Saturday, October 06, 2012

Brunch at Three -- Prive Cafe

My parents-in-law had never tried all day breakfast before. Hence, kh suggested taking them to his favourite all-day breakfast haunt -- Prive Cafe.


They were sceptical when kh told them that they would be able to savour English breakfast at 3 in the afternoon. My "little" brother-in-law tagged along as well.


Here was what we ordered to share.


We had pancakes and carrot cake to end off our brunch.


The drinks we ordered.


My very filling yummilicious drink was served with a bar of Kit Kat.


It was the first time my MIL went to Keppel Bay and she was simply awed by the many private boats and yacht berthed at the jetty.


I would end off this post with a not so complete family picture of my other family. (2nd BIL didn't join us that afternoon)



  1. Oh the drink looks dead gorgeous. Y_Y The kitkat just completes it! I lovee kitkat. I need to be careful with eating too many sweet stuff :P

    What a lovely day to go out. It's raining in London. The weather isn't looking too good. 

    lol! My brother made carrot cake and it looks nothing like that on the picture. That was the first time I've had it so I wasn't sure how it was supposed to taste like. ^^

  2. This post is an "awe", I really like it. You have two great families.

    I LOVE brunch. My kh is not a fan, so we only rarely have it. Maybe I'll fix pancakes on Saturday morning. =)

  3. omg the food looks so good *_* So delicious^^

  4. Food looks delicious!! I want that kit kat drink. The little crumbly tid bits at the top look so good and crunchy! Loving the family pics!

  5. Yum everything looks so scrumptious and mouth watering especially your drink that came with a kit kat bar. I love having breakfast for dinner actually. You look lovely in that floral print dress.

  6. Jo, I can't get over the DRINKS! OMG'd how cute that they added a Kit Kat to it. Great family picture!

  7. Huong,

    Your fonts are so cute. How did you do it? The drink look really yummy and it sure was but it was filling, got cloyingly sweet and I could not finish the whole thing.

    I hope that you stay dry and keep warm.



    Thank you! It is really a blessing to have good in-laws as I often hear horror stories of in-laws.

    Did you have your pancakes fix?



    Thank you, dear.



    The crumbly little spheres are great to munch on! The drink is heavenly but t sure was but it was filling, got cloyingly sweet and I could not finish the whole thing.

    The family pic was difficult to snap due to the bright glare of the sun and the water.



    Thank you, dear. I haven't seen you commenting much recently. I've been busy to read all my favourite blogs and I hope you've been well.



    Thank you, dear. I could not finish my kit kat drink in the end. Such a waste coz so many people here love it. lol

  8. Ahh the brunch food looks so delicious. I rarely have brunch food but there's really satisfying about when I eat it lol. Great family and food snapshots!


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