Thursday, July 19, 2012

The 3rd and the 11th

The numbers up there represent our wedding anniversary and the number-of-years-as-a-couple anniversary.

~*3rd Wedding anniversary*~

A few days back, the hubby and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. Time really flies and it still feels as if we have just been married.

Kh took leave on the day itself but we were really clueless as to what to do and where to dine at. The night before, we decided to take a walk at The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands as well as to check out Singapore's latest attraction -- Gardens by the Bay.

"Gardens by the Bay brings to life NParks' vision of creating a City in a Garden. The Gardens captures the essence of Singapore as the premier tropical Garden City with the perfect environment in which to live and work - making Singapore a leading global city of the 21st century."

Instead of checking out some fine dining restaurants as of other anniversaries or birthday celebrations, we decided to satisfy his craving for Chinese dumplings at Din Tai Fung. For a whole week, he had been sick (still is as I'm typing this and has since spread to me as well) and he had been having craving for Chinese dumplings every single night.

The Din Tai Fung branch at MBS exudes a totally atas feel, quite unlike its humble counterparts all over the country. It is evident from the decor of the place.


Quite unlike Nokia's slogan (Nokia connecting people), Apple disconnects people. While waiting for the dishes to arrive, we engaged ourselves with our iPad and iPhone. We do connect by sharing about things we see on our screens though.


I love Chinese comfort food.


Kh sure satisfied his dumpling craving all right! He ordered two bamboo steamer baskets of xiao long bao and pork and vegetables dumplings.


We had wanted to head out to the gardens but it was drizzling the whole day. We only managed a shot with the iconic Louis Vuitton Island Maison before the raindrops became bigger and heavier.

"The Louis Vuitton Island Maison is one of the two stand-alone glass and steel crystal pavilions designed by architect Moshe Safdie as part of his overall design for the Marina Bay Sands integrated resort in Singapore."


The above photo was taken using my phone's front camera and hence the grainy quality.

We had no where else to go but to stroll in The Shoppes till the rain stopped. After a while, we realised that we had walked past the same few shops and boutiques at least thrice and decided to sit down for some tea and desserts at TWG.


The joke of the day was when for the sake of my hubby, I asked the TWG wait staff if they actually served coffee there. What did  you think the answer was? Fortunately, the wait staff did not label me a bimbo.

Kh is a coffee person and the long list of tea available at TWG simply stumped him. He had to browse through the tea book in order to make a well-informed decision. Alas, it only made him more confused.


I finally settled for Magic Charm Tea and he, Tribal Tea based on how they sounded.

"At the first signs of spring, flowers bloom on the mossy forest floor, and this light TWG green tea is blended with the most fragrant of these wild blossoms. An enchanting, rose-coloured cup with a tart and flowery flavour, this tea is a cup of pure magic."

Could you see how I was totally sold by the description?

"This audacious blend, made of rich contrast of green tea, China blue tea and black tea, is inundated with flowery notes of orange blossoms, orchard fruits and rare wild mints."

He felt this tea suited him too as it sounded very confusing.

Besides tea, we had tea-infused macarons which were absolutely delectable. The macarons brought out the fragrance of each tea wonderfully. I really like them for the hint of tea which wasn't too overpowering or cloyingly sweet though the outer shell is a little too crumbly.


We also ordered Foie Gras Terrine
“A well-known delicacy, homemade pan-seared foie gras served on a tender spinach shoot salad accompanied by caramelised apples and carrots drizzled with a Chocolate Tea infused vinaigrette.”


Crème brûlée
"A refreshing return to the traditional French confection, these two miniature crème brûlées are delightfully infused with two of our exclusive TWG Teas, Phuguri Darjeeling and Vanilla Bourbon Tea."


Flavours of macarons clockwise from top:

Dark Brown - Camelot Tea and Praline
Dark Pink - 1837 Black Tea and Blackcurrant
White - Moroccan Mint Tea
Brown - Earl Grey Fortune and  Chocolate
Yellow - Lemon Bush Tea

The unrelenting drizzle and torrents of rain finally ceased when the sky grew dark. It was a blessing in disguise to have the rain stop only then for we would not have been able to savour the beautiful gardens by night should we have visited the garden in the day and headed home thereafter.




The OCBC Skyway was closed by the time we were there. In fact, the whole garden isn't fully ready yet as there were many areas of the garden with work still under progress.


It was extremely difficult to capture a shot of us with the colourful lights in the background without the use of flash. Such photography requires a steady hand and this was the best we could manage.


Marina Bay Sands


Singapore Flyer


Experimenting with the shutter speed on the bridge



~*11th anniversary*~

Our number-of-years-as-a-couple anniversary falls on Valentine's Day so as usual, this portion here is a backdated entry from February.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, we went to Au Petit Salut to beat the Valentine's Day crowd. The last time we went there was for his birthday 3 years ago.


The place was still rather empty in the evening but was buzzing with patrons when night fell.





Kh love munching on bread so much that I often have to remind him to save some stomach space for proper food.


Here are us with our mains.


