Monday, January 16, 2012

Project: fleurfaerie

"Once upon a silver moonbeam, a dreamy damsel drew at her desk: faeries, faeries and more faeries. There, she had lofty dreams about faeries. Since she loved all things beautiful, she dreamt of imbuing the people around her with beautiful things as well. Adorning individuals with beautiful clothes and accessories to complement a beautiful heart was what she envisioned. Searching for other like-minded individuals to embark on this journey with her, the concept of Fleurfaerie was thus born.

Many people don’t believe in faeries. See with your heart; they’re always there: dancing in the meadows, flitting about the flowers and hiding in the woods. If we open our minds, we might find tranquil pleasures softly caressing us. We exist with the angels that visit us on every sunbeam, and sit with the fairies who wait on every flower."


Dear beautiful friends and readers,

After some faerie frenzy, my faerie frenz and I would be doing a soft launch for our website:

Take a sneak peak at some of the items available at fleurfaerie!

We are currently featuring accessories but do look out for more beautiful stuff from us in time to come!

If you have a beautiful heart, would you be so kind as to like our facebook page at:

Who knows, there may be some beautiful things coming along your way!

Love all of you,


  1. Hey Jo! I think this is wonderful. I love that gold flower ring. Everything is so beautiful. :)

  2. ohhh gorgeous!! especially that bracelet!!!

    omgosh we might have ran across each other and didn't even know it.. i was there in december too... i'm going back to paris in a few months i'm so excited i can't wait.. i think paris is by far my most favorite city in the world!!!

  3. These are beautiful, love delicate beauties like these!! Wonderful!! Hope your day is going fantastically!! xx

  4. Very nicely said. Also will visit website and check rest out. Love the stuff featured.

  5. Jo: So here is one of the projects that explains why you ate a mother of all the busy bees :D Everything is so lovely and feminine, you will do well and I wish you many success to follow. I love your concept and how you relate to faeries.

    Hope you have an awesome time on BKK whenever you go and eat yummy food for me, I wish I could go there now!!

  6. GASP -- Everything is super pretty. I love how feminine these pieces are.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  7. Oh that's a nice intro story for a shop! I first thought oh, that's cute story but I understand that the beautiful things that are mentioned in the story are the accesories!

    Very nice ^___^

  8. The pieces are really elegant and pretty! The theme and story sounds great, really creative!!

  9. Congrats!!! I totally DID NOT know you were planning to launch a store!! the website looks wonderful =))) and you know I mean it when I say it right? =DD I really like the vintage owl ring but I'm so cheap when it comes to accessories >_<

  10. jo jo, congrats on ur new venture. im so happy for you. its such an uplifting feeling to see someone go for the stars. how long have you been preparing for?

    I love the clever intro you wrote. I think its so whimsical and magical. Im a believer in fairies =)

  11. Congrats on your website launch! I took a look at the accessories on the site and everything is so cute! I'm sure you guys will have no trouble making sales :)

    I can't wait to see what kinds of clothing you will feature in the store! I hope that you will have much success with the store!

  12. Believing is the only way to live, life is too dull without it. You have a beautiful heart, so I'll be glad to like the page.

    Have you ever heard the old song "Jolene"? You would never be like her. =)

  13. Kim,
    Thank you dear! You're always so sweet. It explains your blog's new url.


    What a coincidence if that should happen right? I love both London and Paris. No matter how dreary London is, I still love it. Hate the setting sun at 2.50pm though and for that, I prefer Paris. Lucky you to be going back Paris.


    The Dainty Dollhouse,
    Thank you dear! Feel free to browse around.


    Thank you dear! Feel free to browse around.


    Thank you dear! I always loved to see newcomers here.


    Eat yummy food FOR you? Lol... you're so cute! And thanx a lot for all your well wishes for fleurfaerie. It really means a lot! =)


    Shop N' Chomp,
    Thank you dear! =D


    Thank you dear! =D


    Ice Pandora,
    Ah, I really love it when readers take the time to read my words. Thank you!


    Nic Nic,
    I love it when my creative juices run and thanx for seeing and appreciating it!


    Uh huh, now you know. Yes! I know you mean it! Though you claim you're cheap, it means a lot when you take the time to browse the site. =) Are you back to the blogger scene for good already? Coz I miss you so.


    OMG! I haven't seen you around on my blog since we got acquainted on FB. I really missed your comments here. The technical aspects of the website really killed us since we are no web developer but I'm glad to have learnt much along the way. Whimsical, magical and believer in fairies... that's why we click!


    Always love hearing from you. Thank you for the sweet words and taking the time to browse the site. I'll let my readers know when the clothes collection is ready for the site.


    Oh rick! Did you really like the FB page?! I can't imagine Ricademus on FB. Thank you thank you for liking the page based on my heart. lol.

    Yes! I know of that song and I hate it. Hate the tune, the grating voice of the singer, the lyrics. It's an awful Jolene song. lol

  14. lol I guess I'm always on and off about blogging XD haven't really felt like blogging; just started second semester and I can feel the workload and level of difficulty have increased exponentially *dies* I rather read than write nowadays XD

  15. Haha... I rather read if I had the time too. I'm far behind in many people's blogs!

  16. Wow congratz on opening the online store, Jo! Its such an accomplishment!!

  17. Winnie,
    Ahhhh! Where have you been? You've been missed as usual! Thank you!

  18. Hey there! I'm going to sponsor a post on Always Maylee and can have a giveaway to promote I thought of you and Fleurfaerie. I think most of Always Maylee's readers are in the US. Anyway, would you be interested in providing an item for them to compete for to promote the site?

    1. You really tickle me, Rick. You don't sound like yourself at all up there and yes, you've got mail!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)