Sunday, April 01, 2012

Memories of Charmaine

These videos were taken in June 2011. Uncle Christopher has kindly sponsored a few days stay at Festive Hotel as a reward for Charmaine for having undergone a major surgery in May 2011. It was also an advanced birthday gift for Charmaine.

For the photo updates of our fun time in the simulated beach pool, go to this post.

PS: There will be no photo or video updates of Charmaine from this post onward as after July last year, her health deteriorated by the weeks as cancer ravaged her little body. I would love to remember her here on my blog when she was still mobile and more energetic as what you see over here.

~*"Interview" on the couch*~

Some of Little Charmaine's cute antics were captured in this video when she was supposedly watching tv. She did not know that she was being filmed.

Note: I do not know how to edit videos so I'm uploading the raw files as they are.

For some noteworthy moments, you may scroll to:
- 0:28
Some cute actions of Char

- 3:00
Godma Jolene and Uncle Charles disturbed Charmaine with some questions to add more sounds and actions into the video. Charmaine didn't actually know she was being filmed.

- 4:07
Uncle Charles revealed to Charmaine that he was afraid Charmaine wouldn't like him based on his looks and hear what she had to say. So cute!

~*Do you know who is the richest man in the world?*~

Some of Little Charmaine's cute antics were captured in this video when Uncle Charles was behind the camera "interviewing" her. He was asking her philosophical questions which she didn't quite understand even upon explaining. Both of us tried explaining to her in very simple terms and she still seemed lost. Nonetheless I find it very meaningful and worth sharing.

PS: Pardon Charle's command of English. He is Chinese/Hokkien educated. =P

~*Thank you Uncle Christopher*~

Those few days were one of her happiest moments. As you know, Charmaine simply loves Sentosa, Universal Studios and their roller coasters as well as the simulated beach pool at Hard Rock Hotel. Everything combined during that few days stay indeed made her one very happy girl despite all the pain she was suffering from. — at Hotel Michael Resort World Sentosa Island


  1. Such a sweet little angel. Maybe she didn;t understand about being rich in the heart and being s good example for others because she innocently believed everyone hasd what she had.

  2. Long time no talk Jo! Felt like an eternity, didn't it? What a lovely tribute to little Charmaine.

    Congratulations on your new and exciting venture of your store. Everything looks so dainty and divine, just like you.

    Now I only live a few hours away from where you are. Still in Bangkok with my family and try to absorb and enjoy every minute of it. Guess the weather there is as hot as here in Thailand, perhaps?

  3. It makes me so happy that the few years she lived you have tried to make her so happy. That is such a lovely giving.

  4. Rick,
    That's a really very nice way to put it. Thank you so much. It makes me see it in another perspective!


    It really felt like an eternity! Aww... thank you for all your sweet words.

    Our country's climates are the same though Thailand is actually slightly hotter than Singapore due to the haze and pollution.

    I'm so glad to hear that you are spending precious time with your family in Thailand! It's really lovely.

  5. It's a blessing to know the innocent who think the world is as nice as they are.

    This will sound silly, but I read in a sci-fi book that we need good people who are pure (like Char) to show us how we CAN be.

  6. PAPS,
    Aww... thank you for the sweet words.


    No I don't think it sounds silly at all but I do think it works the other way round as well. Itis really true that from Char's incident, we saw the good of so many people. On the other end of the spectrum, the good of people also emerges when presented with the bad. I'm not too sure if I'm making any sense at all to you. lol


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