Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day Celebrations 2012

I'm finally current with my blog updates! Pops champagne!

Friends and long-time readers would know that I'm perpetually updating my blog with stuff that happened a few months ago. I'm not done with all the updates which happened a few months back (or more aptly, last year) but since my mum is always asking me about what happened to all the photos which I took during family gatherings, I have decided to edit the photos from Mother's Day so that I could:

1. update my blog
2. upload the photos on Facebook
3 tag my mum

Yesh, my mummy is on Facebook!

~*Mother's Day Dinner at Sushi Tei*~

Say hello to my beautiful and cute mummy. Like most mothers, she is rather annoying at times and I do not always LIKE her but I LOVE her because she is my mother and she is really very cute sometimes.


We had an advanced Mother's Day dinner on a weekday for my mum at Sushi Tei (Thompson Plaza).


Among all the Japanese chain of sushi restaurant, we love Sushi Tei the best. Almost everything on the menu tastes great.

My mum was so patient and cute that day. She is somebody who is seldom on time for appointments. That evening, she was out with her friend and so she reached the mall one hour before our scheduled meeting. She happily walked around the boring old mall and even bought clothes and groceries without getting impatient, grousing or hurrying us like what she would usually do.

When kh and I reached, she was all smiles. She wanted to learn the names of the dishes in Japanese and asked kh to teach her. She was like a little child repeating the dishes in Japanese after him. She often mispronounced many words which got all of us roaring with laughter especially after my dad quipped,
"Wah Ah Nia ah, your pronunciation then (damn) bad leh."


Family portrait minus eldest sis who was late.

As my parents were clueless about what to order from Sushi Tei, kh did most of the ordering for everyone. My parents were shocked at the amount of food he ordered to which we assured them that we could definitely finish everything.

Round 1 of food spread:
Clockwise -- Edamame, Wakame, Dragon Roll, Sashimi Platter, Gyoza, Sukiyaki with beef slices, Ebi Mentaiyaki, Sushi Platter
Inset -- Food spread


The dishes kept coming and we had no space for them. Do you know why? Coz both my sisters and I would be armed with iPhones and camera respectively to snap photos of the food. It is my eldest sis habit to upload them onto Facebook on the day itself while my second sis would use Instagram to edit them before posting on her Twitter or Pinterest. As for me, the whole family would know that I take months to edit and upload them onto Facebook.

In the past, my parents used to complain about us taking so many photos of the food before eating. Now, my mum has joined the bandwagon; She whipped out her LG to snap photos too.

Apparently, whatever kh ordered wasn't enough for we had Round 2.

Round 2 of food spread:
Clockwise -- Soft Shell Crab, Asari Misoshiru (miso soup with clams), Cha Soba, more beef slices for Sukiyaki, Gindara Teriyaki (Cod Fish in Teriyaki sauce), Hamachi Kama Shio (grilled Yellow Tail cheek), Negitoro Sushi (chopped tuna belly sushi), Golden Roll
Inset-- Sashimi and Uni platter


I lurve every single dish we ordered but my ultimate favourite would always be cod fish in teriyaki sauce. I could eat that with rice alone every day and not get sick and tired of it.

An item worth mentioning is the Ikura Chawanmushi. My 2nd sister loves Ikura a lot. She loves biting into Ikura with salty liquid bursting out from each "bubble". I'm not an ardent fan of ikura but I do love the combination of ikura and chawanmushi.


Another item worth some story space here is the Uni (urchin). In case you do not know how an urchin look like without its spikes, it is the mash of orange thing (see picture below) at the bottom of the platter. That mash you see there cost SGD$38!

Kh loves urchin; I, on the other hand, deem that urchin taste like drain (the smell of drain... duh). My parents had never tried urchin before and so kh and my eldest sister ordered that. I kept telling my parents that it is an acquired taste and they may spit the whole thing out. Surprisingly, they loved it as they felt that it tasted like "sea hum" (clams). I decided to give urchin another try and boy I love the urchin at Sushi Tei. It was really fresh with no drain-taste at all.


While my eldest sister tried to snap a picture of my dad and mum with her iPhone, kh decided to be cheeky with my candid shots of them. He used his chopsticks to "pinch" my mum's head.


As usual, I love to snap individual candid pictures of everyone. My mother refused to coorporate and as soon as she knew I was taking candid shots, she would pose with her peace sign. I would give her a face and put my camera down, refusing to snap. She finally decided to be more creative with her hand signs. Though she wasn't being candid, I relented and snap as I love how cute she looked then.


