Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Love Makes A Family

[Backdated entry from last year]

After marriage two years back, I visit my family about once or twice a week. Each time I head home, I may not get to see everyone as not every member would be around. We have this unspoken rule of eating together or simply meeting up as a family during birthdays so that would be the time I get to see everyone.

~*Mummy's Birthday*~

My eldest sister bought a fruit cake for my mum's birthday and we all rushed home to cut the cake before 12 midnight.


My pretty mummy looked so happy!


My dad always looks very sleepy when taking photos so I would remind him to open his eyes bigger before I snap.


One-year-old mummy happily blowing out the candle after making a wish. After she blew, she turned and asked my dad why didn't he blow the candle with her. lol


Obligatory family portrait


My mummy says, "Come, let me take photo with my 'son'."
Hence, I backed off and she went, "Eh, what are you doing? I want to take photo with my daughter too."
Hence, I crawled back into the scene and squeezed myself in between.


My dad had a new interest at that time -- playing Angry Birds.

He got to know of that game from my eldest sister and played it very well on her iPad despite not having his far-sighted glasses on. This time, he spied kh's iPad and played it with his glasses on. The end result was that he did not play it as well as without his glasses on. I took a few cute videos of my dad playing Angry Birds which I would not share it here on my blog. They are up on Facebook though so my friends could view them there.


My mum joined in too even though both of them quipped that the game was very 无聊 (wu liao) which translates to "lame".

Me thinks they are really cute!

Outfit of the day:
Polka dot blouse from fleurfaerie


~*Daddy and Jie Jie's Birthday*~

A month later, we celebrated my dad and my eldest sis' birthday at Soup Restaurant. Their birthdays fall two days apart and hence we always hold the celebration together.



Yummy yummy Chinese food!


Another obligatory family portrait sans hubby who was out at seas then.


Before the family dinner, my eldest sister met up with her friends for her advanced birthday celebration and they got her Angry Birds soft toys. She felt that the soft toys suited my dad more since he was crazy over Angry Birds at that time.


Outfit of the day:
Cap sleeve lace top from fleurfaerie


~*Jie Jie's Birthday*~


Nope, the answer isn't the annoying green pig but the cake among the plushies.


On my sister's actual birthday, her good friend bought her an Angry Bird cake and so  I was summoned home to partake in the cake cutting ceremony as a family.


My dad is really cute. He clucked his tongue at me when I was snapping the cake with the plushies. Deeming them too untidy, he hurriedly arranged the plushies.
Hmm... I hope the anigif below is showing on your screen.


When my mummy joined in the following shots, I shooed her away saying, "Mummy... not your birthday leh!"

She obviously didn't care and even blew the candle with my daddy and my sister. lol


And the final family portrait of this post.


"We cannot destroy kindred: our chains stretch a little sometimes, but they never break." -- Marquise de Sévigné
I often get people telling me how envious they are of me having such a great family. Well, all families have their ups and downs, and of course most normal human beings would not choose to air their dirty laundry out in the open. Likewise like many other families, my family is like all the best families, having their fair share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements. However, I always believe that “other things may change us, but we start and end with family”.


  1. What a wonderful family!!! Would you like to trade??? Our cakes and gatherings are never that much fun. =)

    It's cute that your mom wants to help and be helped with the candles.

  2. wow it's so awesome that your dad love angry birds! my dad is addicted to zynga poker.

  3. Happy birthday to your Mum, Jo! I do love family occasions. You really look like your mum ^^

  4. haha jo! it's great seeing your parents. i love BOTH cakes. so nice!

  5. Rick,
    We can't trade families. If we do, I would not have so many of your funny family anecdotes to read about on your blog. lol


    Poker is quite in the style of dads. I think Angry Birds isn't. =D


    Nic Nic,
    That's what many people say but I personally can't see the resemblance. =)


    I can see that you are back with a "vengeance"! lol


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