200g US “Greater Omaha” corn fed prime grade beef tenderloin served with ‘Pommes Mousseline’ sautéed wild mushrooms and red wine sauce


“Le Cassoulet"
Duck leg confit, pork sausage, bacon and lamb shoulder served in a white bean stew


My mains was served in a huge saucepan which left us staring at it in puzzlement. The wait staff then asked if I would like her to portion the food for me. Slowly, my empty plate was filled with unknown slabs and globs of food.


Crème Brulée infused with fresh Madagascar vanilla beans


I can't remember what my dessert was and I can't find it on their online menu anymore.


Kh loves to wonder about the number of rings I could put on my fingers during special occasions.


He wanted to experience how it felt like to have one's fingers adorned with so many rings.


Outfit of the day:
♥ Siander blue dress
♥ Prada Tessuto Gaufre Tote in Pomice
♥ No label ribbon hair band
♥ Chanel necklace
♥ Assortment of rings
♥ Spinel cork shoes


Kh doesn't like me with curls. It seems to me as if most guys do not like their partners in curls. Surprisingly, he liked my look that day but commented that I was sporting those Taiwanese overly sweet idol look which I absolutely dislike. He also deemed my hairband too act-sweet.

I, on the other hand, do not think I'm acting sweet. Wahaha... Ok, you may beg to differ.


On Valentine's Day itself, it was an obstacle course throughout the whole of Orchard. The only place without a one-hour queue was Crystal Jade Home Recipe (翡翠家常) at Shaw House. By the time we found this queue-less eatery and sat down, it was already 9pm and we almost died of famine.

It sure didn't look like I was dying from famine here. The Hello Kitty glasses made everything bearable.


Kh looked really cute with the Hello Kitty glasses but as he knew I was going to snap a picture of him, he refused to put it on.


Little did he know that I have this photo of him. There are a few others of him acting really sissy with the specs which I shall not show here. Maybe one day if he pisses me off, I shall threaten him with those photos. This mock-sleeping one would suffice for now.


Comfort food


Refreshing desserts



Wishing the both of us many more anniversaries to come!


  1. Happy anniversaries, belated and otherwise!!! This should your luckiest year so year--3/11 is my birthday. That HAS to be a good omen. -)

    Sorry you two are sick. That's thing not good to share.

  2. happy anniversary cuz!
    eh I just went to APS on tues! most atas place I've dined so far! *swaku* and it was for a friend's birthday celebration. hahaha (: the choux buns are THE BEST! I even wanted a second helping of it D:

  3. My goodness, you both celebrated in such delicious and moutha watering way. Way to go, girl. I would love to celebrate our day like that too, it would be fun. You look really pretty in that blue dress and a headband and curls. I guess all guys dislike curls but who care about them since we like to have to bouncy lovely curls once in a while. My husband prefers my hair straight too. The Hello Kitty glasses do not only suit you but your hubby too..hehe.

  4. Jo, you are too funny! Your husband is so handsome and when I saw that pic of him with the Hello Kitty glasses I couldn't stop laughing. You are dangerously sneaky with the camera girl. HaHaHa Happy Anniversary to the both of you. You're such a lovely couple. Jo, you're so pretty. Those dumplings look so good. You two had a wonderful meal. Love the macarons and tea. What a huge tea selection!!! WOW!!! I saw those flower lights on some website. It's going to be awesome when they finish it. Excellent post!

  5. Rick,
    3/11 is your birthday as in DD/MM or MM/DD? I shall remember that!

    Yeah... I'm still sick. Really very angry whenever he passes some bug to me. I seldom pass my bug to him.


    I haven't tried their choux pastries yet! I would take note of that and try to include it in our next order. APS is a nice place. I like how it is atas yet it doesn't give an uppity air.


    We really live to eat though I must say that the both of us have seriously cut down on our food intake as we used to eat too much for our own good. Haha... your hubby also prefers you with straight hair? I haven't found any guy who prefers their partner in curls.


    Lol... I'll always remember that Kim is the one who says my hubby is a "cutie" and "so handsome". If he were to read my comments section, his head would really swell and he would most certainly have a favourable impression of you. lol... Thank you always, for your sweet words. Yes, our country is really sprucing up the city and I'm starting to feel really proud of my country whenever I see the city nightscape.

  6. wahhh!! happy anniversary hon!!!

    i love this post sooooo so much good food!!! i seriously don't understand how you can be so skinny hahaha..

    i love the outfits you wore in this post too!! especially that floral cardigan.. and that blue ruffle dress!!

    aww that's so funny because my husband loves when i curl my hair!! but i guess he likes it straight too.. i dunno i don't think it really makes a difference to him hahaha

  7. happy belated anniversary dear. wishing you guys all the best in your wedding. the food and the pictures are just lovely, jo.

    mind following each other, dear?

  8. happy anniversary dear. love the pics and the food. yum.
    the outfit is also very pretty

    mind following each other, dear?

  9. Congratulations on your 3rd wedding anniversary! It looks like you had a great day of excellent company and indulged in fantastic food! I love creme brulee and macarons...yummmy!

