Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thai Advertisements that Strike a Chord

From the Thai Health Promotion board comes a poignant reminder from a kid to stop smoking. This certainly is one of the most effective anti-smoking campaign ever.

DTAC, the second largest GSM mobile phone provider in Thailand, sure knows how the current world is like with the advent of the ubiquitous smartphones. Now, just put that smartphone away already, will you?

I'm not too sure if this is an insurance ad but it sure made my eyes sting a little.

Eyes stung more for this Thai ad.

How about some Thai ads to put a smile to your faces? I first saw this a few years back and have always loved it. Friends who are aware of this ad would sometimes re-enact scenes from here.


  1. Thai ads...oh gosh oh gosh, they make me cry so much. That insurance company just tears me apart! @___@ All of their commercials are incredible. If I lived in Thailand, I would TOTALLY use that insurance...That's just how good it is...

  2. The first commercial totally nailed it!!!! Have yet to look at the rest. My husband finds Thai TV commercials to be silly while i think some of them are actually very creative. I find American commercials quite bland.

    Hope you are well Jo.

  3. Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog, I appreciate it a lot! :)

    I love Thailand for many reasons but one of the reasons is their remarkable ads, they make the best ads! Some are hilarious and some are heartwarming and sends a touching message. I enjoy watching them, they are very entertaining xD I always look out for new advertisements whenever I visit Bangkok for a shopping trip. Their ads are nothing compared to the dull and full of lame propaganda ones in my country :P


  4. Amyboo,

    I think I might just buy that insurance for the advertisement too!



    I personally feel that Thai advertisements belong to 2 different categories-- the incredibly hilarious and the profoundly poignant. And I love them both. Some American commercials (esp those banned ones in Singapore) are pretty creative and funny. I love them too. But I could shoot your hubby for thinking Thai ads to be silly. Have you tried showing him these? I rewatched together with my hubby and my tears flowed down for the "My Girl" video.



    I agree so much with you about the ads. I saw many other being uploaded onto Youtube but I could not understand some without the English translation so these are the only few I could share.


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