we do need to have some priorities. I find it meaningless giving to every charity that approaches me on the street.

    I took some time replying to this comment and I hope by now you would have been well. I haven’t been visiting blogs too as I was busy churning out xmas cards and doing lots of “essay writing” on the cards. I will visit your blog soon to find out how you are!



    That is meaningful and it is great that you and your hubz would continue giving when you move back to the States.



    Like all the other repeated numbers, I did not think much about 12/12/12 till it dawned on me that there couldn’t be a 13/13/13 and the next repeated set of numbers would be a century later.

    Volunteering is great too! It is also on my agenda but I’m looking forward to more constant volunteering and not a one-off thingy.



    Me too. I’m not giving as often as I am able to so this would probably be a new item to add on my agenda. There are really too many unfortunate souls around.



    It is nice of you to give to the Red Cross for the hurricane relief efforts. You went to the doctor and had physical therapy? Oh dear, I hope you are ok. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to you?

    Thank you for following me on Pinterest!


    It is nice to know another person who give constantly. =)


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