Friday, June 22, 2012

Putting Time in My Stockings

I hope everyone's been well. I've been absent from blogosphere for the past one week and I'm trying to find some time to blog amidst settling many other important issues.

My mum had an operation recently. She was supposed to be discharged after 3 days stay but some problems cropped up and she was discharged two days later instead. My family had been spending lots of time at the hospital and sometimes my sisters and I would stagger our time of visiting just so that my mum would have company at most times of the day.

She is recuperating well and is almost back to her old self and thank goodness for that.

I'm behind time in many tasks which I've set to complete. I hope I would be able to find more time to accomplish most of the stuff on my to-do list.

Meanwhile, here is a little preview from where I left off about my good friend, Xtina's fantabulous Day 3 of her wedding.

It was a back to school theme as you could tell from our dressing (gals = students, guys = teachers) and nerdiness. We spontaneously shouted "kungfu panda!" and this was the result.

Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. I will be praying for your mother!!! Hope she heals soon. :)

    Awww that wedding photo is so adorable. I LOVE the theme, very unique!! I love the girls uniforms. xD

  2. Wow, I'm glad she's doing well. Operations are scary. Was it related to tests she had recently???

    Remember to take some time for you to recover too. Times like this are draining.

  3. Time in your stockings? Spending time in them? Or maybe trying to save time by setting it aside in a stocking? I shouldn't comment so late, my brain isn't at its best. =)

  4. I hope your mom continues to do well and gets back into it in no time!! Have a wonderful weekend. Gorgeous picture, looks like so much fun :) xx

  5. Tifa,
    Thank you so much dear. It means a lot.


    If you were my friend whom I would meet, I would tell you face to face. =) But no worries, she is almost back to her normal self and even danced a bit yesterday while I was accompanying her to the hospital for check up and then to her dance class. And the thing is, she is still in pain!


    Thank you, dear. Yep, she's recuperating well all right. I'm amazed.

  6. It's a bit late, but I hope your mother gets well soon Jo!

  7. Thank you, Rinny. Never too late. She is better and up and dancing, literally!

  8. Wait, now I'm not sure if the first line of your comment to me is about your mom or the meaning of the title??? =)

  9. Oh, I meant about my mum. Sorry, I reread and it wasn't clear. =)


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