Wednesday, July 25, 2012

100 Followers Giveaway Coming Up

Hey lovelies,

I know I've been saying this since I hit a 100 followers a while back that I would be hosting a giveaway on my blog. Business (as in busy-ness) got the better of me and I'll be hosting the giveaway as soon as I have settled all my pending errands for the week.

I wish everyone well and continue watching this space.



  1. woowww! Congradz!!! lovely givaway!

    Following u now via Goggle +. Follow me back if you like! ♥
    Say meow to me on:
    Miss Kwong: From Catwalk to Classroom

  2. most definitely Jo! a great achievement my friend.

  3. congrats on hitting 100, and i love giveaway! :D

  4. ohhh this is going to be awesome. and i'm so glad that you know someone who is doing the mason jar glow now! well... that would be me. hey, you can totally say that you know me! you're like one of my blogger friends now! hehe! when i mention bloggers to my hubby i would be like... "i know this girl that..." lol as if i REALLY know them personally lmaooo!

    oh and if you haven't already, please join my giveaway over here:


  5. Thank you all for your comments.

    Ah... I know what you mean, only that I would tell my hubby "My blogger friend said this", "My blogger friend did that". He actually knows who some of my blogger friends are!


    As in better in illness or my writing skills? =D

  6. Hey Jo,
    thank you for your super sweet comments on my blog, they totally made my day!
    Your blog is super amazing, lovely (and huge!) giveaway!
    And...I'm not really into pinterest right now...maybe some day I will be, but at the moment - feels not really me.

  7. Jo! Congratulations on your success and reaching 100 followers on your giveaway! You are so generous to offer such an amazing prize to your readers.

  8. Kiwi,
    Thank you for stopping by. I will visit your blog more often. =)


    Thank you, dear. =)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)