Trouble never fails to brew whenever MY individual shot was taken. If kh was behind the camera, he would make sure he snapped me at my ugliest. If kh was not behind the camera, he would make sure he do something funny in the photo. He placed a prawn beside my cheek and I was not even aware till my mother and my eldest sis started snapping away too.


Up there, I exacted revenge on him by pinching his ear with my chopsticks.

How could we not end a meal with desserts?

From left: Green Tea ice cream with red beans and mochi, Ice Balls, Black Sesame ice cream


For all the delicious food you see, the bill totalled up to $400+ for 6 people. It sounds expensive but it is well worth the money for the amount and quality of food.

The si gin nah shots


My lovely family


Story behind the above photo...
Mum: Let's make peace sign.
All 3 gals: No!
Mum: Let's make a good sign.
All 3 gals: No!

My poor mum! Even the staff there laughed at the whole scenario.

My lovely family + kh


Story behind this photo:
Mum: Eh girl. You fat already. Your face looks fat in photos. Remember to bend your head down."


Mummy insisted on taking full length shot. If the dowager says so...


~*Mother's Day Dinner at Santouka*~

We had Mother's Day dinner for my mother-in-law on the Sunday itself at Santouka (Cuppage Terrace).


Santouka is not new to all of us in my family except for my mil. My favourite ramen hails from Santouka. It is my comfort-ramen and after eating Santouka's ramen, I became really spoilt and often criticised all other ramen. My fil, both bil and kh also love Santouka whereas it was my mil's first time.

Top: Agedashi tofu, Japanese Egg Tamago, Gyoza
Bottom: combo of Shio Ramen & Salmon Rice (kh, both bil and I ordered the same combo which IMO is the best), Pork Cheek, Roasted Premium Pork Cheek


The Roasted Premium Pork Cheek is either a new item or only available at Cuppage for it was the first time I ate that. That dish is HEAVENLY. Really heavenly. I used to love the normal pork cheek from Santouka and after savouring the premium one, I really couldn't go back to the normal one even though it is already of a much higher grade than pork cheeks in other eateries.

My mil loved the food there and agreed that the ramen and dishes were of better standard than most ramen joints.

This side and that side.


Everyone made fun of my youngest bil act cute/ kiam pa face at the top picture.
As for the bottom picture, we all laughed at how everyone had various funny expressions while trying to remain cool at the same time.

Family photo!



  1. Wow that is a buffet. So much food. Your mother is cute.

  2. Your family sounds like a fun and entertaining group of folks, Jo. You and your mom must be pretty close to each other, more like friend perhaps. I miss my family. Hope i can talk my dad into coming to visit next year. My mom gave me a hope that she will come and stay for a few months in 2014 but that is too long from now!!

    So many delicious looking dishes, your photos make me drool.

  3. Wow, is that your mum?! She looks so young! Good genes, wow!

    And the sushi looks delicious ^^ *drools* quick, hide the food, there's a bibi on the loose...

  4. What a great mother's day!!! The food looks amazing, your mom is gorgeous! I can definitely see the resemblance between the two of you :)

  5. Cute family photos! I like your mum's geometric ring! And the food looks amazing. ♥

  6. Round 2??? And dessert?? Seeing how great the food looks, I can understand. Honestly, all the girls in your family (and KH's) are cute--and you never take a bad picture!

  7. aww heart these pics!! what a good looking family haha :) your mom is SOO YOUNG! omgosh you guys look like sisters!

    omgosh that oyster w/ ice cream in it is AMAZING!!! soooo cute!

  8. and i'm back. I hope youve been well, despite silently reading we haven't talked much lately otherwise. Please continue to be happy and healthy Jolene! Let's see what I have here.

    We have a sushi tei in toronto I think :S For sure not a franchise but still. I like the white iphone in the family photo :O and I like the food even more. The presentation of the dishes was very nice!! I always observe that, whether they just plop stuff on or take the time to wipe sauce from the sides to make it look good.

    You no have twitter, you no have instagram... or do you?

    I laughed when you wrote green tea ice cream with ice balls. I am immature =.= I love black sesame except I always look like a homeless person with black teeth after I eat it. Im so afraid to smile to my friends lol

  9. SANTOUKA RAMEN IS OPENING THEIR FIRST TORONTO LOCATION SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friend sent me the news and we were both "omg omg omg omg omg *jumps together like japanese schoolgirls*" so soon I will taste it for the first time. (I never tried it in hongkong).

    oh my it looks really nice!!
    Do you play angry birds at all on your phone? I like your cake but angry birds seasons was the hardest game Ive ever tried. I gave up (I had to get 3 stars on each level and I couldnt even pass the first one). Angry birds rio is really easy though.

