Monday, May 21, 2012

tête-à-tête Volume 5 -- No evil is greater than your wrath on me

I was on my way home from a lovely gathering with my bimbo sisters and I texted my diablo-crazy hubby to pick me up from the MRT station near our place.

Here was was ensued:


  1. hehe, hubby just wants to take care of you and jokes about wrath. =)

  2. Haahahaa...I do love those!! Hope you are doing well flower!! It's finally warm and sunny here, so I am trying to stay out in it as much as possible :) Wish you a marvelous week!! xoxo

  3. HAHAHA! Your husband is hilarious!!! He definitely has a wonderful sense of humour :)

  4. lol your hubby is too funny!!!

    btw I do not use photoshop on my iphone photos, that's just too much work to edit them all. I love instagram, i edit it there!


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