Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Boys and Toys

Back to updating backdated entries.


I was in Brunei during my godson Jase's birthday in May last year and I promised to bring him out to shop for his present when I got back.

After visiting my god daughter Charmaine at the hospital, kh and I brought Jase to the nearby Toys R Us. Before he bade Cyn mommy goodbye, she gently warned him not to choose an expensive toy.

Like an inspector, Jase went around with his hands behind his back and started "inspecting" the toys on the shelves. He took such a long time shortlisting various toys by listing all the pros and cons of each.


Godpa kh kept teasing Jase. Each time Jase was indecisive, kh would say, "Jase, let me show you what's the world's best toy." Afterwhich, kh would fish out a toy that was totally out of a 7-year-old kid's radar. Kh even rolled out a hula hoop telling Jase that's the world's best toy. To which Jase slapped his forehead, flashed his cheeky smile and exclaimed, "That's the world's worst toy ever!"


After a series of teasing, kh decided to show Jase what he felt was his world's best toy -- Gundam models!


Of course, Jase didn't appreciate Gundam but that didn't stop kh from buying a box (or was it two) for himself.

Bearing Cyn mommy's words in mind, Jase asked for the prices of all the toys he had shortlisted before pushing the more expensive toys in his list out. He finally chose a spy toy which comprised of a metal detector set that would really beep. He spent the next few days annoying the hell out of his grandparents with the beeping device and we almost regretted buying that for him. lol

Look who's so happy!


While Jase fell asleep and could only play with his toy the next morning, my big boy kh immediately set about fixing his Gundam that very night.


The final result!


"Leave a comment or I'll shoot!"



  1. Oh, I don't think I remember you mentioning you had a godson. He's really cute :D

  2. kh looks happy! haha! boys and their toys, it's a guy thing isn't it? haha!

  3. Joey,
    Yes, Jase is very cute and cheeky. You do know I have a god daughter right? Yup, I always mention them together as they are siblings. =D


    sugar sugar,
    Boys would have their toys and big boys would have their big boys toys. They could never quite be apart from their toys. lol

  4. Jo, don't shoot! don't shoot! hahaha I love this post! So BOTH BOYS left with their favorite TOYS. HAHAHAHA Too funny Jo! You have a way with words girl. I appreciate your comments on my blog. Time is a big factor with me too. There just aren't enough hours in the day. You still have a LIFE and you want to LIVE it. So many people expect a comment. So all I can do is just the best I can. HAHAHA Thank you for your insight girl. I really appreciate it. You're a doll! ((HUG))

  5. Hahaha..I love playing with the toys at the store!! These are great. My daughter and husband always play with toys like these, lots of fun :)) Hope you are doing well doll and have a great week :) xx

  6. A trip to the toy store??? SO Much fun and glad both boys got to pick out something :)

  7. Very cute! It's been a long time since I visited the toy store. I used to like to play with the toys that made shooting noises--spaceships, lazer pistols, etc. But then my wife would buy them for me as b-day presents. I explained I only like playing with them in stores, I don't want to own them. She kept buying them, so I stopped going to toy stores.

  8. looks like your hubby is also really happy with all the toys, maybe more then the lil guy hehe

    thanks for the sweet comment on Kaylee :)

  9. my older brother used to love Gundam when we were young. and my younger brother doesn't have a single idea who or what Gundam is! haha! i just remembered =)

  10. both Jase and your husband looked so happy!

    My brother is a huge gundam fan and the gundam is still broadcasted on TV here (the old versions).

  11. Kim,
    You're a doll yourself too! *hugz* You are always radiating with love and optimism.


    The Dainty Dolls House,
    I used to love playing toys at the toy department too! Never could own so many toys and that's the best way to go.


    Bravoe Runway,
    They definitely did! =D


    Are you serious? Your wife really bought these noise-making toys for you as birthday presents? She does have a great sense of humour. I bet she's also very shrewd coz her initial plan must have been to stop you from going to the toy store. That worked!


    I secretly suspects so too. Haha!


    Actually I do not know about Gundam cartoons too. I only knew about Gundam when I knew my hubby and then I thought they were just models.


    Nic Nic,
    I do not know much about the gundam but thanx to you, I now know there are both old and new versions.


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