Saturday, September 03, 2011

Site of the Week -- Jim's Pancakes

Have you heard of this creative father who enjoys making pancakes for his beloved daughter?

Some of you may wonder: What's so great about making pancakes for my daughter? I could make pancakes too.

Well, Jim does his pancakes differently. He's one cool daddy who makes pancakes in all shapes and designs. 2D, 3D and standing upright, you have them all.

I am in awe with this 3D ferris wheel.

Besides drooling at his masterpieces, you could also drool at his gorgeous little girl.

There are really so many different creations that I can't possibly display them all here so click on the link ( for more drool-worthy pictures.

Now I feel like eating pancakes.


  1. Wow they look amazing! :} I especially like the ferris wheel one. That girl is so sweet ^^

    I wonder how he makes them, they look pretty complex to make. :P

  2. Oh my, that little girl is such a doll and her daddy is beyond sweet to create something like that.

  3. Very cute pancakes--and th egirl is just adorable!!!

    I would try to make them, but I know I would eat all the failures and it would get to be too much.

  4. She is one lucky little girl! I would love to have pancakes like that for breakfast everyday :D He is so creative though - how does he even do it?? I bet he must put a lot of time and effort into each of his creations :)

  5. hey JO,

    how are you? sorry it took me this long i saw your comment but i didn't get the chance to log in till recent and i see your on my BLOGGER friends, so don't worry i think i sent you a mail regarding this... and whenever i click your icon it only shows the links you follow and not yours ...

    oh well now i am here and i read your heart felt post on I heart my followers and isn't it amazing finding new friends and having the chance to read different view from people all over the world... and about your god daughter is such a touching feel... i have to CONGRATS on your 100th followers...

    i can identify with many of the things you talk about here... cause i have this one to one relationship with my blogger friends who support me in so many ways i never expected them too...

    but your truly blessed and your words are so open and so real that i cam't help but say you are one of the very real people i know living here in SINGAPORE!!! you know what i mean, you get the idea right?!!!

    ps: i think google is a little GAY!!!!

    Label me ADDICT ♥

  6. oooppsss... i forgot to mention how amazing this FATHER is... not every girl is lucky as she is!!

    and i have to say i that i can't say i am not guilty of the blog trend cause many follow and i follow them back!!! but many time when i go to view their blogs and while leaving a comment some how friendship just blooms and it happens just so randomly!!! i guess it totally up to the 2 bloggers how they click or how they decide to keep in touch...

    anyways you are one STRONG woman!!!

  7. What awesome pancakes...yumyum...

    But I was giggling at LabelmeAddict's above comments. She is so cute. Lol

  8. Thanx all for your comments. I would get back to all of you on your blog soon. Hopefully the busy dust would settle by then.


    Label me Addict,

    Aww... so sweet... I was grinning from ear to ear when I read your comment. Thank you for your heartfelt words! Yes, I know what you're talking about. Lol at Google is a little gay but didn't quite know what you mean.

  9. MACY,

    Hi thanx. Ooh... new comer? Welcome to my blog!

  10. Copied & pasted from the post on top

    Winnie* said...
    Thats the cutest thing ever... the little girl is adorable too!

    Monday, September 12, 2011 3:28:00 AM

    Jo said...
    lol... Winnie dear I guess this comment was mant for the post below? And yes, I love the precious little girl too.

    Monday, September 12, 2011 12:40:00 PM


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