Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hello from Indochine Phuket

Just a short note here.

I'm so glad that there's free wifi in our hotel!

Well, two very garang gals had been letting our hair down and exploring the place on our own. Sometimes, travelling is all about the side trips.

After receiving some of your feedback, I'm aware that all my photos are not showing here. I dunno what's the problem with Photobucket. Argh... Island hopping is on the agenda tomorrow. We've got to be up by 6.00am and I'll try to figure out what's wrong with Photobucket when I've got the time. I feel so bummed that the photos are all not showing but it's ok, we're on VACAY!

I'll miss all of you!


Updated -- Message from Photobucket

Bandwidth is used when digital content is viewed from a link you posted on another website or sent in an email (e.g., MySpace, eBay, message boards, etc.). Bandwidth is a measure of the number of bytes passed over time via direct linking. It is calculated by adding up the size of each of your images or videos as they are sent from Photobucket. The “Monthly Bandwidth" number is the amount of bandwidth you have used within the last month. The month is determined by the day of the month you registered your account.

You have various images of 25K each in size that are viewed by 100 users on your favorite message board in one day. You also have one video of 15000K that is viewed by 10 users in one day. 25K * 100 requests = 2500K (or 2.5 MB). 15000K * 10 requests = 150000K (or 1500 MB). When you add the two together, you have used 152.5 MB of bandwidth in one day.

Important! Do not confuse bandwidth with your album size.

So everyone, please help me not to exceed bandwidth by avoiding clicking onto my photo links but to view them straight off my blog instead.

Since Photobucket says that bandwidth resets each month on the anniversary of the day a member originally registered, my bandwidth usage will be reset on the 19th. Hopefully by then, pictures would be displayed again. I would really cry if that doesn't happen as photos from 2007 till now would be affected.


  1. Don't feel bummed. "I" got to see the photos before the problem popped up, so it's fine. ;P

    No worries while on vacation--except figuring out what to do next: shop, relax, tour, or eat.

    Have fun!

  2. I hope you are enjoying your trip Jo! After the recent turn of events, I think it is a good idea for you to get away and relax. I hope you return from your trip refreshed and revitalized :)

  3. Hi Jo! Hope you had an awesome time island hopping. Have fun on your holiday :D


    A Single Girl's Musings

  4. jo!!! :) try picasa? and try resizing your pictures.

  5. Rick,
    Yes! So glad you manage to see the photos before the bandwidth got exceeded!

    Since Photobucket says that bandwidth resets each month on the anniversary of the day a member originally registered, my bandwidth usage will be reset on the 19th. Hopefully by then, pictures would be displayed again. I would really cry if that doesn't happen as photos from 2007 till now would be affected.

    I just updated this post with the above paragraph.


    Thank you dear. It's 3+am here. My bff has been snoozing for the past 2 hours and here I am still wifi-ing away. I guess this city girl can't live without internet access!


    Thank you dear. It was such a tiring day today. I'm all tired and burnt but we did some massage just now to balance up everything.


    sugar sugar,
    I used Picasa a long time ago and didn't quite like it. Thank you for suggesting though. It's really nice of you. I hope by the 19th, my bandwidth would reset and the photos would be displayed.

  6. Enjoy your trip! And if the photobucket thing is too much of a hassle, I hear flickr is good!

    I don't know if I've told this to anyone yet, but I failed my first driving exam too! Aced the second one though. It was really embarrassing.

  7. aki,
    Thanx for the suggestion. My photobucket is showing once more. Yay!


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