  10. nobody plays draw something with me so i gave up and deleted it. because youve seen my drawings on my blog - i dont joke around, i really do draw like that. and people get mad that they dont understand what im drawing LOL.
    There are no cockroaches where I live. I moved too and there are still none :S I am so amused by cockroaches when I see one in hongkong, because Ive never seen one otherwise!! I believe if I go to a really dirty area downtown toronto I might witness these things. But I give you credit for being a tough girl. Most girls i know can't even kill a tiny tiny SPIDER. Come onnnn~

  11. talk to you again soon :)

    PS - looking back at a comment you left me a while back, I have a request. I wanna hear you say tsim sha tsui HAHAHAHA. Let me hear you!

    And yes I always go back to hk in the spring / winter. I never go in the summer because it was baking oven hot. The road in front of me was wavy because of the heat.. I couldnt even focus my eyes onto anything properly. I can only imagine how hot it is in singapore (even hotter!).

  12. Aww you and KH both have such cute families! I would just like to say that your mom looks like she is very trendy for her age. I think that's cool that she still takes care of herself because a lot of Asian moms usually don't (like mine haha). That's funny that everyone in your family is such an avid food photographer too - your dad and KH must get very impatient having to wait while you all snap away :P

  13. PAPS,
    She is indeed!


    I kind of feel that my family became closer after I got married. I would keep going back to my family home and stay there till very late. Everyone would just want to talk to me and I would be so tired as I usually go from work. We, or rather them, have got endless things to talk about.

    Actually 2 years would pass very quickly and I do hope your mum could really go over to stay. It's great to have your family near you.


    Yes! She looks younger than many people who are younger than her.


    That's what many people say but I can't see the resemblance. Maybe it's always easier to take a step back and see things from the outside.


    Thank you. Ah, my mum loves her jewellery. I'm so different from her.


    Thank you. Oh, I shall tell the boys that they are uncute. haha


    I shall convey your message to my mum. Then she would go "Blog? What blog?" =)

  14. Turtle!

    You are doing your verbal diarrhoea again! But I love verbal diarrhoea from you.

    You like the white iPhone only coz you have one too! Don't try to pretend. Haha... Anyway I don't know which photo you are referring to coz one of them is a white LG.

    I have instagram but I seldom use it. I only have got 3 edited photos in there. Add me at "iamjolene".

    You immature creep. Haha... I agree with that black sesame thingy. Not the ice cream but the creamy asian dessert which is really black.

    I can't imagine turtle screaming like a Japanese school girl and please go try the ramen! Film yourself (or maybe your voice) screaming like a Japanese school girl.

    Oh let's see, Angry Birds now. That is from the other post eh? I HATE Angry Birds. The game makes me angry. However, my dad cutefied the game with all his cute antics. And so I'm more forgiving towards the pigs.

    You can depict a lot with stick figures! Why you give up?

    HOW CAN YOU NOT HAVE COCKROACH WHERE YOU ARE? Toronto right? I would so love to move to where you are -- the land free of roaches. I didn't see any cockroach in HK the past 2 times I was there too.

    How are you gonna hear me???

    What an essay of a reply for an essay of a (few) comment(s).

  15. They will be RELIEVED!!! It really creeped me out when a tennis teammate told me he thought I had nice legs. Yuck! But I was a teenager then, I've learned to not get too upset if some guy is...well, you know...too friendly or interested. I just shut him down like you would. LOL!

  16. Rick,
    Is it really true that the male species would get creeped out whenever another guy compliment them? I thought it is something to be proud of coz guys are seldom generous with their compliments on another guy.

  17. i am using my phone so can only see a little bit of this box, i keep it short

    I dunno maybe Canada is just clean or something, I guarantee cockroaches do exist but I've never even heard of a single friend in my entire life who said he or she has seen a cockroach. I dont think Ive ever heard that period - maybe it is just certain areas hehe. So move here with husband! Our weather is much cooler, the winter isnt too bad I personally love snow. The stereotypes people have of Canada are false; Toronto doesnt become the arctic during winter time. It is manageable.

  18. Since guys do rarely compliment each other, it makes us uneasy and wonder what is going on when it happens (What is he up to???). But when a girl compliments us we just smile--or blush like a school boy, if she is very pretty. =)

    One former co-worker (a guy) went through a phase where he kept complimenting my arms. I thought it was weird and my KH got almost as mad as she would if it was a girl. lol


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