Friday, September 23, 2011

Site of the Week -- Failbook

I really hate the whole new Facebook "facelift". Absolutely whining and bitching about it. But hey. I'm still using Facebook every day.

For today's site of the week (SOTW), I would introduce to you not Facebook but Failbook.

This site features some of the most hilarious status updates, replies, photo comments etc on Facebook.

There are so many things that got me laughing at my laptop screen and one such example posted yesterday was by someone called Rick.

"I have all my FB email settings turned off to avoid getting mail from them. This morning I received TWO emails from FB telling me that they'll be sending me less mail."

What made it funnier was that I instantly thought of my dear friend Rick aka RicAdeMus. That sounds just like something he would post. lol


  1. Failbook is hilarious! People really do seem to say the weirdest and stupidest things on Facebook. I wouldn't know since I'm not on it XD

  2. Thanks for sharing the site Jo! I agree with what you wrote about facebook. i often use it on my phone now since the phone's status updates was the same as before. i guess facebook just keeps wanting to offer new stuff to their users so they won't be forgotten like other networking sites. :/

  3. I know what you mean. All my private settings are lost and it seems to look more and more like twitter and google + ..

  4. Haha I love failbook and all their spin off sites. I could spend all day just laughing at the things people on there :P

  5. Hehehe I find the new FB totally confusing, too! I have to be honest and say this is the only time I'm really genuinely confused about the changes. I usually just sit back and chuckle at how angry people are about the new facelifts because it's just Facebook and we'll all adapt to it in a day or 2.
    Not this time, though...wooopsss...gotta eat my own words now.

  6. Btw, try Lamebook, too. Too frigging funnyyyyyy!!

    Jo, I tried to look for your email here, but don't think you put it up. I've read your reply re the Euro trip and thought we could communicate via emails, if that's okay? Gets a bit confusing commenting back and forth ;)
    Drop me a quick line at everydayoutfits11 [@] gmail [dot] com

    I'll send you my itenerary :)

  7. Thanks for the link!!! I'll visit it each time I need a good laugh :P
    What I like about the latest FB updates is the drop-down commenting box, I can reply to recent stuff while, for example, reading something else.=)

  8. Bibi,

    You're not on Facebook? You are one of the rare species. Oops... I don't mean it in an offensive way. =)


    sugar sugar,

    I still don't like the new FB. I can't wait to get a smartphone so I could be connected at all times but I saw FB interface on smartphones and I feel that I might not know how to use it.


    Maria May,

    Welcome here. Thanks for leaving me a comment. I'm always thrilled when I see new faces here.



    Haha... Remember not to get addicted to the site!



    I realise that when I use Firefox, the interface is the old version. IE has got all this permanent pop up by the side which I dislike totally.

    I'll check out Lamebook soon. Sounds really lame.

    Ah yes, I didn't put my email up here. I'll drop you a mail soon!



    You changed your profile name! I'm still not used to the drop down. It's quite untidy on my screen.

  9. There's another Rick I have to compete with??? You're a sweetheart Jo.

    PS - I loved your last comment. It's nice to know there's someone who would have my back. =)

  10. Yup, a post with an ending dedicated to you!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)