  10. Awe happy 3rd anniversary (: Sounds like such a wonderful way to celebrate!

    Dearest Lou

  11. gosh... so many yummy looking food over here O__O and a reply to your comment: yes it was short but i don't intend on wearing it. i just wanted to show it off on my blog xD

    i hope you had a great weekend!

  12. happy 3rd anniversary!!! maybe next year you can add a lil jo in the pix hehehe Chinese and vietnamese food are my favorite! I can eat it everyday but can not eat american or other food everyday :D

    Thank you for the sweet comment, Yeah asian parents dont always say the 3 words but their actions speak louder.

    have a great week!

  13. Lisa,
    Aww... you are so sweet! Your hubz is the first guy I know who likes his partner with curls. Even my friends who look really gorgeous/sassy/hot with curls has their partners saying they prefer them with straight hair once they stop perming their hair. Grab your hubz real tight and don't let him go coz he's a rare species. lol


    Reinhardt Kenneth,
    Thank you for leaving me a lovely message. I love seeing newcomers here and I would check out your blog soon!


    Estilo Hedónico,
    Thank you for stopping by. I love seeing newcomers here.


    I hope you like tea-infused food coz the macarons and creme brulee are tea-infused. My hubby preferred creme brulee in original. lol


    Dearest Lou,
    Thank you, dear. =)


    Lol... I thought so too. It would be rather disastrous if you were to strut down the streets like this coz most guys would stop and stare and hold up the human traffic.


    Haha... I hope to add a little jo and a little kh but we'll see what happens. Me too! The only food I can eat every day is Chinese. We don't really have Vietnamese food here. =(
    Have a great week yourself too. =)

  14. mm/dd

    I know how you feel, it is very annoying. I rarely share my germs and my son almost never does either. But my wife and daughter almost always share and get the rest of us sick.

  15. hahah you both look so cute in those HK glasses! I'm so tempted to buy these, but if I did, my bf probably would not want to be seen with me.

    Congrats on your anniversary!

  16. Aww happy belated anniversaries to you and your hubby Jo! 11 years, wow! I'm wishing you both many more happy anniversaries to come! :D

    You look so elegant in the blue dress! And I actually really like the curls on you Jo! You look just like the Japanese gyaru models in the magazines. I think you're right about guys not liking curls though. I had my hair curled for a very short while, and my bf hated it on me and made it a point to tell me so everyday until I changed it back lol. Don't listen to KH though and do what you think looks best on you! It's your head, not his!

    And I love the HK glasses (on both of you!) That's hilarious that you have other photos stored of him wearing the glasses haha. Better not let him find out you have them :P

    P.S. Thank you so much for your kind comment that you left the other day! It really means a lot to me that you think so highly of me! ^_^

  17. Awwww...Happy Belated Anniversary, Jolene! I wish you and your husband a lifetime of love and happiness. You guys always look so sweet and happy together.

    I LOVE your outfit. The blue dress is so pretty and you do look very sweet, but certainly not overly so :)
    I get what you mean, my bf would comment once in a while that some of my outfits are a little too act-cute/sweet...speshly since I'm so not the "shu-nu" type. He even stopped me from buying that pair of Hello Kitty frames! Which you have and I envy :D

    Re Singapore, we ended up spending pretty much the whole time in Sentosa. It was for a close friend's wedding and was also a gathering so we just chilled and enjoyed everyone's company.
    I'm sure I'll be heading to Singapore again, so next time I'll try to inform you earlier so we can arrange something?

    Hope you've been well

  18. Sindy,
    Thank you for leaving me a note. I love seeing newcomers here!


    I see I see. I tend to write in DD/MM so I had to double confirm with you. That's very considerate of you and your son. That should be the way to go.


    Thank you. Ah, my hubby didn't have much of a choice even when he said he didn't want to be seen with me.


    Thank you so much, dear. It's really sweet of you to say that. Yes yes, the boys just don't get it. I don't know what's up with them and straight hair. I can imagine your bf's "nagging". haha... Yes, I think we should be more adventurous to try out different looks and not let the boys stop us.


    Thank you and aaaah!!! So happy to hear from you finally. Yes, please inform me when you are heading over to Singapore so we could plan for something.

    Hahaha... what do the boys know right? Oh, I'm also like you. I'm not the shu nu type too.

  19. Congratulations on your three years together! Love all the food pictures; simply delicious.

  20. You're gorgeous! All these food pictures have made me so hungry! haha Looks like you had a great anniversary, I wish you many more to come! :)

  21. happy belated anniversary! singapore looks like a festival of lights. i've just recently seen an article on the garden by the bay. it is unreal and it reminds me of a different world. i would love to see it up close.


  22. babe, you're so freaking gorgeous! You remind me of a HK youtuber.. :D Happy bleated wedding anniversary to you two! I'm so jelly~ I love seeing married couples ^^ it's so cute <3

  23. Miss K,
    Thank you for stopping by. I love seeing newcomers around. =)


    Thank you very much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet words.


    Wow! You saw an article on Gardens by the Bay in your country? I feel the pride now. You should come over for a visit!


    Aww... you are extremely sweet. *blushes* Thank you so much for your compliments. I'm curious which HK Youtuber did I remind you of? If possible, share with me the link ok? =)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)