Friday, November 11, 2011

Out of town again

I've been meaning to write about the Halloween's private house party within the past few days when Halloween is still considered fresh but time really wasn't at my side.

Further hindering my progress of churning out this post was the fact that some of the photos either took a long time or were not able to be uploaded onto Photobucket and I don't quite understand why.

I'm currently squeezing lots of last minute tasks to accomplish within these 2 days before I fly off to Phuket this Saturday with my oldest friend --one of my bestest bff ever-- for her birthday celebration. It was a rather impromptu decision and I only booked the tickets yesterday. We haven't even booked accommodation yet but thank God for

Some of you loyal readers who have been following me would know that Thailand (Bangkok) was intially on the agenda. After postponing the trip which was supposed to take place last week and monitoring the flood situation, my bff and I decided to switch destination and put Bangkok on hold for now.

One of the tasks on my agenda would be to churn out some scheduled posts but as usual, I'm always too ambitious in putting too many tasks on my list.

Well in any case, this could be my last post till I come back or continue watching this space in case I managed to do some scheduled posts.

I will miss all of you lovely friends and readers.


  1. You must be the busiest lady I have seen next to Peh Sun. You sure are constantly on the go, Jo. I hope you have the time of your life in Phuket with your friend. Perhaps this trip can get your mind off of heavy and sad topics a bit. Enjoy life on a sunny and sandy beach of Thailand. I am looking forward to your bikini pics..haha. If you go yo BKK next year, we may go at the same time..who knows :)

    Thank you for your kind words about my family too.

  2. wow, you seem very busy! well i hope you will have fun..!

    CMPang x

  3. Oh NO.............DONT GO................ Barney misses you hell loads :'(

    No, no, no... Do go and enjoy yourself. have a good time and be kind to yourself and not just others. You deserve a break. Just remember to come back and talk to the fatty purple dinosaur as soon as you get back home.

  4. forgot to say, wherever you and Nelah are going next year (where the heck is BKK btw??), can pesty come along.....??

  5. Jo, have a lovely time and great trip with your BFF! Don't worry about us, we will be here when you get back. JUST HAVE A FUN TIME! Tell us all about it when you get back. ((HUG))

  6. have a great time and take care!

  7. I'm glad you changed the destination. Have a great time with the BFF.

  8. Nelah,
    "Perhaps this trip can get your mind off of heavy and sad topics a bit."
    Yes! My bff and I are so totally enjoying the randomness of each day and it totally took our minds off any problems at home.

    Haha... not many bikini pics yet! Our BKK can only hold for 3 months. The flood situation is so bad. Let's keep each other updated.


    I love seeing newcomers here. I'll check out your blog in time to come. =)


    Peh Sun,
    I lol at your comments Barney/ Pest-y! You've been crazily hilarious of late. I hope it's not a side effect of your job. BKK is short form for Bangkok. Nelah would be going next year. I was supposed to go BKK instead of Phuket but the flood situation was and still is quite bad.

    We would LOVE for Pesty to come along!


    You're always so lovely. Even though we're newly acquainted, I can't help liking you! Thank you for your sweet comments always.


    Nic Nic,
    Thank you!


    Thank you! We're having a blast. =D


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